Author Topic: Oh. Dear. Lord.  (Read 16628 times)

Offline Kahuna

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Re: Oh. Dear. Lord.
« Reply #45 on: October 23, 2012, 12:14:01 am »
Alright, savescummed to 1:48:53.
In this case I wouldn't call that savescumming. Save scumming is loading if distribution node TOOK your resources.
Loading and trying to fix the problems is a good way to learn. You could have done the same by first possibly losing and starting a new game but that would just take unnecessarily long. If you have gotten this far you will get this far again. Just a matter of time.

If you find a way to fix the problems that made you to lose then it's not savescumming. If you load until you get lucky it is.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 02:07:39 pm by Kahuna »
set /A diff=10
if %diff%==max (
   set /A me=:)
) else (
   set /A me=SadPanda
echo Check out my AI War strategy guide and find your inner Super Cat!
echo 2592 hours of AI War and counting!
echo Kahuna matata!

Offline relmz32

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Re: Oh. Dear. Lord.
« Reply #46 on: October 23, 2012, 01:11:49 pm »
Sorry for your pain, but it is good to read your AARs again!
A programmer had a problem. She thought to herself, "I know, I'll solve it with threads!". has Now problems. two she.

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: Oh. Dear. Lord.
« Reply #47 on: October 23, 2012, 10:48:48 pm »
Fun seeing the corvettes get a workout, sounds like they're pretty tough little buggers :)

And always good seeing the SF sticking it to the man.  They've got over a year of near-irrelevance-angst to work out.

Stopping here for now.  I've got plans to meet a friend for dinner and formatting like this takes FOREVER.  Catch y'all later.
What's making the formatting time-intensive?  One you've figured out your conventions (so they can be pattern-recognized) for stuff you want formatted, a decent text editor, a little regex experimentation, and a macro is all you need to make it a 5-second deal to format a whole post.

I mean, I wouldn't normally imply regex is easy, but I've been in the DB/IT trenches too: by now you could regex your way through a 2' steel wall.  Quietly.
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Offline Wanderer

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Re: Oh. Dear. Lord.
« Reply #48 on: October 24, 2012, 04:06:27 pm »
-- A bit of cleanup --

Alright, with the universe now a little 'saner' for me, it's time to do some cleanup.  In particular, I'm going to have some issues with the Special Forces.  So, we're going to need some additional firepower here.  Also, Matrix is still rebuilding off that last assault so my econ is plunging like a stripper's neckline.

I'm bringing Enclaves online to be able to build Fighters while we're in combat, and now we give the world a bit of a twiddle while I push scouts out a bit.

I've gotten eyes on Nero, which is a MK IV 4/0 planet with a Barracks without much else of note (3 Ions).  There's 520 Barrack Ships in Solaris VII, andother 102 down on Earth.  Lyran (1/4) is another MK IV and has a Sentry Eye and dual Ions.  Marlboro (3/4) is a MK III with CoP, CSG-D, single Ion I, and a couple of Counters... and another barracks.  I don't have permanent scout presense on any of these planets so it's tough to guage what's where.

2:19:40 The Fleet's ready to go and attack moves to Arrakkis, just to clean up the built up 200+ coldstorage there.

2:23:00 Arrakkis is cleaned back off, with two FF/Guardposts removed for good measure.  The Enclaves + Fighter rebuilds works VERY well.  Well enough that I may upgrade Basics to IIs immediately for additional drone support.  I need to look over my options first.  The fleet is heading for home, having to deal with only a single reinforcement pulse here.  Zombard chasing is of course highly annoying as always, however.

2:24:00 I can feel the time pressure to the CPA.  I need to deal with these barracks, and quickly.

Earth is the less defended of the two Barracks planets, and has a CSG on it.  I'm heading the fleet to Earth to start baiting the SF in to die horribly... I hope.

2:27:30 After having to retreat back to Nero's Fiddle due to heavy guardian assaults, the SF came through with 400+ ships of mixxed mark and shot me back to the stone age. I don't have the simple critical mass needed to deal with the huge SF fleet that's swarming around out here.  Currently my Corvettes are on the run and they're ... not going to make it.  Full refleet.  I need to come up with some alternatives.  There's over 578 ships in the SF Fleet right now.

The Raids, however, snuck into Solaris VII and popped the Ion cannon, so that'll help later.  Poker gets hit with about 44 ships from Earth that we awoke into threat.  What's rebuilt of the fleet heads over to try to help out with the MK III assault.  The mini-forts fell down practically on contact with the enemy.

Human Rebels (12/7) show up to assist in the defense of Poker.  A timely visit, if not overly superior in numbers.

2:31:00 AIP 96 from Autoprogress.  I really need to go get those Data Centers.  The Raids are issued orders... suicide time boys.

2:31:34 Wave announced: 1,455 + 2 (II) ships to Matrix in 1:40.  Will land at 2:33:10.

2:31:50 Raid SS team loses a SS on entry to Argyle due to artillery guardians.  They easily pop the DC under glass and head out for HotStar.  AIP 86.

2:32:20 Raids die to fortress covering entry wormhole in HotStar while I'm busy looking at the homeworld for a second. 

Poker is getting drifter traffic from Argyle's raid attack.  That'll help for later at least. 

The wave has hit Matrix for about 45 seconds, and I check in on it.  There's a carrier here with 455 ships and a mass of cutlasses still live (326 of them).  They've gotten out of the Lightning pocket already and are currently chewing through all the mid-range turrettry.  It barely held due to leech reclamations and the fleet showed up to get final pop on a pair of Siege SSs.

2:38:20  The econ's in famine again, but the majority of the main fleet is rebuilt.  It's time to go be annoying somewhere.  I'm going to go wake Solaris.

2:41:12  The SF have finally responded to the invasion of Solaris VII.  I've not been able to 'wake' Solaris VII but it's time to withdraw to Poker again.  Hopefully we'll whittle some more SF down on the way out and not get wiped.

2:41:53 Wave announce: 662 +3 to Matrix in 1:40.  Matrix is still rebuilding, but is nearly complete.  They probably won't have the entry FFs back up in time though to cover the short range turrets, we'll see.  The entire fleet just got popped, and only 3 corvettes survived to make it home.

The reason the wave was so 'small' was because of the # of Zombards and Siege Ships that came in as well, but it held well enough.  Just need econ...  SF seems to be 'posting up' somewhere south of Sox.  That may well end up being my answer to the SF if I can just get through the mess.

2:47:30 The Raids hit Earth, and pop the Barracks there, releasing 100+ MK III ships from the barracks.  They continue on to try to hit HotStar again.  I lose one of the Raids to the now free threat.

2:47:58 The Raids hit the Data Center on Hotstar, bringing AIP to 76.  They also try to pop the Ion I that's right next to it before attempting to escape for home.  There's only one left now... and the Zombards pop 'I'm.

The Barracks threat has gone for Poker.  What's rebuilt of the fleet heads over to help out.

2:52:00 The econ is in pure famine.  I've got maybe half the fleet (with 4 Corvettes built, luckily) trying to rebuild.  A second wave of barracks troops commits to attacking Poker, but it's light this time, so I let the turretry deal with it.  Reclamators are just so much tank though, gyeah.  It's like beating on a brick wall with those.  I may have to actually open Fighter II.

2:56:00 I take the fleet out to scour Neverending Story and remove the cold storage there.

2:58:40 With the fleet rebuilt, I head out to clean off the threat building in Nero's Fiddle and to make another run at Solaris VII.  Clock is ticking.

3:01:00 AIP 77 from AutoProgress.

SF enters Solaris VII from the entry for No Way Out. That is probably their staging area.  Will make for an ugly thing though, I'm slow-floating with the Frigates all the way across Solaris VII trying to get to the Barracks.

3:02:00 Wave Announce: 1,012 + 3 Ships to Matrix in 1:40.

3:02:11 520 ships deployed from Barracks on Solaris VII.  They're all MK III.  The entire fleet bolts at max speed for Poker, with the SF and the Barracks pop all over them, over 1000 ships strong. 13 Fighters actually make it to Nero's Fiddle.  Nothing makes it home.

3:03:50 355 ships are currently attacking Poker.  What's rebuilt of the fleet is sent to Poker to attempt to help deal with the issue, and the dock on Strana is FRD'ing replacements to Poker as quickly as possible.

The wave just hit Matrix.  Carrier with 12 units in it and a generic spread of ships: 260 Cutlass, 150 Fighter, 250 Frigate, 180 Vulture, 100 Bombers, a handful of Starships.  It'll HAVE to hold.

3:04:20 The full threat has arrived on Poker.  446 enemy ships remain.  All reclaimed ships on Matrix are issued orders to FRD their way to Poker.

3:05:25 Poker command falls.  379 ships remain.  They start pouring towards the wormhole to Strana.  It's going to be a last-ditch brawl.

3:07:51 Command Station Falls.

Note to self: Releasing 500+ MK III Barracks ships without a plan is a deadly event, especially if you let the SF ALSO chew up your fleet on escape.

I'm going to have to revert back to the 2:15 save.  I didn't save before I barracks popped and the Autosave has about a 1 minute death of the homeworld timer on it.

... and then we'll have cake.

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: Oh. Dear. Lord.
« Reply #49 on: October 24, 2012, 04:27:20 pm »
You and those special forces just ain't getting along.

Not sure what to suggest other than to try some experimental roach motel designs.  The SF logic shouldn't be too hard to "gap in the wall" because it's pretty traditional AI (as opposed to emergent AI).  Even if you do that it still wins because of all the time/resources you spent doing that, but at least you'd have it off your back for a while.  It's a bit on the cautious side in terms of what it will path to, though.

It can be cheesed, I'm sure, you just have to find the right variety ;)
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Offline Toranth

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Re: Oh. Dear. Lord.
« Reply #50 on: October 24, 2012, 07:27:35 pm »
You and those special forces just ain't getting along.

Not sure what to suggest other than to try some experimental roach motel designs.  The SF logic shouldn't be too hard to "gap in the wall" because it's pretty traditional AI (as opposed to emergent AI).  Even if you do that it still wins because of all the time/resources you spent doing that, but at least you'd have it off your back for a while.  It's a bit on the cautious side in terms of what it will path to, though.

It can be cheesed, I'm sure, you just have to find the right variety ;)
One potential cheese I've noticed is that when the SF units are redeploying between systems, they don't stop to fight in non-SF defendable systems (No CSG, etc).  I tried setting up a group of longer-ranged ships (5000-ish range in that game, to outrange bombers and fighters) off to the side of the path the SF ships were taking.  It worked, I guess.  I killed a portion of everything that streamed by, and while longer ranged things did shoot back, nothing stopped to fight.

Might work with Turrets, too, if you could manage to get the stellar cartography to work out right.

Offline Wanderer

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Re: Oh. Dear. Lord.
« Reply #51 on: October 26, 2012, 11:49:08 pm »
Round four.  Five?  Six?  Meh.

For reference:

Round N + 1.

2:16:28 Fleet consists of 4 Corvettes, near cap of triangles, 2 Flagships.  3 Raids also available for work.  Econ needs to rebuild Matrix.  6,000 K available.

The fleet heads for Arrakkis again to do cleanup.  Raids are going to hang out and wait for a transport this time.  3x Transports start building on Strana.

2:18:45 Transports with raids head out to Argyle for first Data Center.  They're gonig to swing past the MK IV just to piss it off.  Fleet continues to annoy a pair of FF posts on Arrakkis.  The Transports die horribly on Argyle, but do make for nice bait to let the Raids live.  They head for HotStar.

AIP: 75

2:20:42 The random assaults of transports and Raids pissed off some MK III stuff that went for Poker.  The fleet redirects to help out, having just finished off the last guardpost in Arrakkis... There's a conga line coming through Nero's Fiddle to Poker... good plan I guess.

2:23:00 The main fleet has returned to Strana for R&R, having defended Poker after it lost both Mini-forts and most of its turretry.  Main Fleet now has full triangle and 4 Flagships.  Econ's a bit toasted though.

The fleet returned to Poker to clean up remaining threat, and a bunch of MK IV invaded Strana.  Oh CRAP!

-- Defense of Strana --

2:24:05 The fleet is making best time to run for Strana to protect the homeworld.  4 MK IV guardians, two MK IV Reprocessors, 2 Zombards, and a handful of MK IV fleet have invaded.

2:24:28  That was quick.  Strana is safe.

It's time to implement the new plan:

-- The Beach-heading of Nero's Fiddle --

2:25:25 Spider Turret Unlocked.  Research available: 3,000 K.

2:27:38 Nero's Fiddle is cleared of problematic MK III leftovers and reinforcements.  One of the two mini-forts is built, but we lost the Mobile Constructor and Engi Is I had for support.  A new mobile constructor is coming shortly from Poker.

The cheese must stink.

2:28:06 Miniforts prepared in mid-system, able to cover the Solaris VII and Earth WHs as well as reinforcements on the CC.  A smattering of gravs are being built near them, and a bank of 60 Spiders are being built at the edge of the system.  The fleet begins work on a full neutering, removing the Poker WHGP.

2:29:32 The Spider bank is complete.  With everything in-system now firing on the WHGP at 72%.

I start a rebuild on the Corvettes to swap them to HBCs + Max Railguns for Mark with the snipers now up.

2:30:33 50% on WHGP.  Twiddle.  Econ needed a break anyway.  I bring Neinzul Enclaves I production online for Fleet support.

2:31:00 AIP: 76 due to Auto-progress.

2:31:34 WHGP 23%.  1,114 + 3 Wave to Matrix in 1:40.

2:32:25 WHGP destroyed.  Fleet heads back for R&R at Strana and to wait for the Neinzul Fighter replacers.  Tempted to pickup Basic IIs for Needlers as well.

With reasonable econ room I bring Siege SS I production online on Matrix to assist the leeches and general defenses.

-- The defense of Matrix --

2:33:18 The Wave lands on Matrix.  Reasonably split fleet between bomber/cutlass/fighter/vulture/Firgate.  114 ship carrier as well.

During this fight, I realize that a huge mob of ships tends to break out of the 'runway' to the north of the line towards a pair of harvesters, ignoring the mass of gravs I've been using.  I'll have to park a few new ones along that flight path.

2:34:12 A massive Human Rebel fleet of 104 ships comes to the aid of Matrix.  I'm no longer worried but I do want to watch the combat pattern.

At the end of the fight, all SSs were lost.  Reclaimed about 8 ships, but that was because I forgot to put the rally marker up near the CC.  That'll be fixed shortly.  Econ will go to rebuild of Matrix.

-- Dealing with the beachhead --

One thing I probably should have mentioned was that beach-head is alerting a pair of MK III worlds, Earth and Solaris VII.  This can't last for long without me getting involved.  Since I want to piss off the SF anyway and try to bait them into Nero's Fiddle for this experiment, the fleet heads for Nero's Fiddle.

I also save the blinkin' game here at 2:34.

We start with Earth.  Also, another 20 spiders go up on Nero's Fiddle.

2:36:52 The SF arrive on Earth via the Argyle gate.  Needless to say it's a horde.  I'm already retreating back through to Nero's Fiddle and will pull the fleet back behind the Mini-Forts towards the spiders to get them some repairs from the local Engis as well as try to dwindle this mess down.

Unfortunately, the SF heads for Sox instead of following me back to Nero's.  Dammit.  At least I get to deal with the backwash in the beachhead.

2:38:20 Backwash is cleared, and the fleet took a pounding, losing over half the bombers and frigates.  They head back to Strana for R&R.

Econ's on the floor though.  Time to make it worse.

The fleet, nearly fully rebuilt but missing a pair of flagships, heads for Nero's.  The Raids head for Earth again.  They've got Barracks duty.

2:40:00  The Raids pop the Barracks and free 100+ MK III ships from Earth, and then they run like hell for home.  They actually escape.  The fleet hangs out in Nero's, helping out the defenses. 

2:42:00 Threat is down to 9 again, and the fleet is... well, relatively intact.  Only one problem... Medics are sniper immune.  Looks like I'll have to put a few short-range turrets in near the spider bank, but the fleet heads up to deal with that for now before heading home for R&R.  To add to my new financial woes, however, a 1k+ wave hits Matrix in 1:32.

-- Recovery --

2:43:37 The wave that hits Matrix is a homogeneous wave... of Mirrors.  Neutrons in the lightning field, this should be interesting.

... ooookay, Lightning Is suck against Mirror IIs.

Reclaimed 70 Mirrors, not bad at all.  52 threat got free though.

2:45:52 Unlock Basic Turret II, Scout II, 1,750 K available.

30 BIIs go near the spider bank on Nero, another 10 to Macross since it had no turrets and a few miniforts, another 20 to Poker since we know it's going to take the brunt, and the rest to support the Matrix wall.  Also, the Neinzul Enclaves are prepped to build Needlers as well as Fighters to support the fleet.

Econ's on the floor.  We twiddle.

Power's on the ground.  Hm.  I start a Matter Converter on Strana.

We level off at 42,500 power.  Alright, that needs a planet.

2:49:45 Econ's still in Famine.  Twiddle... try and figure out where my handful of lost bombers/frigates are and realize AGAIN that the new cap is 96, NOT 98... mumble.  The fleet heads out to Nero's Fiddle again to prepare to antagonize Solaris VII.  They can kill a WHGP while they're there.

2:50:30 Scout IIs start working west.

2:52:35 Econ is wholesome again.  Save.  I'm going to allow it to bank a bit while I take out this WHGP before annoying Solaris VII.

2:55:30 WHGP on Nero to Earth is removed.  Time to antagonize Solaris VII.  The fleet heads for the wormhole.  I'm simply going to 'buzz' the planet.  I'm hoping to pull the SF up through Nero's Fiddle here.

Then I realize I have a better way.  I send the Raids out to pop the Ion Cannon on Solaris VII.

-- Baiting the SF --

It works like a charm.  The fleet's in position to protect the mini-forts and harass the SF.

Notice the layout.  There's a small bank of gravs near the minis to give the fleet time to withdraw back twards the Poker WH, while most of the firepower will be in range of any 'breakaways' from the SF fleet.

2:56:51 The main SF fleet heads into Earth and starts traveling for Nero's.  Here we go.


2:57:30 The majority of the SF fleet besides the slowpokes (Frigate (80)/Zombard (56)) have entered Nero's Fiddle.  The Mini-forts are getting overwhelmed QUICKLY.  I'd hoped SF would simply 'float' past the assault but the majority of them are turning to engage the locals. 

The fleet has turned to intercept the mass of Medical Frigates trying to bypass the gravwell and head after the spiders.  They'll chase them up to that region and let the spiders work.

2:58:02 The Med Frigates have been thoroughly abused, and the zombards have entered the fray.  Fleets at about 2/3s strength and turn around to engage a mass of Virus heading for the spiders before heading back south for Zombard hunting.

2:59:12 FRD vs. Zombard complete.  Fleet at 1/2 strength now.  3 of 4 flagships lost.  Fleet retreats to the mini-forts to see if it can sneak in some repairs.

3:00:00 Death of the SF.

The Special Forces are now cold-clocked, at least for a little bit.  I can finally get some damned work done.  Cost: 1/2 Bomber, 1/2 Frigate, 1 Neinzul, 4 Flagships, and a crapton of replaced fighters.  Luckily I've got some econ banked up.

3:00:40 Wave: 973 to Matrix in 1:40.

The fleet is heading to Strana for R&R.  Apparently too early.  15 Reprocessors, those DAMNED TANKS of the SF, have reached the spider-bank and are causing havoc.  I'll have to remember to drop a few Tach's in Nero's Fiddle.

3:01:00 AIP: 77 from Autoprogress.

3:01:06 Now there's 38 of them.  Fleet turns around.  Gyeah.

Reinforcements from Strana have rejoined the main fleet, but I need to rebuild the spider bank.  The fleet starts working on Solaris' WHGP.

3:04:40 WHGP at 59%, but the spiders are up.   Time to take it to the man.

-- Assaulting Solaris VII --

The assault on Solaris VII goes relatively well at the beginning, not having enough FP to actually wake the planet.  Meanwhile, the SF tries to get at us through Nero's Fiddle, and being weak still pay for their mistake.

3:06:09 Solaris WAKES.  The fleet runs for Nero's Fiddle to take 'em on in the beachhead.

3:07:32 1,600 CPA announced for 10:22 from now.  It's going to happen.  Ho boy.

Grab a save so I can try to react down the line.

3:09:42 With Nero's Fiddle protected again, and the fleet getting reinforcements shipped out from Strana, they re-engage the now nearly empty Solaris VII.  Hopefully we can break this (everything EXCEPT the Barracks) without significant losses and then return later.

A good chunk of SF comes in from the NE during the Nero's assault.  It's picked off by Fighters on FRD who were sent out hunting the Zombards.

3:13:39 4:15 till CPA.  Wave has hit and is dying on Matrix.  The fleet has cleared all but the Counterstrike, 2 SFs, CC/Wave, and WHGPs off of Solaris VII.  That's enough for now.  Barracks with 520 ships still stands.  The fleet retreats to Nero's Fiddle.

3:16:07 The fleet cleans off the final WHGP while waiting for the CPA... which lands in 1:47.

Econ: 650k/999k.  We've got enough to rebuild the clowns if we have to.  I turn off the docks back at Strana and let the local Neinzuls Rebuild any MK I Bomber/Frigates as well.  This will get ugly, I'm sure.

There's 339 threat just 'hanging around' out there, too.  I can't see it, wherever it is.

-- Defending the CPA --

3:17:55 CPA released.

225 MK I
531 MK II
800 MK I strategic Reserve.

Wait, MK I?  Oh god, I might live!

Most of the threat is invisible to me at the moment.

3:18:54  Earth has 304 threat and growing.  Wonder Woman (whipping boy feeder) has 200 or so.  Looks like they're trying the back door again.

The first thing the Siege engines hit are the neinzuls.  No rebuilds of forces on Nero's Fiddle... or wait.

I build a space dock up by the spiders.

3:19:43 A massive wave of zombard (50+), Z-Elecs(150), and Siege (115) has landed on Nero's and is growing.  Time to see how well the beach-head can blunt the force of this assault.  I pull the corvettes back near the mini-forts.  I don't want to lose their heavy handed attacks yet.

3:20:23 There are NO other incursions into my space.  This entire CPA is trying to come in the back door. 

3:21:30 The Space dock at the spiders is saving my arse.  Lost all the engis though and they just popped the Mobile Builder hiding in the back.   A new one is being prepped on Poker to take over, but it's unlikely it'll live long, so streaming reinforcements are begun on Strana as well to head to support Nero's Fiddle.

Also, Wonder Woman finally decided to assault the whipping boy.  Reinforcements from Skye are making a mess coming in from a side angle.

3:22:09 Corvette lost to massive concentrated ZElec and siege fire.

3:22:45 All Corvettes lost.  Reinforcements from Strana arriving.  Friendly Human Resistance (37 ships) spawns on Nero's Fiddle to help out.

3:24:29 The War for Nero's Fiddle's Beachhead completes.  304 threat remaining in the galaxy.  90 on Neverending story (Borderworld to Strana), 130 on Wonder Woman, and 60 on Arrakkis.  I'll take the fleet out on cleanup shortly.

-- Recovery from the CPA --

Space Dock on Nero dropped.  Space dock on Strana building local again.  Fleet being re-issued to Strana.

3:26:30 Triangle mostly rebuilt and 2 Corvettes back in operation.  Waiting on the MK IIs.  Nero's Fiddle continues to smack around drifter traffic.

3:28:00 Bored, I take the Raids out to go lay waste to the Ions in Wonder Woman so I can eventually punch a tachyon drill through the middle north cluster... but I'm going to need transports to get off the gate, so I build off 3.

3:29:15 Wave: 1,142 + 3 to Matrix in 1:20

3:32:00 Save Game.  A chunk of that wave escaped and is currently trying to make its way around the southern entry via Sox.  The fleet's rebuilt and is ready to rumble, and we'll start with a local cleanup of the mess.  The Raids were successful in removing the dual Ion Is from Wonder Woman so we'll pick off the two borderworlds (Arrakkis and Neverending Story) then go clock that.  From there, I'll look at pushing a tach-drill into the next cluster west so I can hopefully finally get my hands on an ARS.  There's none in the home cluster.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2012, 02:29:10 am by Wanderer »
... and then we'll have cake.

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: Oh. Dear. Lord.
« Reply #52 on: October 27, 2012, 09:18:53 am »
Congratulations on slaughtering all those SF ships.  What better way to bait a mousetrap, than with cheese? ;)

And yea, the strategic reserve contributions to CPAs are always of the "target" mark, and happen first (a second chunk is pulled in later if the CPA could not be populated the rest of the way), so it actually substantially delays the point at which the CPA will start yanking MkIV and MKV stuff in just to make quota.

To that extent, the strategic reserve involvement is actually a modest nerf to CPAs (on high difficulty where it will yank higher-mark stuff in, anyhow).  This is counterbalanced by the fact that it makes it way less likely the CPAs will reach a point during a normal game where they can't make quota.

Also, Wonder Woman finally decided to assault the whipping boy.
This game just gets stranger and stranger.

Annnd... you survived the CPA! Congratulations :)  Good to see something requiring some out-of-the-box tactics, but can actually be stopped by said.  Too easy, that's easy to find.  Too hard, that's also pretty easy to find.  On-the-ragged-edge-between-victory-and-defeat, that's harder.  And the most fun, imo.

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Offline Wanderer

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Re: Oh. Dear. Lord.
« Reply #53 on: October 30, 2012, 01:36:11 am »
-- State of the Universe --

Time: 3:32:00
Planets Controlled: 4
Resources: 188k Metal / 324k Crystal / 1,750 K / 46k Power
Threat: 663, half in unknown territory but known to be maneuvering for an easier entry.
AIP: 78 (Mk I)
Research Opened:
FleetScout II
Spire Corvette II
Harvester III
Forcefield II
Mini Forts
Basic II Turret
Spider Turret
Grav I Turret
Tach I Turret
HBC I Turret

Primary Fleet Status: Rebuilt.  MK I Triangle ships + MK I/II Spire Corvettes + 4 Flagships + 2 Factory Is

Secondary Fleets:
Raider Fleet: 3x Raid Starship I

-- Threat Cleanup --

First stop: Arrakkis.  The fleet heads there and does a quick cleanup of threat.

While the fleet's there (and have pushed half of the threat into Poker) a huge chunk of threat randomly commits to attacking the turret wall on Matrix.  376 ships show up and die horribly.  I think it was because the Human Resistance finally wandered off.

3:34:22 Cleanup is complete for all visible threat.  164 remaining.

The fleet is heading for Wonder Woman to start driving the tach drill into the northern center Cluster.

By 3:40 I realized I was in a wall-banger of a situation.  The Fort III just wasn't falling to a Bomber I fleet and the rest of the fleet was getting into trouble, including losing one of the corvettes.  Before I ended up in a full refleet (especially with the Nero's Fiddle Beachhead having Zombard issues) I decide to pull back and R&R.  The 70 Mirrors (captured) I sent over from the turret wall just weren't enough to deal with the zombard issues.

3:42:43 the Mirrors make a liar out of me by the time I'm done screwing around with the R&R and the fleet travels.  They clean up the 20+ Zombards and let me build off a few rebuilders/engis to clean up the mess.  I need to get a small bank of LRMS in here to deal with the sniper immune Zombards, so I steal 10 from Matrix.

Figured out part of the problem.  Wonder Woman has a Planetary Armor Inhibitor, which isn't helping things.

3:49:10  Raiders have started workign on the next layer of Ions out from Wonder Woman, encouraging threat to attack in Wonder Woman.  Primarily fat MK III/IV guardians.  The fleet is still working on the Fort III and zombard armies, but have cleaned out everything else besides a counterstrike on WW.  We're starting to attrition Bombers with the guardian (MK III Laser to be precise) input so I'm going to withdraw to pull them to the WH for insta-strike after an R&R with the main fleet.

-- Oops --

With my Raids on Hacker, I notice I just got VERY lucky.

Well, ish.  If you take a closer look you'll notice the upper left hand corner of that once you're done staring at the near miss on dual EMP IVs.

I fired up a Raid Engine.  678 of them firing up off Spock.  CRAP.  Run little fleet run.  I'm going to have to pop that Raid engine but not this trip.

It's a MK IV Raid, and it's heading right at Matrix.  At least I got a little lucky.

3:53:00 With the fleet in FRD support Matrix holds with only short range turret obliteration and mid-rangers at 50%.  Yeeesh, 241 threat still out there.

The fleet needs some serious R&R here.  Loss of a Corvette and half the fleet will do that.

That Raid Engine on Spock will command most of the transit lines through North Central Cluster.  I can't move to Hacker or Cyborg without triggering it.  We're gonna have to do that one more time.

First, we need to clear the way.  There's a MK IV threatball in Wonder Woman.

3:59:00 I get distracted with the threat-ball clearance but my Raid SSs are ready.     

3:59:18 Raid Retriggered, 645 ships.  The fleet has removed the threatball and taken the Fort III down to 33% at this point.  They retreat to Matrix.

The Raid Fleet hits Spock and releases a ton more MK IV threat.  This probably won't end well, but it needs to happen.

3:59:41 The Raid Engine on Spock dies.  AIP: 83 (MK I).

4:01:00 AIP: 84 from Autoprogress.  The raid engine's last hurrah is currently landing on Matrix.  The fleet is supporting.

With 357 threat still out there, Matrix halts the Raid Engine.  Sporadic assaults continue once the fleet is retreated to Strana.  Checking in on Nero's Fiddle, they're holding strong.  The addition of the 11 LRMs made the difference.  33 Mirrors on response duty don't hurt either.

So, in the last 30 minutes I cleaned up threat, caused a crapton more dangerous threat to spawn, and whacked a Raid Engine.  Errr, I guess that's progress.

-- Back on Task... Tach Drilling --

I've started posting up scouts wherever they'll fit as pickets and have gotten a little extra information... including the Fact IV on Canopus.  That's... just... GREAT.  Thanks RNG.  Right next to my Whipping Boy feeder is the Fact IV.  Le Sigh.

Econ's a bit broken at the moment, so I'm letting that rebuild.  I'm hoping the threatball forming in Wonder Woman will commit to the whipping boy, but so far there's 91 MK IV ships parked there and they still won't budge.

4:05:00 873 ship wave to Matrix.  Well, THAT'LL get the threat to commit... I hope.  I take the fleet towards Earth to start paving the 'rear entrance' to Sox.

I've found an ARS on Roulette again.  I think I found it last time but I lost it in all the mess.  This has an Ion Eye protecting it, but not much else.

30 seconds before the wave hits, the threatball commits to attacking the turrets with 130 MK IV ships.  This should get ugly... The wave is a bomber wave.  710 bombers arrive and MELT the FFs covering the short range turrets.  Ugh....  Where'd I leave the fleet again?

The fleet reverses and heads for Matrix.  Sox apparently isn't on the menu yet.

They turned out to be unnecessary.  I also got 43 Bomber IIs for my troubles.  Very nice.  Think I'll go finish off the fort in WW... and clear the threatball that's reforming.

4:10:40 The Fort III on Wonder Woman has fallen.  I no longer have to worry about wanting to use one of the wormholes on the planet.  I expected more SF response, as WW has a CSG-D on it, but so far nothing in particular.  I change back to the Tach drill and decide i want to get my science II on Roulette to see my ARS options. The fleet heads north to Canopus to drill a bit while the Raids head for Kerensky, a MK IV along my path with Ion cannons.  Pai Gow, a MK III I could use as an alternate, has none, but Kerensky is the default pathing and I know my luck.

The Raids get... nowhere on Kerensky, they barely survived the trip.  Alright, wait on the rebuild for those while we work Canopus into something reasonable.

4:14:00 A ~700 ship wave heads for Matrix, I ignore it.

The SF Response team finally caught up with us on Canopus.  The fleet got into a massive brawl with them, with the siege units and Reprocessors causing amazing amounts of damage via tanking.  We win, but the fleet is in tatters.  They're heading home for R&R.  I've lost over 70% of my Bomber/Frigates and all the Flagships.  On the way however, there's a floatilla of Zombards with support guardians and fleet that the primary fleet FRDs to remove in Wonder Woman... that was the plan anyway, but they JUST.  KEEP. COMING.  Eventually they stop, after 5 minutes of continuous low-impact combat... The fleet leaves as more show up but it's got to stop sometime.

-- Smack a 'rax --

4:21:31  The fleet's rebuilt.  I dare to dance with the devil in the moonlight.  The fleet stations up on Matrix.  The Raids head for the 500+ MK III Barracks on Canopus with intent to release.

Only one ship survives the release, and then with 8% HP.  They'd had hopes to head for Kerensky and pop some Ions but no dice.

The fleet pulls back to Strana, hoping to bait the new threatball.

436 MK III ships... and they frustratingly WON'T GO.  More are coming, here's hoping...

586 ships... vs. the whipping boy... and they won't commit.

Sonofa... I just created a door-stopper.

4:24:36 Ah, there they go.  Apparently everyone was on tea break.  The fleet comes in on support and they make short work of the mess.  250 threat still alive.  The fleet prepares to hit WW again.

-- The assault of Kerensky --

4:27:29 Raids pop the two ions on Kerensky but don't survive the alphastrike from the zombards much longer than that.  They certainly don't do anything about the sniper guardian under glass, which was a bonus target on this raid.

The fleet hits Kerensky 30 seconds later, and find the planet VERY awake.  They withdraw back to Canopus, hoping at the LEAST to get a Knife-fight jump on the enemy zombards, if not take them on piecemeal back in the other system, SF assistance in Canopus or not.

-- The revenge of Kerensky --

The knife-fight jump becomes a common theme with this running battle against a MK IV threatgroup.  The fleet withdraws back to Wonder Woman to do it again, now that they've cleaned up a bunch of the guardian assistance.  Fleet's at about 50% effectiveness at this point, and we're losing the attrition war... but I may have finally gained ground.

Spoke too soon.  A lot of the previous fleet had bypassed me to head to threatball the Matrix entry.  The fleet beats feet for the homeworld for R&R.  Survivors number in the dozens, and don't include the Corvettes or the starships... I'm refleeting.

On a positive note... Kerensky is empty!

4:32:01 AIP: 85 due to autoprogress.
4:35:40 The refleet is nearly complete.  I decide I'm not waiting on the Flagships.  They're simply nice to haves...

Time to unpark that threatball in Wonder Woman.

-- Assaulting the Kerensky squad, round 2 --

The fleet gets underway heading for Wonder Woman.  No MK IV Frigates, no stacks of Bomber IIs, no capturables.  Pure fleet.  Hiyaaa!

(Random request... I should mantis it but I'm lazy.  When a fleet has drones, can they be the LAST option cycled to when you hit their hotkey, not the first?)

Threatball on Wonder Woman has reached 115 ships.  The fleet engages at knife range.  As soon as the zombards fleet shooting distance, the fleet retreats for repairs.  Then they do it again... and I realize why this isn't going to work well, there's a medic frigate in there.  CHARGE!  All guns on the medic!

The fleet, out of bombers, low on frigates, and with the corvettes in danger retreat after cleaning out the Guardian/Medic/Reprocessor parking lot.  They head for Strana to R&R again.  No need to refleet, everything's built on arrival.  We re-stage in Matrix for another run at the Zombard IVs.  Meanwhile, the Raids begin their run at the Ions on Roulette.  It's an Eye planet, everything's got to get raided down eventually.

There's two EMP Guardians in Roulette, too.  Joyful... and one's sitting next to the Ion I came to kill.  Well, actually, that could work out with the fleet bouncing around near the whipping boy.  Time to wake the neighbors.  The main fleet's busy FRD'ing Wonder Woman popping MK IV Zombards all over the place.  They're finally down to five.  It's like swatting mosquitos...

While I'm doing this...

4:42:01 Wave Announce: 1,187 + 2 to Matrix in 1:40.


The Raids have killed off one EMP which sat under glass and died for me.  The other is already enroute.  This could be... interesting.

The fleet moves back out to Wonder Woman to try to catch the EMP at Canopus, since we can't afford the wave to end up with EMP backup.  Wave ends up as a mixed wave landing on Matrix.  Shouldn't be too bad.  I hope.

Huge chunks of the wave escape Matrix and harass the fleet from behind as it runs to Canopus after the EMP detonates.  The Fleet, however, IS able to catch the EMP before it causes any significant harm.  With that dealt with, the fleet returns to Wonder Woman and goes into a toe-to-toe brawl with the enemy... and the Human Resistance shows up with 61 ships.  Nice timing boys.

4:46:10 With the majority of the threat dealt with and the resistance covering our retreat the fleet heads home for R&R.

The fleet's replacements are there waiting for them, so they re-organize at Matrix while the Raids make another run at Roulette.

Another wave is heading for Matrix (700) but I ignore it.

4:49:43 AIP: 86 Death of a SF Post.  MARK II WAVES.  Ah crap.

4:56:24 With all but the SF/CC/WG down on Kerensky finally, the fleet pops the 124 ship MK IV Barracks before it leaves to try to deal with the threat-ball sitting on Wonder Woman stopping my Raids from getting out.

... I've done smarter things.  I killed 20 of them and lost the fleet... complete wipe... and the rest of that is coming for the Whipping Boy.  Here boy!

4:58:41 The threatball attacks with 109 ships.  60 of them die in the alpha.  The rest die shortly after.

With the threatball moved, the Raids try to head out to Roulette again to finish the Anti-Eye movement.

5:01:00 AIP: 87 due to autoprogress.

5:01:19 AIP: 88 from death of SF.

5:01:20 Suicidal Raids pop the 500+ MK III 'rax on Roulette.  They don't survive running away afterwards.

The fleet is almost rebuilt, and my explorer class science station is enroute to Roulette to see my options.

Oh... My.

Shield Bearers, Railclusters/Reprocessors.  That's a hella choice.

Um.  Er.  Wow.  Hm.

5:03:30 The barracks assault force lands on Matrix and dies for their trouble.  There's still 150 threat on Wonder Woman though.

I need to think on this, and an hour and a half of gameplay per post is probably sufficient.

-- End of Round status --

Well, I got a lot of nothing done, but there was a whole LOT of it.  I probably wasted 30-45 minutes just dealing with the Barracks, but that was time I spent having to raid the Eye out of Roulette for the ARS anyway.  The rear beachhead is dealing with just about everything that shows up at this point, it just needs occassional attention so I can replace lost rebuilders.

The fleet is holding up reasonably well, but I want some Riot IIs with the next research to strengthen the defense point(s).  After that, we start looking at Sox again.  I figure I've got an hour, maybe an hour and a half, before the next CPA fires up.  Even though the beach-head is strong now, I'd still like to clear the backfield and take Sox so I can secure the borders.  I won't do that before the CPA though, most likely, particularly if I chase down Roulette.  Roulette's abandonable, there's nothing else there besides it being an 0/4 world, so I'll probably give it minimal protection and let it fall whenever the AI gets around to it while I do work elsewhere.

State of the universe:
... and then we'll have cake.

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: Oh. Dear. Lord.
« Reply #54 on: October 30, 2012, 02:44:20 pm »
3:34:22 Cleanup is complete for all visible threat.  164 remaining.
Plotting your demise, I'm sure.

Figured out part of the problem.  Wonder Woman has a Planetary Armor Inhibitor, which isn't helping things.
How inconsiderate of her.

Well, ish.  If you take a closer look you'll notice the upper left hand corner of that once you're done staring at the near miss on dual EMP IVs.
When the RNG gives an olive branch with one hand, the other is hitting you upside the head with a steel pipe.

Thanks RNG.  Right next to my Whipping Boy feeder is the Fact IV.  Le Sigh.
Share And Enjoy!

873 ship wave to Matrix.  Well, THAT'LL get the threat to commit... I hope.
You never know.  You'll never expect the Threat Inquisition!

Where'd I leave the fleet again?

A ~700 ship wave heads for Matrix, I ignore it.
Ostrich Algorithm FTW!  (of course, it does kind of put one in position for an AI "field goal" kick)

Sonofa... I just created a door-stopper.
You could have gotten a sony console for that! *rimshot* (at least, that's the current state of my PS3; the PS2 is still going strong)

(Random request... I should mantis it but I'm lazy.  When a fleet has drones, can they be the LAST option cycled to when you hit their hotkey, not the first?)
You mean when you have a control group that has drones in it, and you press something, it selects just a drone?  Or do you mean when you have military on the planet and press comma it goes to a drone first?

It doesn't specifically pay attention to what goes first, but I suspect the drone generally has the highest primary key.  You can guess the rest.

CHARGE!  All guns on the medic!
"Medic!" can have so many meanings.  Well, two.

Oh... My.

Shield Bearers, Railclusters/Reprocessors.  That's a hella choice.

Um.  Er.  Wow.  Hm.
Normally I'd say no contest when I see shield bearers in the default slot.  But railclusters are nasty combatants.

If the railclusters were the default slot I'd say keep 'em, but as-is I'd say SBs all the way, they'll keep stuff alive a lot longer, which helps you keep your "alpha strength" for more salvos in fleet-v-fleet.  And save the hack for something where you don't like the default choice.

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Offline Faulty Logic

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Re: Oh. Dear. Lord.
« Reply #55 on: October 31, 2012, 10:27:53 am »
Normally I'd say no contest when I see shield bearers in the default slot.  But railclusters are nasty combatants.

If the railclusters were the default slot I'd say keep 'em, but as-is I'd say SBs all the way, they'll keep stuff alive a lot longer, which helps you keep your "alpha strength" for more salvos in fleet-v-fleet.  And save the hack for something where you don't like the default choice.
No contest: keep the shields. If railclusters were the default, I would still seriously consider hacking for shields.

They are the best fleetship (at least for the kinds of games I play (even more AIP-phobic; lots of micro when necessary)).
If warheads can't solve it, use more warheads.

Offline Wanderer

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Re: Oh. Dear. Lord.
« Reply #56 on: November 01, 2012, 06:39:07 pm »
(Random request... I should mantis it but I'm lazy.  When a fleet has drones, can they be the LAST option cycled to when you hit their hotkey, not the first?)
You mean when you have a control group that has drones in it, and you press something, it selects just a drone?  Or do you mean when you have military on the planet and press comma it goes to a drone first?

It doesn't specifically pay attention to what goes first, but I suspect the drone generally has the highest primary key.  You can guess the rest.

Not exactly, let's say my main fleet is on Ctrl-1 (including the neinzuls).  I flip to homeworld while my fleet travels.  Do xyz, then hit 11 to get back to the fleet.  First stop is always the drones in the wrong system.  Highly annoying.
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Offline Wanderer

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Re: Oh. Dear. Lord.
« Reply #57 on: November 01, 2012, 08:36:43 pm »
Map attached at end at 5:45:15 for reference.

-- Opening Salvo --


I really don't like the threat of that 520 MK III barracks that's been sitting on Solaris VII.  With the fleet repaired the Raids go out and pop the little devil.  Time to remove that dagger at my back.  Needless to say the Raids didn't survive.

We engage them in Nero's Fiddle.

Only problem is the SF comes in from Earth while the main MK III forces pour in from Solaris VII.  This is getting pretty fierce.  325 ships left still.

Signficant losses deeply chewed into the fleet.  No bombers or fighters left (even with factories) and the frigates are falling.  The vettes are still tanking for the fleet.  195 ships left.  I'm forced to retreat the ships back to the Miniforts to try to repair with a famine econ.

5:10:00 That was a failure, so I FRD the fleet after teh Zombards.  There's 24 of 'em at this point.

Somewhere along the way, the enemy got Shredders.

5:11:30 A 1k+ ship wave lands on Matrix, and the fleet's nearly obliterated.  They're retreating to Strana as the sniper support falls to 5 Reprocessors and a Medic... all sniper immune.  Only one Corvette remains alive.

The 1000 ship MK II wave is chewing deeply into the Matrix defenses.  They may not hold.  There's MK III/IV assistance coming in from Wonder Woman as well.

Does the damned AI have anything NOT sniper immune?  Zombards, Medics... yeesh.

5:13:22 Matrix has no defenses left besides the snipers.  They're about to fall.  444 enemy ships still alive and attacking.

5:14:30 The enemy fleet hits Strana.  The main fleet revolving doored with them on the wormhole, so ends up coming in behind them.  350+ of them.

It's not enough.  Savescum.

-- Take two... cleaning out the MK IV threat FIRST --

Threat's at 270, 156 of it sitting on Wonder Woman.  I hadn't realized it was as deadly as it looks though, FP 91 is not something that'll usually get my attention.

The fleet was devastated trying to take down enough of the medical frigates IVs to not lose the attrition war.  They were able to get all but 2.  Lost a Corvette and most of the MK I fleet.

5:09:30 1.2k wave heading for Matrix.  Need the fleet to help out this time, that threat's still waiting to go.

Nero's Fiddle is falling to that escapee wave/threat from earlier, however.  Not much I can do about that for the moment.

A good chunk of the wave/threat fled, 322 enemies are out there hunting for me now... but the fleet was able to block the loss of Matrix with reasonable losses.  The beachhead on Nero's Fiddle was obliterated though, and a Warp Guardian just spwaned there.  The fleet heads out to deal with that.  Massive rebuilding is currently taking place from the MK II fleet assault on Matrix.

5:21:30 Still rebuilding, a 700 ship wave hits Matrix.  Over half of them immediately retreat as threat.  Threat to 418.

5:28:00 Still rebuilding.  2 FF IIs are up over the short range turrets as well, and 25 Tractors are brought into play to try to reduce the amount of escaping threat from the whipping boy.  the Fleet is still waiting on the miniforts in Nero's Fiddle to come online before leaving.

5:31:00 AIP: 89 due to autoprogress.

5:31:52 Miniforts are finally completed.  The fleet heads for Strana to prep to assault the Wonder Woman threat.

350 enemy ships are sitting on the Matrix wormhole in WW.  This should be ugly.

44 of those ships were removed, I lost half the fleet.  R&R and try again.

5:37:30 This last assault didn't do much.  I think we actually multiplied a bunch of shredders, actually.  Siege and Medics are dwindled a bit though.  Lost nearly the entire triangle fleet however.

too many ships, too much time.  It's time to get nasty.


-- Threat removal... the heavy handed way. --

I'm already in MK II AIP.  Screw it.

5:05:15 Missile Silo constructed on Strana.  Cloaker Starships being prepared.  Fleet heads to Poker to prove response team for Nero's Fiddle.

2 FF IIs and 25 Tractors brought online on Matrix.

Existing Wonder Woman Threatball is 153 ships. 
Siege IVs have 2.5 mill HP.

The medics haven't strolled up yet... ah, there they are.  MK IV Medic is 4.5 mill hp.

Zombard IV is 1.5m.

Lightning warheads.  1.6M attack for MK I, 3.2M MK II, and 4.8M for MK III.  A MK II will take out the trash, leaving the medics (and frigates) for the fleet.

A MK II Lightning Warhead is prepared.

5:07:00 Almost all the threat out there is sitting on the Matrix entry point.  It's about time.  Fleet heads for Matrix.  Still waiting on warhead completion.

More are coming to the death-point.  Come here my little apples.  I'm gonna eatcha.

5:08:30  The Warhead arrives on Strana.  The fleet is in position to enter Wonder Woman as soon as it fires.  The warhead is sent out to go to work.

5:08:39 AIP: 90 due to detonation of Lightning Warhead II.

136 ships left to remove from 300+.  Medics have about had it.  The fleet goes in for the kill-strike.

5:10:00 1.1k wave heading for Matrix in a min, and the threatball is cleared.  ROAR.  Threat at 3.

While doing this, I missed an invasion at Nero's Fiddle, the fleet is enroute.

5:11:33 SERIOUSLY? C'mon dammit.  Threat at 285 because a chunk of fleet and the carrier insta-U-turned.  That's getting old.  Stay longer than it takes to piss your pants, guys.  Most of it was cutlasses.

The fleet cleaned off Nero's Fiddle but it was a little late, a lot of the place is wrecked.  Once we replace the mobile builder here the fleet will head for Strana to R&R.

5:15:00 Econ's famine right now, trying to get everything rebuilt.  280 frickin' threat, REALLY?

I'm getting ready to Beach-Head Wonder Woman.  Deal with the SF *AND* the blinkin' escapees all at once.

Threatball is forming on WW again.  Need to remove that, pronto.

Energy's a problem again, second Matter Converter going up on Strana.  Those cloakers are monsters.

5:18:15 Threatball's mostly cleared, Threat at 149.

5:19:00 The Raids are dispatched to Misery to clear out the 4 Ion cannons. 

Next wave hits.  50 escapees... 60... 70... mostly shredders, tractor immunes.  Meh.  Threat 219.

5:23:00 The fleet has killed the backwash from Misery (MK IV) and prepares an invasion.  SCout SS Is are being prepared to help hunt the dual stealth posts on Misery.

5:24:30 Dual Lightning IV Guardians erase the MK I Bomber fleet attacking the Fort II in a single twinned salvo.  Skippee.

The fleet deals with the freed threat there out of range of the Fort and then they run for Strana for R&R again.

5:24:15 I just noticed the Carrier hit Nero's Fiddle.   I force the locals to shoot the blasted thing, since it's been pounding away with impunity on my miniforts and already killed one off.

It's mostly vultures.  these should have been long dead.  Time to fix the problem.  2 Raid Starships are also on the loose here now too.  The Fleet moves to Poker and then to Nero's to try to halt the inevitable fall of the beach-head.

5:31:00 AIP 91 due to autoprogress.  The fleet's saved some of the Fiddle, but not a lot.  Threat's down to 59 though.

5:33:00 With Fiddle rebuilt the fleet is heading back to Strana for R&R and another attempt at Misery.
... right after they clear the threatball on Wonder Woman.

5:35:30 Threatball cleared, Threat at 11, fleet Strana bound.

Finally having gotten perma-scouts through the back area of my cluster, I have over 1200 ships waiting in MK III and IV barracks in my cluster.  Great.

5:41:17 With the fight going reasonably on Misery, Replacement Frigates and bombers are shipped from STrana up to help clean the world out a bit quicker.

200 more threat from insta-U-Turn ships at Matrix...  I'm not sure I'm putting the amount of loathing I feel for that crap into my words right now.  STAY AND FIGHT DAMMIT.

5:43:32 CPA 2,099 ships announced.  10:22 till arrival.



5:44:00 Raids hit Sox to remove the Ion cannon, and are shortly jammed up by a Grav Guardian that's transiting.  They eventually get clear and then run for it.

5:45:15 Fort II on Misery finally falls.  I have 8:37 before the CPA releases.  I only have 2 MK II worlds behind the cluster entries if I decide to try to seal up the cluster before the CPA comes at me.  That'll give me dual Whips to reduce the heavy impact of the attacks, the chance to research up Riot IIs, another ~20ish AIP, and a lockout against the CPA... well, all the parts that don't end up MK III+ anyway.


I'm out of turrets.

I'm gonna go think on this.  Right now I'm just a bit frustrated.

State of the universe attached below.
... and then we'll have cake.

Offline Wanderer

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Re: Oh. Dear. Lord.
« Reply #58 on: November 01, 2012, 10:18:46 pm »
Think I figured out why the Insta-U-Turn is so phenomenally bad of a sudden.

Since threat now behaves more intelligently when "stonewalled", removed the /10 modifier that turret firepower was given when evaluating whether a threatball should attack. Before it was better that they just get it over with, but now it's better that they regroup with other threat and look for an opening.

Recent beta release.  I'm going to have to say I wasn't a fan of the adjustment in the first place but now I'm REALLY not that joyful about it!   :-\
... and then we'll have cake.

Offline TechSY730

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Re: Oh. Dear. Lord.
« Reply #59 on: November 01, 2012, 11:56:22 pm »
Think I figured out why the Insta-U-Turn is so phenomenally bad of a sudden.

Since threat now behaves more intelligently when "stonewalled", removed the /10 modifier that turret firepower was given when evaluating whether a threatball should attack. Before it was better that they just get it over with, but now it's better that they regroup with other threat and look for an opening.

Recent beta release.  I'm going to have to say I wasn't a fan of the adjustment in the first place but now I'm REALLY not that joyful about it!   :-\

Yea, it will require a bit of strategy/tactics change to deal with, but rather that than idiotically simple to manipulate/stall threat, right?

Not saying that further tweaks can be made to make threat even more interesting, and/or less annoying to deal with while still being intelligent, but personally, I'd rather fight trickier and sometimes a tad annoying to deal unit intelligent behavior then dumb, easy to game behavior.
However, the best is fun (or at least interesting to deal with) and intelligent behavior.


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