Author Topic: All dat Leech!  (Read 4385 times)

Offline thelonecarrot

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All dat Leech!
« on: May 28, 2012, 08:50:33 pm »
Seems like one of the best ways to get into the community is to run an action report. So I'm going to attempt just that. Never done anything like this before so let's hope this is fun for all.

Decided that the best thing to do would be to play a style entirely unlike what I'm used to. With that in mind, Leech! All Day! All the Time! Reclaim our worlds from them just like we reclaim their ships!

80 Planets
Map Type: Crosshatch (Seems to be all the rage with the young'uns)

AI 1: 7.3 AI  Zenith Descendant
AI 2: 7.3 AI  The Tank

All Ship Types
Full Fog
Performance Profile: 66ms
Unit Scale: Normal
Combat Speed: Normal

Minor Factions:

Hard Golems 3
Hard Spire 4
Zenith Trader
Fallen Spire 3
Dyson Sphere 4

AI Plots:

Hybrid Hives: 3

Having never fought Hybrid Hives before I wasn't sure how to tweak the difficulty, hopefully my settings will provide a challenge and a good read.
Also never really used reclamation in such a large fashion (or at least planned to)

Starting planet gives me 'Parasite' as my bonus ship. I'm going all for this playstyle. Will update tomorrow with the first report. Any advice on how to write these up is welcome.

Gonna keep a converted counter if possible.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 09:25:47 pm by thelonecarrot »

Offline PokerChen

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Re: All dat Leech!
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2012, 03:03:10 am »
"What is it with the recent cross-hatch craze?"

In terms of advice, I enjoy a well-rounded number of screen-shots (snapshot of galaxy if the strategic situation changes a lot, a situation you found surprising or important, etc)  - bonus points for you if you take pictures of intense battles while commanding your troops at the same time. Giving us a little bit of your thoughts on why you chose a certain course of action is also good - there are many ways to play this game, and I reckon most of us are different in terms of transport usage, scouting, defensive emplacements,etc.

Text-walling is only permitted if you are also drinking beer and listening to Shelley Barratt. ;D

Anyway, I should be making one of my own :P: all this commenting on how I like AARs is a little disingenuous given that I have none up here.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2012, 03:06:47 am by zharmad »

Offline Diazo

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Re: All dat Leech!
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2012, 09:54:30 am »
Heh. Cross hatch ahoy! (But I only play lattice maps these days! I'm the odd one out.  :-[)

Anyways, welcome to the boards.  :D

The biggest thing I like to see in an AAR is the galaxy map and some commentary on what your strategy is. While there are many ways to fight the AI at the system level, the game is really about your strategy and how you get yourself into a position to destroy the AI homeworlds.

Good luck with the parasites, yoinking ships from the AI is great fun.  8)


Offline thelonecarrot

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Re: All dat Leech!
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2012, 03:37:31 pm »
Okay then, first report!

After making this thread I sat down to play at least one hour since it was about 1:30 AM when I was starting.

With no set strategy other than nick enemy ships I set about building up my forces and scouting the surrounding area.

To my pleasure I was surrounded by low tier planets, a nice change from my last game which ended rather quickly when one jump away from my homeworld TWO MKIV Raid Engines activated :(

Ist upgrade I decide to get is Mk II. Economy for both Metal and Crystal for no paticular reason other than I hate flashing yellow and red lines everywhere. Clearly my decision making is flawless.

The results of my early scouting show that my posistion is fantastic! On Zarare there is MkV NanoSwarm Fab as well as a Z Power Gen and beside it on (The one to the left with a stupid name) a Black Widow Golem. There is a God! Obtaining these two planets is of top priority!

I wants them both p-prescious!

Mk 2. Scouting Drones next for better scouting.

I also discover a Mk IV factory is also nearby but between me and it is a raid engine or 3 Ion Cannons. Pain either way.

Everything was going well at this point till A WASP FLIES INTO MY SCREEN!

The face of the enemy! Closest ally to the AI. PURE EVIL!

What followed was a tense hunt to the stirring music of AI wars around my kitchen till I found where the SOB was hiding. Overcoming my bodily need to be anywhere else but near the wasp (the remenants of a childhood fear which has never left even after the fear did) I hit it with the spray. Another ally of the AI was slain! Went to bed after this and continued later on.

Mk II AND III Parasites purchased. So much easier now to take higher level ships for my own!

I decide to take the three worlds that form the bottom left corner of the map. Celda Uzimida and Dizurges. (Note to self use easier fraking names next time!)
This nets me a 4/4 world and an ARS that gives me Grenade Launchers. This is simply fantastic as the enemy has Neinzull Tigers. I hate these almost as much as Commandoes.
Two of these worlds were Mk. 4 but all that meant was Mk 4 for me to nick! :D

My 'Raggamuffin' fleet. All the crap I capture so far I leave for Homeworld defence. They are not yet easy to replace and have yet to reach ROFLSTOMP Critical Mass.

At about two hours in another two wasps in the house pull me away and leave me deciding to call it for now. (EVIL!)
Because of the relative proximity of a MkIV foctory I've decided to go for Parasite ships Mk II and III rather than upgrading the leech starship.
I'm readying myself for a strike at Zarare so that I can capture the NanoSwarm Fab. Sadly it has an AI EYE so I will have to go slow.

Due to the map layout I would rather hope to have a large mobile fleet force to deal with incoming waves rather than trying to establish a whipping boy world. Too many W. Gates meaning too much AI Progress. This is where having lots of Reclaimed AI ships will be vital.
To this effect I plan to establish a "Farming Zone". Planets of all Levels that I can hit for ships for my fleets. I have yet to really iron out where though.
This strategy also places Energy above raw economic power. I will probably have a Mk III Power Generator on every world I take.
Have about 9000 science points to play around with. No idea yet what to spend it on.
I am placing scouts on every planet to help monitor enemy movements. My plan is to use all Spire asteriods to build scouts and establish a real information network so that fleets can be kept mobile and be where they need to be.
So to summarise:

1. Take Mk 5 Fab, destroy the AI Eye first.
2. Get Black Widow, scouting planets above for good and bad things.
3 Get Adv Factory, decide either to take Raid Engine Route or Triple Ion Cannon Route.

Just saw the preview, man the image scale sucks!

Praise? Advice? Condemnations? Snarky Remarks?
« Last Edit: May 29, 2012, 03:46:04 pm by thelonecarrot »

Offline zoutzakje

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Re: All dat Leech!
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2012, 05:50:43 pm »
ohhh a black widow golem so close, lucky. I don't know if you have read bits of my own crosshatch AAR (the finished one), but black widows were vital to my succes (especially since I had 3 of them). Only guardians and structures posed any threat to me, regular ships weren't important anymore. The only troublesome part is the fact that your black widow golem is inside the grid, which scared the crap out of me in my game. Your AI difficulties are reasonable though, so moving inside the grid probably (hopefully) won't give you to much trouble.

Looking good so far. Higher tier harvesters are a solid unlock. You could even get away with mk III of them. You'll have less knowledge for ship upgrades in the early game, but you will easily be able to rebuild your fleet quickly in case you have to.

I don't know how much you have scouted... but for the advanced factory, if you don't think you will ever have to come near the raid engine in the rest of the game, avoid it and take the ion cannon route. If you think you will have to take, neuter or move through any planet bordering the raid engine in the future, take it out now. Taking out Raid Engines is easier when AIP is still low. I learned that when I played against a Raid engine AI type some months ago.

good luck =)

Offline Wanderer

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Re: All dat Leech!
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2012, 07:16:04 pm »
Text-walling is only permitted if you are also drinking beer and listening to Shelley Barratt. ;D
Snort ROFL, Woot! ;)
... and then we'll have cake.

Offline thelonecarrot

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Re: All dat Leech!
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2012, 06:01:50 pm »
I'm looking for your ARR Zoutzakje, still to find the one your referring to, how old is it?. Not sure what you mean by "inside the grid"?

Still I think I'll take the Ion Cannon Route and scout out all the planets around the engine just to be sure. Raid and Cloak Starships should make short work of both problems if the need arises.

Gonna play more tomorrow and pay close attention my economy and see if it struggles to rebuild after I attack my two high priority worlds for the Nanoswarm Fab and BWG. If I see that it gets seriously bottlenecked on any resource I'll upgrade it to Mk III. Might be a good idea anyway given all the Energy I need for captured ships.

So expect next update sometime tomorrow.

Offline zoutzakje

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Re: All dat Leech!
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2012, 06:17:19 pm »
I was referring to this one:,10328.0.html
It's pretty recent.

And with inside the grid I mean any planet in the crosshatch that has 8 wormholes, which can and will be a major pain to defend. Planets at the edge have 5 wormholes and the four corners only have 3. I mostly stayed at the edge of the crosshatch in my game, because I was afraid of putting so many enemy worlds on alert at once. It turned out better than I thought though, mostly because of warp jammers and black widow golems.
As for harvesters mk III... I don't know what kind of command stations you build on your planets, but if you tend to place a lot of economic command stations, you probably won't have to worry about resources. I build logistics only, which give less resources. Therefore I really needed the mk III harvesters in my game.

Looking forward to more updates of your progress =)

Offline thelonecarrot

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Re: All dat Leech!
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2012, 03:36:00 pm »
A bit later than planned but here is the second report.

I decided to change my objectives from aquiring the Black Widow Golem to capturing the Adv. Factory.
This was mostly due to the presence of the Mk II Fortress on Shlorxib that I would have to take out. By the time I had succeeded the Nano Swarm beside it would have reinforced too much, combined with the presence of an AI Eye this would have made the taking of these two planets right now an absolute slog.

Upgraded tech to all Mk II fleet ships.
Neuter Phinceboom, 600 ships with over half free is a sword of damcles I dont't want to have to deal with later on. Especially since it borders my HW.
Just after two hours the first exo waves come up. Should take awhile.

My fleet at it's current max size before neutering Phinceboom.

Turns out it wasn't a raid engine at all but an alarm post, I didn't check properly.
Passed through Ion Cannon infested planets and took Adv. Factory with ease. Took planet beside it 3/3 world, I need the resources.

Get Mk 3 scots ships and sent Mk IV off on a merry adventure across the whole map.  The planet down one the thr right of the Adv Factory has two fabicrators Star: Beam and Star: Bomb. It is a  MkIV world so I move to neuter it once I handle an incoming wave that is aiming for the planet  between the that I took less then seconds before the wave was announced!

A pretty little pattern no?

The Mk IV scout is the means by which all is revealed....

Both AI homworlds on edge. Two ARS in side the center so I have to go in to some point.
Botnet Golem found. It is not far from Adv Factory world.
Super Terminal Also located at far right corner. Will use this after dealing with exo wave. I understand it is best used before any other AI reduction is used. Will fact check this.
Two Hive Golems, that is fantastic not just for the firepower but for sitting outside workmholes keeping the enemy fleets from jumping in till I'm ready to deal with them. Must decide how badly I want this firepower.
A cursed Golem, a bit harder to get at but still quite within reach.
An ART GOLEM! Oh How I love these things! The ultimate in problem solving solutions. Especially with tough posistions and AI Eye's. I WILL have this! Even though it will a long time due to its posistion being on the top side of the crosshatch waaaay away from my territories.
One the AI Co-processors is on the AI Homeworld in the top left corner.....well thats getting killed first.
One MkIV world is fully cloaked. Must decide if it is worth finding out whats underneath it.

As things stand my fleet is not easy to replace but generally very large. I have to be very careful where I fight and I can't afford to get bogged down in costly exchanges unless very heavily prepared.

Hybrids have not been a large problem so far. Pehaps it is still too early.

I will update this post with a breakdown of what my Priority tags mean for me. Hopefully that will explain what I see on the map attached better to everyone. Can't seem to delete the crappy one with no info. If a mod sees this post could you erase the attachment not showing planet names and with less Priority tags?

Future Plans:
Nab botnet Golem
Use superterminal
Get Mk III harvesters and Bombers
Build up Siege Tower fleet, then matyrs.
Use Mk I,II,III scouts hips to cement my Info network and finish scouting.
Decide on which Fab V's I really want. Plan out what planets I will take overall.
Decide on farming zone.
Get Mobile Repair Station
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 03:40:27 pm by thelonecarrot »

Offline thelonecarrot

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Re: All dat Leech!
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2012, 07:09:37 pm »
Well, things got interesting.

My first major move was to capture the Botnet, Cursed and Artillery Golems inside the grid on the planets Samuer, Sumottso and Chupan.

This of course also meant grabbing two Fabricators, Spider Bot V and Armour Rotter V (there's a U in that word, no amount of economic language propoganda will convince me otherwise America!) meaning that I would want to defend this area after I had gained the Golems I wanted.

To get the Golems built this side of Christmas I upgraded to MkIII Metal and Crystal Harvesters, along with MRS's to help keep them repaired.

Luckily for me the Dyson Sphere was present on Savlau, allowing to set up a bare minimum effort defence zone that would act as base of operation in both my strike at the AI homeworld on Quje (the names!) and any other operations inside the grid.

Behold! The Dyson Protecterate!

This was followed by the realisation that there was about 120 enemies on my homeworld.....OH CRAP THERE ARE ENEMIES ATTACKING MY HOMEWORLD!

How did I miss something so vital?

It was probably not as bad as I though but when I realised that I had missed the fact that attack was ongoing I scrambled to deal with it. It left me rather unerved as I had been routinely checking the map to locate the source of the "bang!" noises that indicate an ongoing fight but had failed to look at the most important spot.

The fact that it happened was bad enough.

This was of course follwed by Murphy laying down the law on my Advanced Factory. I wish I saved a screenshot but that may have cost me too much time. What resulted was a wave that I though in my head that I had responded to, but in fact had done nothing. Naturally the enemy Space Tanks made a B-line for the thing once the wave hit. While I was mashing V and right-clicking everywhere!

This time it was a real clutch save as both shield gens were down far in the red by the end, being manuvered by me to keep what little protection they had left over the factory. Once when I moved the shield too close it jumped over the factory leaving it exposed for a few seconds, that was needlessly scary. Are shield Gens supposed to do that?

At some point the Hybrids built an "abnormally strong" one.......Not much else to say about Hybrids so far in this game.

At this point I got warning of a second Exo-galactic wave building up. With this in mind I decided to begin working on the Super Terminal on Murdooth with my new cursed golem which was all ready to go. Nothing better to do till the wave hit (did not wish to overextend myself) so I took the world and made all the preperations I could make before starting the construction of the CC.

As Luck would have it the planet came with a MkIII Ion Cannon and and A fab for Microparasites (MOAR LEECH!). My AI progress was at about 240 when I started and by the time I had to abandon it I had manged to reduce it to 175. I was sadly however forced to abandon before I wished to (though I still got most of my money's worth) due to certain circumstances.

A feast or a famine eh?

Just as the Exo wave was nearing completion the first CPA was announced. A quick look at how the two timers were lining up made me realise that they would fall at almost the exact same time! Turns out I was on the money to within 30 seconds....wish that had helped.
This was going to be rough and sadly I simply couldn't leave enough forces at the Super Terminal to keep it in check. So I waited as long as I dared just as the Exo-Galactic waves kicked in I turned on my Art Golem and sent one large screaming Picaso (get used to art references with this golem) and Boom!

With that, my orders to everything else was simple; LEG IT!

Now with less the a minute till everything else went to hell I quickly spread my forces out over my most important systems in a very ad-hoc manner. There was no plan per-say. Though I had sent my Botnet Golem back to my Homeworld some time before.

Botnet doing it's admirably, too bad it can't take spirecraft.

Worlds were falling despite my fleets efforts, but still everything was going fine really till I realised that the Dyson Protecterate was falling! By the time the Gatlings arrived the CC was dead on every world, though the Fabs present were spared. But suddenly my energy had a Brownout, while my HWCC was being pounded on!


Never has the pause function been more vital. Calmly I turned off most of my fleets who had already secured their respective sectors. All my FFGens burst into life anew!


The enemy was soon driven from my worlds. The reconstruction began and so did the writing of this post.
Now I'm facing the need to draw up the plans for the rest of the game. Worlds to be taken or raided, research to be spent.

Crappy circle breakdown!:

PINK means a Data Center is present, taking these out is my first objective. Golems should make this easy. A quick Bruise Cruise and thats that!

GREEN means an ARS is present along with a A-shield core. These must be taken, this means even if Bala (the cloaked world) has an ARS it won't matter.

BLUE means there is an AI CO-Processor present. Since there is one present on an AI Homeworld I hope to hit them all at about the same time using hidden raid ships that I hope to sneak on beforehand.

CPA's are a real danger to all my high value assets. As such I want to end this game after the next one and before the third strikes. I feel i'm likely to lose assests next time. A third CPA could leave me very impaired. Especially if they decide to tag team with Exo-Galactic waves again!

At a minimum I have 9000k more science points to gain from planets that have to be captured, giving me a total of 15000k points with reasearch still be done. Open to suggestions on what I should use it on.

So far I have:
MkIII Harvesters
MkII Fleet ships
MkIII Parasites
MkIII Scout
Hardend Shields MkI
MkII Engineers

Golems still to captured:

3 Hive Golems
1ART Golem
1 Regen Golem

I'm not convinced that it is worth taken any more Golems at this point. Maybe is there where several BWG's I would consider it but with only 1 it's effective would be limited. Any dissenting opinions?

Open question to end this sheer wall of a post, is it worth going out of my way to grab high tier asteroids for Spirecraft?

EDIT: It has come my realisation the assertaining of a Regen Golem makes alot of sense when it comes to keep reclaimed ships alive, however taking the regen golem would result in the further dessimnation of the Dyson Gatlings into two more areas, creating a grand total of 5 areas for them to protect.

How much would this further extension of the Dyson Protecterate weaken its abilty to protect my areas? What is everyone's opinions on the operational value of Dyson Gatlings over such a large area?
« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 08:17:36 pm by thelonecarrot »

Offline Wanderer

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Re: All dat Leech!
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2012, 10:20:01 pm »
Well, things got interesting.
How did I miss something so vital?
There's a setting on the individual planet screen in CTRLS that you can use to announce when enemy ships are on a friendly planet.  May I recomend you get in the habit of setting this to 1 at the beginning of every game.

This time it was a real clutch save as both shield gens were down far in the red by the end, being manuvered by me to keep what little protection they had left over the factory. Once when I moved the shield too close it jumped over the factory leaving it exposed for a few seconds, that was needlessly scary. Are shield Gens supposed to do that?
Yes.  The last 'little bit' of shield doesn't protect anything and the collision box for them is unusually large.  They WILL skip over things in the last 10% pretty easily.

Worlds were falling despite my fleets efforts, but still everything was going fine really till I realised that the Dyson Protecterate was falling! By the time the Gatlings arrived the CC was dead on every world, though the Fabs present were spared. But suddenly my energy had a Brownout, while my HWCC was being pounded on!
That's pretty lucky, actually.

BLUE means there is an AI CO-Processor present. Since there is one present on an AI Homeworld I hope to hit them all at about the same time using hidden raid ships that I hope to sneak on beforehand.
That is a highly annoying result.  Had that happen before.

At a minimum I have 9000k more science points to gain from planets that have to be captured, giving me a total of 15000k points with reasearch still be done. Open to suggestions on what I should use it on.

So far I have:
MkIII Harvesters
MkII Fleet ships
MkIII Parasites
MkIII Scout
Hardend Shields MkI
MkII Engineers
MK III Engineers really help out with Golem repairs in the field.  I'd also unlock Fortress Is and help support your far flung planets with those, along with spider turrets (10-15 per fortress) to support them against polycrystal.  Grav Is would also help you heavily.

From there, I'd bring Bombers up to MK III and possibly Frigates, along with some Raid SS upgrades.

Open question to end this sheer wall of a post, is it worth going out of my way to grab high tier asteroids for Spirecraft?
I'll answer a question with a question.  What do you intend to do with the high tier ships?  If you don't know for sure, then the answer is no.

EDIT: It has come my realisation the assertaining of a Regen Golem makes alot of sense when it comes to keep reclaimed ships alive, however taking the regen golem would result in the further dessimnation of the Dyson Gatlings into two more areas, creating a grand total of 5 areas for them to protect.

How much would this further extension of the Dyson Protecterate weaken its abilty to protect my areas? What is everyone's opinions on the operational value of Dyson Gatlings over such a large area?
With the new adjustments to Dysons and the dissemination, the only thing the Dyson will do is help to protect you from drifter attacks.  At that point, 40 or so more Dysons to 2 more worlds would be fine.  Remember you're about to remove your dyson volume by dropping the AIP with the Data Centers... they're going to be near useless shortly, just a handful per world.  They'll remove drifter/SF traffic but that's about all you can count on them for.
... and then we'll have cake.

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Re: All dat Leech!
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2012, 07:41:45 am »
Fort+Spider turrets makes alot of sense. I'll defenitely do that. Raid SS are barely used by me but perhaps it is time to experiment  a bit.
I should add though that I have a Bomber SS Fab. Would that not achieve the same purpose, given how powerful they are?

With the Spirecraft I would probably be looking at siege towers to escort my Art Golem onto bot AI Homeworlds. Both posses an AI-Eye and so it would be best to destroy that before the rest of my fleet turns up.
With a full compliment of ST's I should have enough firepower to repel any freed ships till the Eye is destroyed in both cases, plus it would make taking out AI Co-processor easy.

I wasn't aware that AI Progress affected the volume of Dyson Gatliings available. I need to look up where that was added to the game in the patch notes.

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Re: All dat Leech!
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2012, 09:42:28 am »
I wasn't aware that AI Progress affected the volume of Dyson Gatliings available. I need to look up where that was added to the game in the patch notes.

It is pretty recent, 5.032 I think?


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Re: All dat Leech!
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2012, 08:00:54 pm »

It is pretty recent, 5.032 I think?


Yeah, it was 5.034

Must take this into account before I act. Hope to play more of this game tomorrow.

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Re: All dat Leech!
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2012, 10:20:29 am »
Well, that was fun, a bit short but fun.


Following on from my last post; my main objective was to take out all data centers and take enough ARS's so as to bring down all the remaining CSG's. The Regen Golem was also captured.
This was carried out pretty much by the book, no real problems encountered till it came to taking Likdorsamu. This would result in putting 3 Mk. IV worlds on permanent alert, all of them core worlds and my only reall approach to the AI Homeworld Quje.

All the planets taken by the end of the game, sadly had to cut straight through the center of the map.

Putting these planets on alert would not have been so bad had my plan been to hit this Homeworld last as the Co-processor still lay on the other AI Homeworld.

Little could be done about so I put 3 core worlds on alert and just hoped they wouldn't reinforce to some ridiculous degree by the time I got around to leading the assualt on Quje.

Ships unlocked by ARS were:

Zenith AutoBomb
Zenith Viral Shredder
Vampire Claw

I honestly did not bother Hacking for any better ships because of time. I smelled a CPA was coming and wanted to win this game pronto.

With all the Knowledge points gained I decided to buy spider turrets and MkIII fleet ships. Never had all of them unlocked at once so when I saw the oppertunity I jumped at it.

With little else to do other than attack the Homeworlds I began to marshall my fleets to Xuka, my staging ground for my first AI homeworld assualt. But before that I decided to build a TON of spire shield bearers. Something of a live issue; these ships so I though it was high time to see if they were worth it.
Botnet was left on defence duty. Pretty much every other ship I had was gathered for this assualt.

Transports were probably a bad idea given the lack of damage reduction from shield bears but old habits die hard.

The approach was easy enough, althouh some of the shield bearers decided to go on a coffee break and just broke formation, stopping dead for no obvious reason.
The Art Golem also threw a hissy fit, complaining about poor quality canvas's and the lack of zen in this galaxy and also decided to break formation for no obvious reason. Still they all got their act together after I clicked (whipped) them half to death and they got back in with the main group. Not sure what was going on there as they weren't paralysed or suffering engine damage.

And so the assualt began.



The Shield beaers did their job from what I can tell. But the real star of this assualt was the Zenith Viral Shredders. They absolutely thrashed the Zombie bots that spawned from the AI-EYE; growing in number as the assualt progressed. The flood of ships that should have done such grevious damage to my fleet was stemmed entirely.

This allowed me to almost at leisure take out the core guard posts with my Cursed Golem and Spirecraft. Though I did kind of screw up with my forgetting to take out the Mass Driver for ages resulting in the near destruction of my Cursed Golem by the end.

However the matter was concluded in a very anti-clamatic matter as I only took some 200+ casualties thogh my Golems were almost dead, I suppose my Regen Golem was putting in serious work.

Even so my losses were so small........hug it lets go for broke, straight away I'll take out the second Homeworld and end this here and now. Co-proccessors be damned.

So fleet is repaired and moved to Likdorsamu, however as I was doing this my suspicions were proven right.

A CPA at 274 AIP. Damn, by ignoring the Co-processors I've placed myself in a posistion where I have to win now or face alot of pain.
Ok then, the fleet is gathered time to build some more spirecraft but not shield bearers this time. This time I build about ten Penatrators.

Only a few minutes to get them built in but I feel pretty confident.

So with about 6-7 minutes left on the Doom Clock I attack. The coreworld I passed through had rienforced to about 700 ships but I still managed to pass throuhg pretty easy.

As soon as I laned on Quje however things got......interesting.

What.............WHAT! Oh for the love of! How could I miss a CPA post listing!

Now I really, really, really had to win. Two CPA's back to back would spell death. However again the Viral Shredders pulled their weight, giving my penatrators the chance to run around popping Core Guard Posts with ease. It also helped that much of that CPA Guard post dumped it's forces in Carriers that my troops tactfully ignored making them useless.

1000 is a terrifying number.....most of the time.

What resulted was a fairly easy encounter despite the crushing time limit. The Regen Golem died at some point but it hardly mattered anymore. Penatrators made short work of the Guard Posts and after that the Cursed Golem quickly brought down the HCC in a matter of seconds.

So much bloom that even J.J. Abrhams would be embarresed.

I think I'll post my thoughts on the campaign in a second post later this evening. Want to get my thoughts in order.