Right now aiming with an analog stick on a gamepad results in 8 point controls giving way less control then the much more specific aiming you get from the mouse. makes using a gamepad pretty much pointless imo. If the analog sticks had full control and could utilize them in a way similar to most dual stick shooters it would be greatly appreciated.
I know the majority of players are most likely using keyboard and mouse, and that being a gamepad user i am probably way in the minority. just thought id bring it up.
I'm using a gamepad myself actually. PS3 controller specifically.
I found pretty fast that the analog aim wasnt all that great, and frankly I'd be really inaccurate with that ANYWAY (most games I'm into actually dont use analogs....).
Try using the targeting system. There should be a command like "switch to next target" in the keybindings menu, and also one that cancels the target, set both of these to something, and use THAT to aim your shots.
The game makes it pretty easy to target most things, BUT, it WILL try to target stupid crap like those damn dragon fireballs, or tiny fairies. If it's being really snotty with that, and the thing you want to target is on screen, pause the game, and THEN switch till you get the one you want. Fortunately, you wont have to do this often.
The game also will only allow you to select targets you can see, BUT the target lock will stick to them even if you get really far away.
When you just NEED to aim in a different way, use the dPad's 8-way aim. I find I dont have to do this very often at all, but it's good that it's there nonetheless.
Really though, I cant imagine playing this WITHOUT a controller. I've been playing platformers since I was a little kid, and they've ALL used controllers, and I'm sorta automatically always terrible with a mouse, so I use this for damn near everything. Hell, I use this controller for Minecraft, and now for Diablo 3, now that that's out. Screw the mouse, I say!