Hi everyone. I haven't been playing the game for too long (only started knuckling down to play it a few days ago), but during these few days of playing i thought of 2 things that might be cool to add as map generating options for those that are looking to give the game a 2nd/3rd/etc. run thru from the very beginning.
Basically the player will choose which of these settings he'd like to apply to the world (permanently) upon creation:
Limited Survivors: Pretty obvious what this does. It gives the player a limited number of survivors to start with, and if all of them die, then game over. This idea can also be expanded to work on a per settlement basis, but it will add a greater deal of complexity to the gameplay. Unfortunately i'm pressed for time at the moment, and i'll only be able to explain this expanded idea in detail a little later in the day if anybody is interested.
Non-Standard Monsters: What this option does is totally randomize the weakness/resistance elements of every creature type. To make this option even more interesting, the player can choose the option to have this work on a per-continent basis instead, so each continent will have their own flavour and this helps in making each continent unique in that regard.
I apologize in advance for any typos/inconsistancies, as i typed this up fast. Thanks in advance for reading