Can you say anything yet how you gonna handle the beta?
Will existing owners of AVWWhave access to it?
Yep! You'll have access to it right from the start as soon as we start the beta, sometime in November. Hopefully in about 3 weeks. Beyond that it will be like all our betas, where people can demo for free at any time or purchase a license key and get into the full beta (plus get the first game as well, in this case).
Any purchases of the first game at this point really should be considered purchases of both games.
Good to hear. And I am pretty sure you gonna satisfy my achievement whoring needs with this one too, but I also hope there are some new ones in there
I just thought about how it would be cool to advertise the game more and I came up with an idea:
Once all customers on steam got their free copy of AVWW2, you could give away a couple of copies (1000 or so) of the first game on steamgifts and tell them about the sequel. I am pretty sure you will sell some copies more and it won't cost you too much I guess. They have developers giveaways now with high visibility, since it is always on top of the list of gifts. However, I do not know how you wanna go about AVWW1 on the Steam Store, if you continue to sell it or as a bundle etc.
And maybe a very low amount of AVWW2 copies, like 50, as a teaser.
Example: do it on reddit, but there are a lot of multiaccounts and steamgifts has it in it's rules that you have to activate the games you win.
I think you can reach a lot of people with that. Just an idea