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Wiki - toolbox and navbars

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I found "what links here" in the toolbox and I think it could be very useful for updating link to updated pages. However, the lists are totally drowned, and I suppose because every ship page has these tags:
They create the expand/collapse windows "Ships and Structures Navigation " and "AI War Navigation Reference" and add their links in all "what links here".

The best way to solve the problem would be to let the navbars in place but make the "what links here" doesn't consider these in its listing. However, I bet it would be impossible to achieve because this feature might be deep in the wiki's code.

Removing all navbars from all ship pages would be:
- painful, because there is so many of them (could be done alongside an update about life/100 and no-cristal, but still painful)
- bad, because these navbars are useful, albeit outdated.

Also, are humble mortals allowed to edit these navbars? My current work aims to update almost all the pages linked in the {{AIWarRefNav}}.

Also, there is references to categories in old pages. I believe the namespace system replace them. Shall we delete them on sight?

Yeah, those categories are likely safe to delete on sight.

I don't know what to do about the "what links here?" problem.

Captain Jack:

--- Quote from: Pumpkin on April 25, 2015, 06:24:52 am ---Also, there is references to categories in old pages. I believe the namespace system replace them. Shall we delete them on sight?

--- End quote ---
I think namespace is how we're separating content across entire games. For grouping kinds of content (from expansions, classes of bonus content, and so forth) categories still work really well.


--- Quote from: Watashiwa on April 25, 2015, 01:17:09 pm ---
--- Quote from: Pumpkin on April 25, 2015, 06:24:52 am ---Also, there is references to categories in old pages. I believe the namespace system replace them. Shall we delete them on sight?

--- End quote ---
I think namespace is how we're separating content across entire games. For grouping kinds of content (from expansions, classes of bonus content, and so forth) categories still work really well.

--- End quote ---
Categories AIWar and AIWarBase are OK for deletion but categories are not evil per so. Compris.

Dominus Arbitrationis:

--- Quote from: Pumpkin on April 25, 2015, 06:24:52 am ---I found "what links here" in the toolbox and I think it could be very useful for updating link to updated pages. However, the lists are totally drowned, and I suppose because every ship page has these tags:
They create the expand/collapse windows "Ships and Structures Navigation " and "AI War Navigation Reference" and add their links in all "what links here".

The best way to solve the problem would be to let the navbars in place but make the "what links here" doesn't consider these in its listing. However, I bet it would be impossible to achieve because this feature might be deep in the wiki's code.

--- End quote ---

Yea, making that change would be extraordinarily difficult, and even if I did make that change, the moment we add another page there is a risk of it all breaking. I'm sure if I dug around the source of it for a while I could figure out something, but it seems like a lot of energy for no reward.

--- Quote from: Pumpkin on April 25, 2015, 06:24:52 am ---Also, are humble mortals allowed to edit these navbars? My current work aims to update almost all the pages linked in the {{AIWarRefNav}}.

--- End quote ---

If by navbar you mean things like {{AIWarRefNav}} and not the sidebar, then I do believe you all can edit them, although if that is abused I'll limit it a bit. The sidebar itself though, only an administrator can edit.

--- Quote from: Pumpkin on April 25, 2015, 06:24:52 am ---Also, there is references to categories in old pages. I believe the namespace system replace them. Shall we delete them on sight?

--- End quote ---

Yup. I might run a bot to remove them, I'm not sure. We might want to have a way to distinguish between the base game and every expansion though, since not everyone buys the whole bundle.


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