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Posting in a topic throws me back to the forum index

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See title ;p

I mean the index of the subforum the topic was in though, not the main index

Any way this can be fixed?

Versus keeping you in the same thread, you mean?  I think that's how it is meant to work.  Is that a new behavior?  I can't recall.


--- Quote from: x4000 on April 11, 2017, 11:29:27 am ---Versus keeping you in the same thread, you mean?  I think that's how it is meant to work.  Is that a new behavior?  I can't recall.

--- End quote ---

Nah that's definitely not how it worked.. when you posted it showed you your post.. as it should be. Otherwise you can't see if someone posted after you while you were typing..... or well, it just is annoying as I like to read what I posted.. for error correction ;p

Dominus Arbitrationis:

--- Quote from: eRe4s3r on April 11, 2017, 01:54:44 pm ---
--- Quote from: x4000 on April 11, 2017, 11:29:27 am ---Versus keeping you in the same thread, you mean?  I think that's how it is meant to work.  Is that a new behavior?  I can't recall.

--- End quote ---

Nah that's definitely not how it worked.. when you posted it showed you your post.. as it should be. Otherwise you can't see if someone posted after you while you were typing..... or well, it just is annoying as I like to read what I posted.. for error correction ;p

--- End quote ---

If someone posted while you were typing, it would give you a little error message and display their post so you can see what you need to alter in your reply. If you want to read your own post before actually posting it, you can use the "Preview" button next to the "Post" button, which will display your post as it would be displayed once you post it.

Are you saying this is the new default and I have to get used to it, because I am definitely not gonna get used to it without at least 3 pages of discussion.  ;D

Also no forum I ever posted in does this ;)

And 3rd, since I browse exclusively via "new replies" this feature adds nothing to my QoL ;p


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