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Missing "New" icon on forum posts

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--- Quote from: Toranth on June 14, 2017, 04:59:51 pm ---
--- Quote from: Dominus Arbitrationis on June 14, 2017, 04:08:11 pm ---
--- Quote from: steelwing on June 13, 2017, 08:47:04 am ---And I'm still getting it today.

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Is anyone seeing this today?

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Yup, still seeing it.  Reset browser, cleared cache - no go.  Still no 'New' image.

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And I'm still seeing it this morning.

Dominus Arbitrationis:
EDIT: I think I solved the problem. If I'm correct, everyone who didn't have the language explicited declared was running into issues for some reason. You shouldn't have been, but I believe you were. If you didn't have one defined, you would default to english, but we use english-utf8. As such, I did a mass change so that anyone whose lngfile in the database was blank now has english-utf8 defined there.


--- Quote from: Dominus Arbitrationis on June 16, 2017, 05:35:43 pm ---EDIT: I think I solved the problem. If I'm correct, everyone who didn't have the language explicited declared was running into issues for some reason. You shouldn't have been, but I believe you were. If you didn't have one defined, you would default to english, but we use english-utf8. As such, I did a mass change so that anyone whose lngfile in the database was blank now has english-utf8 defined there.

--- End quote ---
It now shows up correctly.  Yay!


I am happy to confirm the new post icons are back. :)


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