Other > Website Support

mantis access


Hey, Arcen staff, can someone help with mantis access? I don't seem to be able to recover my password. I PM'd Keith with details but he must be on leave or something. Is there anyone available to help me?

Hey there,

Keith is indeed out of town at the moment.  I've reset your password and it should have sent you an email.  We're still kind of bouncing back and forth between the new server and the old at the moment trying to get some things worked out, though, so there may be some troubles there.  Apologies for that if so.

Dominus Arbitrationis:
Fixed it! Many apologies for the error, and the fix may have also caused your email to suddenly be flooded with a bunch of new messages. Every message not sent was now sent.

Thank you, I can confirm that this is now resolved.

And this is my 999th message on this forum.


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