I voted for option #1, for two main reasons.
1. Ease of maintenance -- Many strategies and list of ways to use or counter something will change with every expansion. Given the vast number of units and structures AI War has, the thought of having to comb through even half of its encyclopedia of *stuff*, every time an expansion or major patch drops, makes me wince from a maintainability standpoint. The more frequent it has to be revised and the tougher it is to do, the less likely anyone will look at it and *not* nope right out. Aka the situation we have now where most pages haven't been touched since versions 5-6. If each page is kept lean and mostly requiring just a properties update, it's probably less likely to fall behind, or at least faster to catch up when it does.
2. "One method to rule them all" avoidance -- There's a tendency over time for at least the perception (not necessarily true!) of "one right way" to do things to develop in a lot of games. That tendency eventually starts to ossify the perceived options in approaching situations, resulting in new players falling in and miming a standardized approach. After a while, it tends to breed a weird "this is how it is, it is known" phobia of experimentation and refusal to tolerate the slightest possible inefficiency, even if the option is more subjectively fun than the 110% maximised approach -- this can get pretty nasty in games with multiplayer components. This is a real cancer in the broader MMO community that I've run into over the years. Can't say to what extent it exists in the RTS world as I was out of that loop for 13 years until I picked up AI War this February.
Mind you, I'm not saying that I've seen any of this behavior even in its earliest forms in the Arcen player community, because I haven't, and it's quite refreshing. It's more that I want to make sure that it *stays* that way, given what I've experienced and observed elsewhere, and these are just a few thoughts on how to avoid anything that could accidentally encourage it to start.
Besides, you can't really have a discussion on a Wiki, and strategy discussions are fun.
I would prefer the Strategy subforums just be a little more prominent, and maybe some stickied "Best Of" threads where especially useful threads can be linked to so they're easier to find.
Anyway, my $0.02.