General Category > Untitled 3D Survival

This is not a dinosaur game!

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Obviously I also love 2D games, but after 7 years I also want to change things up.  This is also a passion project for me, because my wife and I really want to play this sort of game and nobody makes it.  Yes there are other survival games and whatnot, but none do what this one will.


--- Quote from: x4000 on February 24, 2016, 07:58:44 pm ---Obviously I also love 2D games, but after 7 years I also want to change things up.  This is also a passion project for me, because my wife and I really want to play this sort of game and nobody makes it.  Yes there are other survival games and whatnot, but none do what this one will.

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yea that's just my personal preference I will play this game though it will be nice to play a survival game that isn't in early access for once (although the flame in the flood doesn't look bad).

...this will be in early access...


--- Quote from: ptarth on February 24, 2016, 05:03:22 pm ---But why do almost all of the games made with dinosaurs turn out so bad? Dinosaurs are awesome. Is it that the underlying mechanics aren't very good and throwing Dinosaurs on top of it just don't do anything to fix that problem?

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I think its because the underlying mechanics aren't good, and then dinosaurs are thrown on top.  In some cases, the dinosaurs were there to begin with, but the underlying mechanics never worked out, so it was sold with extra hype because dinosaurs.

Not that there aren't good dinosaur games, of course.  I happen to have a friend that's working on one called Saurian.  Which is also full of SCIENCE.


--- Quote from: x4000 on February 24, 2016, 08:15:01 pm ---...this will be in early access...

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  >:( seriously? what is it with 95 percent of survival games being in early access?! still in that case ill be playing it when its finished I don't buy early access games(except if there at the point were there pretty much finished) out of principle.


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