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Kizor words The Last Federation

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I enjoyed the AAR, it made me smile and laugh (mostly at the Holographic channels comment). Thanks for sharing it.

Thanks for a great AAR! It's great to discover one of the oh so few people who are willing and able to enjoy this mix of arcade and strategy to the point where they give it a crack at the hardcore level.

After farting around in the tutorial, I set up a Hard/Hard game, and got to the finish with a fair bit of genocide in fairly quick order(3015 I think). At that point I felt like bragging, so went looking for the forum, since for some reason the guy at 7/11 wasn't impressed.

Then I read your AAR.

Nice work, and inspiring enough to make me have another go - at Nightmare/Harder and and no genocide... Actually started off on Ironman, but had a bug issue and got stuck with a bad save, so I'm relying on self-discipline this time around. Wish me luck with the Burlust warlord.

Question: why not use the 'Stymie war production' more - eh - agressively? I'm still kinda fresh at this game, but to me it seems a few thousand credits every 3 years to prevent ALL fleet production is quite valuable.


--- Quote from: Trygvasson on November 06, 2014, 06:51:55 am ---Thanks for a great AAR! It's great to discover one of the oh so few people who are willing and able to enjoy this mix of arcade and strategy to the point where they give it a crack at the hardcore level.

After farting around in the tutorial, I set up a Hard/Hard game, and got to the finish with a fair bit of genocide in fairly quick order(3015 I think). At that point I felt like bragging, so went looking for the forum, since for some reason the guy at 7/11 wasn't impressed.

Then I read your AAR.

Nice work, and inspiring enough to make me have another go - at Nightmare/Harder and and no genocide... Actually started off on Ironman, but had a bug issue and got stuck with a bad save, so I'm relying on self-discipline this time around. Wish me luck with the Burlust warlord.

Question: why not use the 'Stymie war production' more - eh - agressively? I'm still kinda fresh at this game, but to me it seems a few thousand credits every 3 years to prevent ALL fleet production is quite valuable.

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Aye, most people I see playing it in videos or whatever typically seem to have the game on normal/normal.  Though I can understand why, as they might genuinely find those tough, or just be totally new to the game.

My own runs have been mostly Normal/Misery so far (I swear I must be the only one that plays it with the combat on that difficulty, but there's a reason why it has that name)....  I typically find the combat at all levels to not be very tough, but then I've played bullet-hell games to death, so dealing with all of that isnt hard to me.   But I'm still learning the strategy side of the game, so that's been on normal up till now.  Though I'll up it with my next go, I think.  Dunno how that'll go.... I'm not very good at long-term planning (cant remember the plans 2 minutes later), which is kinda a necessary thing with this game...

Still, I'd like to see more AAR writeups like this, or LPs, with the game at a higher difficulty than just the default.  Makes it more interesting.

Ah, a bullet-head. I'm more from the strategy side, but I do remember putting coins into the 'Space Invaders' machine at the mall...

How do you cope with destroying the Spy Probe on Misery level?


--- Quote from: Trygvasson on November 06, 2014, 09:51:15 am ---Ah, a bullet-head. I'm more from the strategy side, but I do remember putting coins into the 'Space Invaders' machine at the mall...

How do you cope with destroying the Spy Probe on Misery level?

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Eh, same way I deal with everything: Dodge all the bullets and shoot everything that needs shooting (I dont remember the details of how that particular mission type works; not one I've seen all that often). And of course depending on the mission, dock with whatever, if such a thing exists.  Of course there's certain times when it's best NOT to shoot, but the dodging still remains nonetheless.  There's also ALOT of fiddling with the power distribution.  That bit is REALLY important on that difficulty. 

You'd be surprised, at what is entirely dodgeable in this.  The game overall is well designed and lends itself to the idea of having a high skill ceiling, if that's the right term.  I've never really run into an unfair situation during combat; even on Misery, something like a 1 on 20 (as in, 20 enemy flagships) can be beaten.  Though it takes bloody forever.  It'll be the same with everything upcoming in the expansion, too, despite the sheer amount of bullets the new stuff puts out.

Arcen's stuff is typically like that on the strategy side as well, definitely.  Which is likely the case with this game.  They really know their stuff with that genre.  I'm typically into strategy games as well myself, but I'm more used to traditional turn-based sorts... this one's "grand strategy" style is rather new to me.  I get a bit lost in it.


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