And so, it begins. My time to wreck- I mean, run things. Can I accomplish something that doesnt involve explosions and/or larger explosions? Let's find out!
BEGIN!!!!Right away, I notice that some pirates are comitting that most grave of crimes, which is existing. Clearly, I must stop them from doing this. I decide to brave the
defenses of a pirate base to take it out and make it an example to the rest of- wait, what? They're guarding it with ONE ship? ...really? And these guys have continued
existing all this time... how, exactly? A bit of vague effort melts those dolts quickly. Clearly, I am on a good start towards my goal of accomplishing something non-
44th III Proto 3003I notice that the Acutians seem to have excess manufacturing outposts which are not mine. Clearly, I must rectify this unfortunate situation. Being that the Acutians are
my good buddies though, I'd rather not tick them off... too much. I figure it's time to improve relations even further, so they wont be TOO bothered when I steal one of
the outposts from them.
I look at their current situation... oh dear. They're having some medical issues, which they are clearly not paying attention to, considering that they're spending their
time making damn stupid things like spy probes and casinos. Ah, corporate logic at it's finest. I persuade them to focus on improving their medical situation, and I take
a number of months to help get them started in this.
(oops, missed a screenshot here)
11th XIII Pyran 3003Knowing that the Boarines are pretty darned strong, it's time to work on becoming allies with them, which could be very helpful down the line. Their situation overall is
pretty messed up... there's alot of work to be done here. Their population is low, and like the Acutians they're having medical issues, so I take even more months playing
doctor. This also gets me enough influence with them to start working directly with the regent. That should be helpful.
Once I have an audience with her, I immediately convince her to invest in medicine, which also has the nice side effect of ending the downwards trend of public order on the
planet. Hopefully, these steps will get them on the road to recovery. Because she's a bit obsessed with defense right now, I hand over info related to the construction of
Laser Pistols. I also give them Photon Mechanics to help out as well. I sure hope they appreciate all this stuff.
41st X Helia 3004So, the Peltians have good relations with me. What with the quest earlier that one of my predecessors did for them. I also seem to have about a squillion voting proxies.
Clearly, these guys could be pretty darned useful. It's time to raise my influence with them even further, as I have... plans... for them. I gift them some technologies to
get started, and we're in a good position. It is then time to begin construction...
14th XIII Pyran 3005After hiring some construction goons, I went to work with the Peltians to build a science outpost! Which I immediately claimed for my own. Since I'd done so much for them
at this point, the Peltians didn't seem to really care all that much. No resistance whatsoever was met in the capturing of the outpost. Time to hire some security goons to
protect this, as it will be a major advantage from here on out. Getting techs both for myself and other races will now be much easier!
Interestingly, the Peltians are now also the strongest military force in the solar system. Probably good that I've got so much influence with them, just in case... I'll
have to keep a close eye on them.
I see that the Skylaxians are becoming pretty strong, with a good military force, and no less than THREE outposts already! Good thing they're on our side, eh?
And the Boarines... are all sorts of screwed up. Yet they are still one of the strongest, and the regent is STILL obsessed with defense, and producing even more ships. So much of the piteous plight.
Because.... because. As I understand it, the bad planetary situation is one of the causes of this obsession... perhaps it's time to help some more.
There's a particular type of structure that will help in solving the environmental and public order trends that are giving them so much trouble, so I get some construction
goons, and help them build one. I also convince the regent to work on cracking down on infighting, to improve public order that much further. Getting their distressed
population under control can only help, after all.
35th VI Thermo 3006The Andors are nearly ready to join the spacefaring party, and have requested my help in getting started faster. In other words, they've asked me to come over there, and
blow stuff up! My specialty!
Ye gods, that's alot of enemy flagships. And a ring of turrets, and a hangar, and... What in the world were the Acutians expecting to fight against?!? Oh, yeah, me. That's right.
The fun begins with 10 zillion ships coming out of that blasted thing.
5 of their flagships are defeated within the space of about 2 minutes, if that. My interceptors do a fine job of distracting the many smaller ships zooming around the area.
The cloud of smaller ships is approaching quickly. Fortunately, they dont stand a chance against the might of my spreadshot.
Most of the cloud is defeated quickly, and the remaining 2 flagships charge at me, because... because. They must not like living very much. They are quickly defeated, and
the battle is over. And here I'd thought they'd be at least a vague threat. I was wrong.
Because all of the enemy ships were defeated, we now gain the minigun to use for further explosion-making! The Acutians are a little bothered by all of this, despite it
being entirely their fault for getting their silly ships near me in the first place, but that should be easily fixed later. I've rescued a number of their pilots, so we'll
be taking them home right away.
62nd VII Thermo 3006Er... perhaps I got a little over-enthusiastic in that last encounter... did I just explode their entire military fleet? Er. That could be a bit of an issue.
END OF RUN: 64th VII Thermo 3007Well, that about wraps up my go at it. The last thing that happened was that the Evucks asked me to smuggle them some Terraformers because their planet was so messed up.
The Burlusks, being cosmic jerks, tried to stop me, but it didn't work. Wasnt worth a screenshot, really. I also convinced them to stop attacking the poor Boarines.
Apparently, "stop attacking" means to pull back the main military fleet, and instead send a pile of raiders at the same target. I swear, the Boarines are like bad luck
On the plus side after all of this, we've got good influence with most of the races here, except the Thoraxians, who continue to hate us. They've also taken no actions at
all this whole time... must be plotting something.
On the downside... yeah, the thing with the Acutians. Oops. Couldnt help it much though, they kept shooting at me with all of their big shiny targets- er, I mean, ships,
so of course I had to fire back... Their own damn fault for throwing their entire military against a monstrous force that they had no chance against, AKA me. I'm hoping
that they can be saved before the Burlusks go berserk again. It may be a good idea to get the Andors to send them some assistance if possible.
Also, the Burlusk planetary situation is really bad right now... but that doesnt seem to discourage them from their murder quests.
Also: I forgot to hand over the Acutian pilots, so they're still in the inventory.
Well, that was fun. Attaching the save here! Good luck to whoever is next. All of that positive influence should hopefully be helpful now in getting the Federation