This gameplay describes the 0.860 alpha version of The Last Federation and may not reflect on the full game.
Intro (game text and images)
I am the last of the murdered race of Hydrals. My countrymen were the dictators of the solar system, so we kind of had it coming.
My ultimate goal? The creation of a peaceful unified federation of planets. Only then can we be safe from the kinds of atrocities my race committed, and the kinds that were committed against us.
1 I Proto 3000After escaping captivity and stealing a prototype flagship from the Thoraxians, I must escape the planet to begin my quest to make the last federation this solar system will ever see.
My ship is equipped with three weapons and multiple experimental special attack options that seriously outclass the two pursuing Thoraxian ships.
I swoop around the two pursing flagships and deploy my Kamichi fighters for cover. The energy blaster easily brings down their shields, and the spreadshot lays waste to the bare hull and deployed enemy fighters
Now that I am safely away, I can look around at the current state of the solar system. I see several races besides the Thoraxians are also near achieving spaceflight for themselves.
The hated warlike Burlusts appear to be within a month of reaching orbit.
Before I can form a unified solar federation, all the races must be given a chance to reach the stars. However, I decide who to deal with first.
The Burlusts do not deserve to make it to space before the Acutians and Skylaxians. After all, the Acutians earned my respect when they sent a moon into the orbit of my homeworld, and the Skylaxians have as advanced and admirable of a culture as can be found in this system.
6 I Proto 3000I must get past the Thoraxian guards to slip key information for spaceflight to the Acutians.
I apply my cloaking device and slip into the drop zone with the documents before they can try to stop me.
The Acutians were wise not to mention the name of their planet to me before I freed them from the ground. They named their home planet “Jam”. They are appropriately grateful to me for the technical assistance, and the Thoraxians are appropriately angry that I broke their monopoly of spacefaring technology.
11 I Proto 3000This time I check with the locals about planet names before giving them the secrets of spacefaring. The honorable Skylaxians have named their planet Stella Lyra, a much grander name. This time I must dodge both the Thoraxians and Acutians in order to deliver the documents. I pull off the same diversion+cloaking trick and drop the documents before they even know I’m there.
14 I Proto 3000Invest in infrastructure with the Acutians for 1 influence. The first brick in my solar federation!
22 II Proto 3000Raid Pirate convoy with Skylaxians for a delicious Sorul Dark Chocolate. This will be useful as a bribe later.
The Burlusts are now spacefaring by themselves.
Looking at the ship customization:
I adjust my capabilities slightly, adding the gravity missile to my active repertoire.
45 III Proto 3000Since the Burlusts are so dangerous, I decide to plant an informant on their homeworld of Volos. Then I decide to raid them for Basic Sub Atomic Theory. I can't have the warmongers with a tech edge on any other races.
Looks like the Burlusts are going to hate me. I warp into planetary orbit practically on top of a juicy weather satellite, GPS satellite, and flight school. Since I didn’t want the Burlusts on the solar scale at this point, I will do my best to send them back to the information age before I steal their tech anyways.
A quick gravity missile takes care of the nearest flagship. That leaves only 1 flaghip off screen and a poorly oriented constellation of turrets between me and my targets.
I wrap up the three orbital targets and dock with the orbital science lab to grab the tech. Amusingly, there appears to be no hit in influence from me destroying their orbital goodies. Perhaps they respect the demonstration of my significant combat prowess.
Continued on next post