Before people ask, I figure I should give an explanation of how scoring works (though it appears to be a bit buggy at the time of writing this).
At this time, scoring is supposed to work by making each block worth some amount of points equal to the last block in the reaction + 10, and the score for the whole reaction is multiplied by the reaction's multiplier, which is equal to how deep in a combo the reaction is. The first block in a reaction is worth the multiplier *10.
So, if you cleared 4 reactions where the first is 3 blocks, the second and third were both spawned by the first reaction and are both 4 blocks, and the fourth is spawned from the third and is 3 blocks, the score would be:
1*(10+20+30) + 2*(20+30+40+50) + 2*(20+30+40+50) + 3*(30+40+50) = 980.
You also receive 1 point for every block that falls into the well. Special blocks are currently worth 100 points each.
The original intended scoring mechanic was similar to the above, but the first block in a reaction was actually worth 10 points more than the last block in the previous reaction! So, with that, the score would've been:
1*(10+20+30) + 2*(40+50+60+70) + 2*(40+50+60+70) + 3*(80+90+100) = 1750.
I'm happy to discuss scoring mechanics and possible changes to the mechanic to emphasize different aspects of the game as particularly important. Right now, combos are stressed because the multiplier can make later reactions worth so much. Large reactions are helpful and for small collections of blocks can be worth more than using combos (a 6 block reaction = 210 points, whereas two 3 block ones in combo are 180). Right now, a large reaction followed by combos isn't very helpful at all, whereas it matters more with the other scoring system, and now it's less helpful to do several reactions in a combo before a large reaction than it is with the other system. Do people like the greater isolation between reactions provided by the current system? Do they want more isolation? Less isolation? The more the score of reactions depends on previous reactions, the more combos will make the score skyrocket.
Also, there may be bugs in scoring at this time. If you find any (as I have while writing this post), please let us know in the bug reports forum. Feel free to post your thoughts on scoring in this thread! I'd like to get some feedback before asking Chris or Keith to look into what's up with the scoring system and fix it to be a certain way.