-The block styles dropdown in the settings menu now includes all seven of the block colors for each blocks style, rather than just the gray/teal version. This makes it vastly easier for colorblind players to find a set that works for them when looking at the various block styles next to each other.
-A new game mode has been added: Featherweight. Same as Normal mode, except gravity is much lower, and streams tend to float upwards. Prepare to bend your mind.
-Two more map segments for the main adventure map have now been added by Phil.
-A new special block has been added: Magnet (Repulsor). Pushes nearby streams away from itself. Can only be destroyed by dropping out of the bottom of the well.
-A new special block has been added: Magnet (Attractor). Pulls nearby streams toward itself.Can only be destroyed by dropping out of the bottom of the well.