Author Topic: PAX Prime 2013: Arcen Store Sale Celebrates Bionic Dues First Public Showing  (Read 11277 times)

Offline cupogoodness

  • Arcen Games business development/Jack of all trades
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Originally posted:

Just a quick post to share that we're running a store-wide sale on our site through the holiday weekend in celebration of the public debut of our upcoming tactical roguelike Bionic Dues -- on display today (and tomorrow) in the Indie Megabooth at PAX.

We've matched Steam's discounts on Skyward Collapse (40% off) and the just released Nihon no Mura expansion (10% off), as well as slashed 60% off of AI War (including all editions and expansions), Tidalis, A Valley Without Wind 1 & 2, and Shattered Haven.

Hope you like. Have a great weekend!