I beat it, eventually. My solution was a little strange in that rather than trying to clear all of a color at once (my usual approach) I ended up clearing most of the colors in two separate chains, and have a bunch of chains go off simultaneously. If that was the intent, very cool, if it wasn't I think it's an interesting approach to keep in mind...
Difficulty-wise, though, I think it's probably on the harder end of average. I always wish this game had a replay or slow-mo mode where I could watch the chain develop and see what the "next step" should be, so I had to set it up and let it run a few times for every permutation I tried just to see how it broke down. In any case, it has the same thing that a lot of my puzzles have that people seem to dislike which is there are just a lot of blocks on the board. Most of fiskbit's "official" puzzles have relatively few actual blocks, just a strange arrangement or placement. I personally like this kind of puzzle, but it's a little harder than "Average" to play. I personally enjoy it, but I like hard puzzles.
Please try some of mine and let me know what you think!