Come watch me play The Last Federation this afternoon. I will begin as soon as I have the game from the humble store and get it set up. I will be giving away 2 codes if possible from the humble store as well to people who want it, so if you want the game but can't afford it, you might get it free here.
For those new to but are familiar with YouTube, the main draw to Twitch is the improved chat. This allows casters the ability to interact with viewers a lot better than you see at YouTube.
To properly interact with chat, you will need to set up a twitch tv account and verify your e-mail in your profile settings. Sorry, I have to do that to reduce the number of spam bots that come into the channel. Also watch links in chat unless verified by me.
I'm doing this because I've enjoyed A Valley Without Wind, AI War, and Bionic Dues, and I think it's time Arcen gets their dues for making great games. Also, Cupcakegoodness, you said you've watched me play AI War before? Let me know who you are, so I know who I'm talking to.
Finally, my channel can be found at You can hear announcements for when I go live at I can't predict precisely when I will go live due to humble store timing, but I will post in here as well so that you know.