Can confirm.
I was had a great start. Everyone loved everyone. Well, except the Acutians. They were my starting race, and it didn't matter how hard I tried, they kept recenting me. As I was at least liked by all the other races they became easy pickings for the more evil races. I first tried to defend them, but it hurt me more than it aided my relation with the Acutians. At some point I just gave up on them. The Burlusk had been itching for a fight for a while finally saw their chances when I started to side with the attackers. But then it a 'Anti-gamibling' (==bad economics) event happened on their planet.
Now to the part related to the thread (
): The Andors started to help the Burlusk, even though I couldn't rise the economy stat myself. I think the Andors just kept sending help over and over, with no change to the negative economy stat. It didn't help the Samaritans were the ruling party -_- . It went from an healthy 50 to a -350. The fun part the Andors loved them +400!
I guess I have a war at hand down the road. But (I guess) as I am Idolized by both of them, got a ton of leverage with the current prime warlord and the Burlusk are greatly outpowered by the Andors at the moment. No war has started yet... The only problem, the keep lashing their frustration out on the Thoraxians... Even after years of 'being at war', they are neutral to each other. But I fear the moment the Acutians (their common enemy) finally falls.
EDIT: typos.