Author Topic: What are requirements for ultimate weapon buildings?  (Read 3009 times)

Offline MaskityMask

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What are requirements for ultimate weapon buildings?
« on: May 02, 2014, 02:40:33 pm »
So in one of my longer games in older version I figured out I'd built something for peltians and noticed for my surprise building that took 180 months to build in different section than usual. And I had holy shit moment when I read "Peltian Asteroid Perturber." and about this "Ultimate peltian weapon" and how it drops asteroids into outposts and planets. Well, before I managed to build it game arleady ended(I was really just trying to pass time until final non federation race died)... In another game where acutians formed fear empire they had building which I forgot but it was something like "Acutian (something) launchpad" and it had similar lenght in building and description also called it ultimate weapon. Though instead of asteroids, it caused enemy economy to lower by one every month which was why non actians all had -2000 economy...

But in my last game in new version I got to year 3090 had researched every tech and none of surviving races not even peltians had that ultimate weapon building =/ Can they only build them during war? Were they removed? Are they bugged? Do they just have really hard requirements to build? And does each race have one?

Offline x4000

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Re: What are requirements for ultimate weapon buildings?
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2014, 02:47:41 pm »
Those races bust them out as a surprise, and I don't think that you can directly build them -- at least, that was the intent.  They can't build them until around 54 years into the game, and then after that it still takes a super long time, and they won't really do it unless they really hate somebody, heh.  Those are meant to be one of those kind of uber-rare things that come out like Warmech from FF1:
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Offline MaskityMask

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Re: What are requirements for ultimate weapon buildings?
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2014, 02:53:50 pm »
Well, yeah, I think you can't build them without buying a lot of workers even if you have all tech that boosts building speech. I did build acutian launchpad as test though.(I think they already had built one though since all non acutians had their economy in scarytown) I would have built peltian asteroid perturber as well if game hadn't ended...

What are all the ultimate weapons? I'm curious at what androns or skylaxians would create(because seriously, I had big holy crap moment when I saw peltian ultimate weapon. They are clearly the destroyers of the world, none of other races in that game had ultimate weapon buildings) or what horrible stuff thoraxians/burlust/evucs would do
« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 02:56:53 pm by MaskityMask »

Offline x4000

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Re: What are requirements for ultimate weapon buildings?
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2014, 02:57:27 pm »
The Andors are actually the one race without anything.  The Boarines also have a massive shield that protects them hugely, and that is their ultimate building, though it's not offensive.  The Evucks have towers that drive people to internal wars, and the Burlusts have these buildings that cause everyone in the solar system to just go batshot crazy and war on everyone else.  The Skylaxians are mostly focused around computer viruses and other forms of mind control, IIRC.  I don't see them often, heh.
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Offline MaskityMask

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Re: What are requirements for ultimate weapon buildings?
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2014, 03:03:04 pm »
Yeah, I have only seen them in those two games I mentioned.

And holy shit, evuc and burlust one would really be great at ruining plans if they were more common ._.;

Heh, figures that androns would be only one without one... I guess they would need to go crazy evil from virus before even thinking of building one. Nice to see that boarines stay true to their isolationism even with their "ultimate building" thing.

It seems to be so rare (and impactful) event that there should probably be "Shit got real" popup like evucs igniting gas giant and acutians planning planetcracking(how often does that happen? I only saw it once just before they died in one game) if one of those gets built.

Edit: Wait, you didn't mention thoraxians. Do they also have one?
« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 03:04:57 pm by MaskityMask »

Offline MaskityMask

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Re: What are requirements for ultimate weapon buildings?
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2014, 06:12:29 am »
Okay, spoilers! Inspired by Zespri checking language files for anti federation alliances, I decided to check ultimate weapon stuff to satisfy my curiosity. I still have no idea how to hell to get races build them, I just made playthrough on starting year 50 and managed to almost research time travel but nobody was ever capable of building it

Peltian Asteroid Perturber: Unique Peltian ultimate weapon.  Every 30 to 90 months, causes an asteroid to rapidly change trajectory and fly at another race's planet or outpost.  The effects on planets are devastating, ripping through defense armadas as well as killing massive numbers of the populace.

Evucks Psyops Broadcast Tower [race]: Unique Evuck ultimate weapon.  Causes the [race] to descend into a state of perpetual internal war, tearing themselves apart until the tower itself is destroyed.

Burlust Psyops Virus Development Center: Unique Burlust ultimate weapon.  Causes ALL races in the entire solar system to go absolutely crazy with bloodlust, and be locked in the Warlike stance until the virus center is destroyed.  Being in a warlike stance doesn't mean that a race will immediately be at war with everyone, but it does make conflict overwhelmingly likely and frequent.

Skylaxian Cyberwarfare Facility: Unique Skylaxian ultimate weapon.  Emits an advanced self-replicating worm that causes all non-allied robotic races to descend into a state of perpetual internal war.  The worm depends on the cyberwarfare facility for continual evolution, however, so if the facility is destroyed then the robots will recover.

Thoraxian Search And Destroy Command Center: Unique Thoraxian ultimate weapon.  Every 30 to 90 months, launches a powerful Thoraxian Hunter Fleet, which seeks out and destroys pirate bases... and then you, personally.

Acutian Industrial Sabotage Launchpad: Unique Acutian ultimate fiscal weapon.  Every month, the Economy for every non-allied race drops by 1.  Perpetually, unless the launchpad is destroyed.

Boarine Isolation Shield: Unique Boarine ultimate defense system.  And absolutely impenetrable, invisible shield encircles the entire planet, protecting the planet's surface from all attacks -- ground attacks, bombings, you name it.  Does not protect Boarine space armadas, however, since they are outside the shield.

Okay, first thing, holy crap ._. These are all so powerful that no matter they are really rare... And that makes me want to seem them all even more so.

Though, curious that Skylaxian weapon only target the robots ._. Huh. And Boarine Isolation Shield seems like unbeatable since how do you defeat them? Reminds me of the shields from Star Control II that Ur Quan set up on their conquered planets... I guess it'd be cool if Boarine would become after building the shield non factor in game, like since they isolated themselves from other race, they aren't threat so you can win the game with federation if they are only non federation race left and have the shield...

Thoraxian weapon doesn't sound like it will actually affect other races ._. Does it cause huge has swarm of ships to fight player? That'd be cool to fight

Offline zespri

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Re: What are requirements for ultimate weapon buildings?
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2014, 07:33:35 am »
Has anyone actually seen any of these in a game?

Offline Histidine

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Re: What are requirements for ultimate weapon buildings?
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2014, 07:39:48 am »
Has anyone actually seen any of these in a game?
The Skylaxians started on one in one of my older games. Almost finished it, but not quite (which would have been LOADS of trouble, my key ally at that time was the Acutians)

Thing is, the superweapons aren't very super if you can just sabotage them for 5000 credits... (someone should make a Mantis request for sabotage costs varying with building type)

Offline MaskityMask

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Re: What are requirements for ultimate weapon buildings?
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2014, 08:27:49 am »
Has anyone actually seen any of these in a game?

I saw peltian asteroid perturber once in the building development menu, but I don't know if they ever succeeded building one. I also saw in separate game where acutians formed fear empire them having their weapon on building menu... And I think they had one built since all non acutians had -2000 economy.

Offline topper

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Re: What are requirements for ultimate weapon buildings?
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2014, 10:18:51 am »
Okay, spoilers! Inspired by Zespri checking language files for anti federation alliances, I decided to check ultimate weapon stuff to satisfy my curiosity. I still have no idea how to hell to get races build them, I just made playthrough on starting year 50 and managed to almost research time travel but nobody was ever capable of building it


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