How powerful are trends? What's the monthly change I can expect to see from one of those? Also, how often do they change? What damage would I save someone by flipping a negative trend for a positive?
Also, how much effect does a planet's RCI have on it anyway? Say I were to... I dunno... Have a penchant for destroying enemy communication satellites, such that their Public Order was below -100. Hypothetically. What effect would that have on them?
Also, and slightly related, has the bug where placing a trend on a planet will sometimes have the results screen say "ERROR RESULT (RCITrendEnd-Negative): Negative{1} Trend Ended on {0} ({1} currently {2} {3}]) -- PARAMS --The planet's name -- What it was a trend for -- What that parameter is at -- What that counts for (Bad, etc...) --? It's done this to me a few times, though it seems to set the trend properly.