General Category > The Last Federation

Thinking about getting this game

(1/2) > >>

2 questions

1: is it fun?

2. Is it balanced? It's common knowledge that every Hearts of iron IV patch breaks something. Is everything in order?

I'm not aware of any major balance issues.

You might check out The Biscuit Federation (two parts) animated video with Total Biscuit recounting his playthrough. It's like my favorite thing ever. He did find a loophole that some other folks also found, and we patched that up in 2015; he notes we patched it out, but actually we just made it properly nuanced instead.

I'll just leave this here: (The Biscuit Federation part 1)

If you enjoy playing the evil puppeteer and experimenting, this is a super fun game. Easy recommendation.
Balance wise, at the time I didn't stumble upon any easy loophole and it had many many updates after that, so it's hard for me to say.

If you leave that link, you also need to leave this one: (The Biscuit Federation part 2)



--- Quote from: x4000 on May 16, 2018, 10:47:02 am ---If you leave that link, you also need to leave this one: (The Biscuit Federation part 2)


--- End quote ---
Do I? I thought they always had part 2 in the "Up Next" or the recommendation section. Maybe not. :P


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