I would say it's decent coverage, upbeat, though fairly noncommittal. It's what I'd expect, since I don't think any of them have actually played it yet, and aren't likely to have watched a whole heck of a lot of the video. They go through a lot of games and the in-depth stuff is either strategically or very personally chosen.
I would also say that if TLF stands out (moderate likelihood), or one of the editors takes a shine to it, you'll see a 'real' review, where the writer has played and enjoyed some of the game. If it's flat out marvelous, you might see a "Wot I Think," or in-depth review.
In general, RPS is friendly and supportive toward Arcen, though a bit hesitant to go all-in. It's a decent relationship I'd say, since if Arcen happens to knock one out of the park, they'll almost certainly make news of it, but if it does anything less, it'll be smaller pieces like this... and there'll be a snarky statement or two about AVWW in the comments section.