Author Topic: The news on schedule and staffing, 2/17/2014.  (Read 10140 times)

Offline x4000

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The news on schedule and staffing, 2/17/2014.
« on: February 17, 2014, 09:08:59 pm »
Hey everybody,

So, here's the skinny, briefly:

1. Due to the need to continue to polish this game, in particular the clarity of things and the battle mechanics in general, as WELL as the need for proper time to do marketing, I've decided to push the release date back by about a month.

2. If you're looking to be a tester, this is actually good news, because there will be more slots over a longer period of time, now.

3. In terms of how this affects our staff, our fulltime staff is shrinking from 7 to 4.  Josh (tigersfan) is no longer with us as of today, and anything that you would normally send to him, please send to me instead.  Two other members of the staff are also affected (Erik and Cath), but this will not affect our ability to produce games.  As income hopefully rises in the future, we hope to be able to potentially shift back up to a fulltime staff of 5, with everyone being production-oriented in their job role.

4. I had hoped to stabilize ultimately at a company size of 8, but for now we're looking at 4.  This is something that we can still do a whole lot of work with, and it's a lot more stable for us financially.  As much as it hurts to let people go who have been a vital part of this company, purely looking at this from a job function standpoint, the needs of Arcen have been slimmed down and focused some with this layoff, so from the company's side it is sort of a good thing.  That said, we're losing some damn good people, which hurts no matter how you cut it.  It's just the reality of what sort of jobs are fully needed at the company at our current size and community level, and that whole income vs expenses curve, basically.

5. We shall see what the future holds, but unlike in 2010, please don't take this as a "the sky is falling, we need help" sort of event.  This is just... one of those things that is unfortunately a part of business.  I hate it, it's been very hard on me (and infinitely more hard on those laid off), but it's part of refining the business, not closing up shop or something.  Ever since Arcen's inception in 2009, we've been on a growth curve, always trying to grow our capabilities as our income also grew.  Our expenses often grew a bit faster than our income, or the two struggled to stay neck and neck.  We've grown enormously in income, at least 13% to 20% every year except 2012, but the pressures of a larger staff were such that we still were always teetering on the edge.

6. Now we're hitting a new stage of life as a company, where instead the focus is on stability and building up savings so that we can weather bumps and lurches without wondering where money is coming from next month or the month after.  I had hoped to enter this phase of our company's life with a total staff of 7 or 8, as I mentioned above, but ultimately the only number we can support right now is 4.  With the core team of myself (mainly design and writing, and programming secondarily, plus support and all the business stuff, and some bits of art), Pablo (music, and now once again sound), Keith (programming, and some design secondarily), and Blue (art, plus managing any art contractors we wind up working with), we're in good shape to be able to continue to make the sort of games we want to make.  The hope is to be able to bring Cath back into the fold at some point, but we shall see what happens.  Erik will still be involved with us for PR, but not on a fulltime basis; this mainly affects our social media presence more than anything else, but with my focus on also personally doing more blog posts and videos this should more than balance our in our favor.

7. All in all you don't need to worry about us.  It's a very sad day for us because the staff here has been very close despite a lot of us never having physically met (due to being geographically remote from one another).  But ultimately, for the company, this was the right move for a lot of reasons.  We won't have to rush around so much as we have in the past, which is a really big deal, for one.  Money won't be so much of a pressure, and if we can build up savings then that will be even less so.  That in turn will let us focus more on the actual creation process (which it's not like we didn't before, but still) rather than sometimes being distracted by "well, we have to hit X date because otherwise kaboom."

8. Just because our fulltime staff has shrunk to 4 doesn't mean that's all the support we have.  Erik is still going to be involved bigtime in all the important PR events, where he has had such a large impact; and he also occasionally contracts for doing some writing or other similar production-related things.  Kevin remains our go-to guy for trailers when we need them.  We have a variety of voice actors and musicians we work with from time to time.  We have an even wider variety of other artists that we work with from time to time.  We have a contract accountant, and a lawyer for the very rare times we need one, and both are very good.  And so on.  There's a wide support network that we have, but it's a big difference having people with a few hours here and there on an as-needed basis, versus people who are fulltime unavoidable monthly expenses; that latter category can be absolutely killer when there is the prospect of a project running even one more month, for instance.  All in all it really does take a village to make these games, and there are a lot of people you don't necessarily see, but who have been periodically involved for years.  All that remains the same, but our core staff is now entirely production-focused (aka, focused on the making of games).

Right now we're looking at the 24th of March as our target release date.  We're working on revised combat stuff, but it's been... a rather off weekend and day today, to say the least.  So there is more good stuff coming really soon regarding combat, but you'll have to wait a bit more for details and to be able to play it.  Those patience cards are going to get a bit more wear on them, but it's for the best.

Thanks for your understanding and for your support during this difficult transition time for us.  Please continue to offer us your feedback and suggestions on the game as if nothing has changed, however, as from a practical standpoint of how we need to finish this game, nothing has (aside from the fact that we now have an extra month of time).
Have ideas or bug reports for one of our games?  Mantis for Suggestions and Bug Reports. Thanks for helping to make our games better!

Offline Misery

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Re: The news on schedule and staffing, 2/17/2014.
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2014, 09:24:44 pm »
Well.  Not quite the news I was hoping to see upon refreshing the forum page.

I'll sum up what some of the others are probably thinking as well here and say "Well, that blows".

Offline CoyoteTheClever

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Re: The news on schedule and staffing, 2/17/2014.
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2014, 09:28:36 pm »
I shall support you guys as I always do with a day one buy (Arcen is the only company I do this with for all of their products).

I'm really looking forward to The Last Federation though, even moreso than usual. Like Bionic Dues before it (Which I'd say was the best Arcen game since AI Wars and the various expansions), it really feels like this is going to be a game that is going to play up to all of your strengths as a company, but at the same time it also feels like it is going to be very unique and innovative too.

I always appreciate how transparent you are about the goings on of your company, it always makes for pretty interesting reading.  If most companies were as transparent, I wouldn't be so averse to trying my luck on the stock market  :D I am sorry to hear about the layoffs though, but sometimes things like that aren't avoidable :( The games industry is a tough place on people though and layoffs happen regularly in the biggest companies, so it kind of makes me wonder if it is something that even can be avoided in the industry.

Offline Professor Paul1290

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Re: The news on schedule and staffing, 2/17/2014.
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2014, 09:32:07 pm »
Dang, I remember the Introversion guys pretty much had to do this a while back.

I guess the silver lining is that this might mean less having to push things out so soon and being able to spend more time on this and future games.

That said, I wish Josh, Erik, and Cath luck on finding new jobs.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 09:40:49 pm by Professor Paul1290 »

Offline Coppermantis

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Re: The news on schedule and staffing, 2/17/2014.
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2014, 09:42:05 pm »
Damn, that's rough. Going to echo Misery here, not at all what I wanted to read when I opened this thread. It is good to hear that you can afford more flexibility now, but it's still a pretty sucky situation.

Nevertheless, I wish all involved good luck in the future.
I can already tell this is going to be a roller coaster ride of disappointment.

Offline Mick

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Re: The news on schedule and staffing, 2/17/2014.
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2014, 10:10:07 pm »
This is very sad news.  :(

These are unpleasant situations for all involved. My own company had a "reduction in force" (which is supposedly "not a layoff" but is remarkably identical in every way) recently as well and we lost a good member of our team. There is an aspect of survivor's guilt when it is over and the effects on stress and morale do not pass quick.

I wish you luck in getting through this. I hope this game is the success you need to turn things around.

Offline Cyborg

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Re: The news on schedule and staffing, 2/17/2014.
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2014, 10:20:43 pm »
My condolences. :(
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Offline x4000

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Re: The news on schedule and staffing, 2/17/2014.
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2014, 10:29:05 pm »
I think the phrase "turn things around" is a bit misleading in this particular case. 2013 was a banner year for us, income-wise. That's part of what makes this so sucky. The core issue here is that I've been pursuing aggressive growth, which has resulted in excellent earnings increases, but in expenses that increased faster. In 2012 I compensated by basically personally working for free. Until mid-April 2013 I did the same. In 2013 we were also propped up by unusual windfalls from HIB and Indie Royale.

Even with all those things we could just baaaarly maintain a staff of 7. It wasn't healthy, and I drained my own personal finances to a point where I could not continue to pursue that sort of strategy. And without knowing there would be some sort of windfall like HIB or IndieRoyale this year, that meant our gains this year had to be closer to 30% to break even with a staff of 7. Not out of the question, but difficult.

We then come to shorter-term problems of cash flow, and with a delay in TLF and my past expenditures of personal finances, I was no longer in a position to bridge funds. So that basically backed me into a corner, making short-term cuts absolutely impossible to avoid, despite long-term and middle-term prospects remaining favorable. Overall.

That said, with a staff of 4, looking at last year's income and ignoring the not-luridly-to-repeat windfalls, we would have made a profit in the lower middle five figures, which would have been a nice chunk to send to savings or investments. The windfalls themselves would have been just that -- windfalls added to reserves -- as opposed to further bridge money. As it stands, having a staff of 4 is stable and should be sustainable unless we take an unprecedented drop in income this year (which could happen, but has not in the last 5 years), and so shifting to that was kind of my only sane choice at this point. Since my back was already to the wall in the short term.

None of that means that we were off track or got knocked off our feet, particularly. Last year saw a number of financial disappointments for us with various games, and if for instance Bionic Dues had taken off better, that could have gotten us to that "next level" we needed to be at in order to sustain 7 people. But we never WERE at that level, it was just a level I was trying desperately to reach. As it stands, we're consolidating at the level we actually have attained, not the one I was trying to attain. Which from a company standpoint, is not a bad thing at all. But on a personal level, it really blows and I feel terrible about it.
Have ideas or bug reports for one of our games?  Mantis for Suggestions and Bug Reports. Thanks for helping to make our games better!

Offline echo2361

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Re: The news on schedule and staffing, 2/17/2014.
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2014, 10:49:01 pm »
I may be rather new here, but I can tell by the level of interaction between community members and the development team that Arcen is a very close-knit company so losing anyone on the team is obviously painful.

I myself was recently let go from a small firm of ten people because management had expanded to accommodate expected growth in their market only to see it never materialize. I hold no ill will towards my former firm because I understood the financial issues weighing their decision making and I was told up front when I was hired that there would be no guarantees for me if the expected growth never materialized. I've moved on since then because reality is what it is and I hope for the best for those no longer with Arcen.

All that being said, I think Arcen puts out some quality products and that, combined with the active developer interaction with the community, has me sold on buying TLF the instant it comes out.

Offline Apathetic

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Re: The news on schedule and staffing, 2/17/2014.
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2014, 10:59:53 pm »
That sucks, but thanks for letting us know what's going on at Arcen.  Hopefully this allows you to release games when they're ready to go public rather than when you are forced to be a financial perspective.

Offline mrhanman

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Re: The news on schedule and staffing, 2/17/2014.
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2014, 12:09:13 am »
Every lay-off and voluntary departure I've made has always led to something bigger and better.  I hope and pray the same happens for those who are leaving.

Offline khadgar

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Re: The news on schedule and staffing, 2/17/2014.
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2014, 12:53:01 am »
Thank you for letting us know what is going on. It's a shame to see these people go, but I'm all for what's best for Arcen!

Wish you all the best, both current and former full-time employees.

Offline cupogoodness

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Re: The news on schedule and staffing, 2/17/2014.
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2014, 02:21:48 am »
Just wanted to personally thank everyone for the kind words. As Chris alludes to, I'm still effectively working year-round for Arcen -- so I suspect not much will change on my end, in terms of where I've been visibly involved up to this point that is. Chris basically just told me that I'm not allowed to work so damn hard, which of course makes sense going from full-time to part-time/contract.

Please continue to direct any marketing suggestions or concerns my way. If there's anything you have in mind or come across that you think could help us in whatever way, feel free to tell me about it. For instance, we're currently researching the viability of certain cryptocurrencies as an additional method to sell our games, thanks entirely to a forum member's suggestion. That may end up going nowhere, but might also potentially be an untapped source of awareness and sales for us.

Offline jerith

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Re: The news on schedule and staffing, 2/17/2014.
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2014, 05:24:38 am »
Please continue to direct any marketing suggestions or concerns my way.

What about merchandise? I've just realised that I've never seen an AI War T-shirt or poster and I'd certainly pay money for that sort of thing. (Clothing is particularly handy because you get free advertising every time someone wears it. Except maybe for the Bionic Dues undies.)

The logistics overhead involved might be problematic, but it's worth considering if you haven't done so already.

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Re: The news on schedule and staffing, 2/17/2014.
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2014, 06:26:12 am »
Damn capitalism.

Well, good luck to the Arcen team, both the ones staying as full-time employees and the ones who no longer are. I hope everything turns out well in the end!