Author Topic: The Last Federation 2.0 and Betrayed Hope Expansion Arrive Today  (Read 5724 times)

Offline Misery

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Re: The Last Federation 2.0 and Betrayed Hope Expansion Arrive Today
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2014, 08:37:48 pm »

I actually didn't see anything about it's release on steam which surprised me. Glad to see that apparently it's just steam not showing when games you own get released, which is an odd decision.  You would think it would go out of the way to let you know a game you have in early access was released.

Yeah, that's one of the reasons why I dont like the whole thing.... it just does alot of things in a way I consider to be really screwy.  I dunno. I really liked the previous interface, cannot freaking stand the current one.

That being said.... I'm still wondering if it even WORKS right.

I'm hearing from multiple others how they *dont* have the expansion.... because they didn't know about it having released yet, this being because Steam never showed it (and apparently still doesnt, they had to hear about it elsewhere).  If it's supposed to be doing that if you already have the game, then it's a bit of an issue if it does it if you dont have it.  Though, I've not seen it do this even once for games I already have.  Everything I've bought in the last few days still shows up on that list, so I dunno where this functionality is being seen.

Just... uuuugh.  Wish I could turn the whole new UI off.

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Re: The Last Federation 2.0 and Betrayed Hope Expansion Arrive Today
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2014, 09:28:29 pm »
The update also means I have no way of knowing when games get ported to mac (betting Linux is the same). Which is incredibly infuriating, the new releases tab for mac USED to show when things got ported over, now it's strictly by the first release date.  I completely missed that transistor was finally ported over, which is a game I had been wanting to play since it was first released.

This is getting into off-topic territory but yeah. The steam update needs some work, for instance actually being as functional as the old one was.

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Re: The Last Federation 2.0 and Betrayed Hope Expansion Arrive Today
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2014, 07:04:56 pm »
Reading through the comments here, I tend to think the Steam changes aren't that helpful. For TFL and the expansion I tried to hunt it down but could not find it without explicitly doing a query via the search box. This is pretty worrisome, as casual buyers or people who've not previously bought an Arcen title might never ever find them.

I did a quick experiment and went to the website via the browser and the steam app and compared. Sure enough the landing pages between the two are now so different, based on my supposed preferences, that a lot of titles show on the browser version would be nearly an instant purchase if I had the money to do so.

As the holiday season is approaching, I'd be interested to see if revenue is affected and whether it might prompt Steam / Publishers / Developers to refine the process.

At the moment, I've seen my own impulse purchases go down to zip. However that might be also because I'm too caught up in TLF and (boo hoo) work. :D
« Last Edit: November 18, 2014, 07:06:39 pm by Sounds »

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Re: The Last Federation 2.0 and Betrayed Hope Expansion Arrive Today
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2014, 07:29:59 pm »
All I can say is that as a developer, our general "when not on discount promotion" income has something like doubled since their change.  Although there are other factors as well, so it's hard to be sure.  The process I'm sure can use quite a bit of refining, but I've found some interesting gems lately when looking for games myself.  I don't generally do much impulse purchasing outside of discount seasons anyway, though, to be honest.  If I see something I wishlist it and wait.
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