Author Topic: Some Evuck/Acutian propaganda. And a TLF LP going on somewhere.  (Read 1372 times)

Offline Shogeton

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Okay, for some context. There is actually an LP happening of The Last Federation at the Something Awful forums here It is more than simply showing off the game. Wiz, who runs it, actually runs it according to democratic principles. Different parties arise and feud to gain votes for their proposals. Evucks and Acutians, being some of the less morally nice characters, are not exactly universally adored, and there's a fair amount of people who vote not to get them in it, other people who are equally vehement about involving them. Lots of in character debate and roleplay. Sadly, it got a bit snippy, and particularly the word 'genocide' was thrown around a bit too often, so it's sort of a banned subject.

Which made me sad, because I just got inspiration. I tend to 'play' as an Evuck, trying to mix amorality, a hint of smugness and rising panic that people might keep us out of the Federation because this whole 'killed all the Hydral' thing. Thus, I made some propaganda, which is what I offer to read for you. It's no longer in the thread because, well, it'd just invite the whole debate to start again and people got tired of it.

Now, remember, before you think I'm an evil bastard. I very much wrote this like an amoral Evuck would write an action flick made to try to convince the other races that the Hydral eradication was a necessary thing. It's propaganda. I don't actually approve of genocide.

That said: enjoy. I didn't write a whole movie of course, just a bunch of scenes. For best  results, imagining huge words showing up and dates being shown.


A jet flies at extremely high altitude. An Acutian, 3D0M flies it, looking balefully up at the starry sky. He performs magnificent turns and boosts, before landing. Cut shot to him discussing with a serious looking business Acutian.

"Nice work, 3D0M, your design is worth every credit. Though I don't know many pilots who can make it dance like that."

"I knew one. Though our technology is better now. You know, I think I could build something that could do things thought impossible."

"Not again, engineer. Look, I'm gonna be straight with you. Stop wasting RAM on that. We can't get past the Hydral suppression grid. Maybe you're prepared to throw your life away, but don't expect any of us to throw our good money at your space funeral!"


The engineer comes home, into a small cubicle, several screens showing designs. One of them showing a holo of two similarly made robots. Suddenly, a drone shows a hologram of an Evuck.

"Good day, 3D0M."

"What the scrap are you?"

"I am Vigil. An Evuck. And I am one of those with the task of watching the other races. Observing their actions. Learning from them, without interfering."

"Looks to me like you're doing a junk job of that."

"Oh, I've only begun breaking the rules. I've been watching you for a while 3D0M. You and your... plans are very promising."

"Hmpf... you've broken the encryption then?"

"Some of them... enough to have an idea what the plan might be for. Of course, it could likely never work with the Hydrals as they are now."

"Look, Vigil, I'm an Acutian. I know an incoming sales pitch when I hear it. And I'm not interested. That thing is just some garbage data I made after not enough downtime."

"I know. I was watching you when it happened. When the Hydrals killed your brother."

"SCRAP YOU, fleshbag!" Something gets thrown at the drone.

"You know I'm not the one you want to hurt. We both want freedom for our races. But just like you I cannot get them behind me on my own. I need help."


Vigil presents his proposal at the council.

"We appreciate your skill in drone control, young Vigil, but even the most optimistic simulations agree that a non-trivial amount of Hydral would be able to evacuate off planet, with enough ships to deal with us. Your plan is suicide of our entire race. This council has no time to rehash previous decisions."

"I appreciate the council's time is valuable, and I recognize the risk in my plan. But I have expanded it for this. I have found someone who could be of use to us. An Acutian."

"An Acutian is going to be of help? From that poor excuse of a planet? They can barely sustain themselves. Why would an Acutian be so eager to help?"

"They're very serious about their debts, honoured Elder. I some drones could smuggle in resources for him, he could..."

"I'm sure he would. But we cannot the Hydral Empire taking note of any of our actions. They want others to stay out of space, we want others to stay out of our business. It's an unpleasant situation, but we'll simply have to live with it. We will not throw away centuries of non-interference for your scheme."


Our heroes are downcast in 3D0m's apartment.

"So, without any resources, we're pretty much stranded, aren't we?"

"I... thought I could convince them."

"You're a scrap negotiator, I told you once before.... Hey... tell me. Do you watch... a lot of people like my brother?"

"Too many. I've watched Burlusts, laughing in defiance as they blast their weapons at the Hydral defence turrets as their engines go critical. I've watched Boarines stoically turn off the screens as their hull fails to spend their last moments in solitary peace. I've seen Peltians launch in entire flocks, the first line detonating their ships to try to carve away for their brethern. Years of work, replace in a manner of years by the Hydrals. Andors, vainly trying to maintain shields and broadcasting requests for parlay, for peace, for mercy, only to be annihilated by indifferent defense systems. I've seen Thoraxians working, completely indifferent to the slowly cracking hull, trying to perform their tasks as they were sucked out in the vaccuum of space. I've seen Skylaxians, their captains thanking their crew in the last moments, and broadcasting their harsh judgements on the Hydrals in his final breaths."

"I thought you Evucks never cared."

"We're not given to morality. But we adore the march of science. To see races reaching up to the ladder of knowledge, to be slammed down again and again. It is... not pleasant."

"Scrap... I can't believe we're not going ot get anywhere because some craven Elders and CEO's!"

"Perhaps I can be of assistance?"



"Oh please, as if the Evuck are the only ones that can eavesdrop. A little bit of spyware. No big deal. Anyway, I wish to... not get named currently. Just call me 'L0RD'. And I represent some business interests who are intrigued with this idea. We believe there are... great opportunities to be found outside this solar system."


Once more Vigil is at the council, followed by a Drone

"All right Vigil. You are trying this council's patience. Is this over your scheme again."

"Everything is ready. We don't need any more resources. The Acutians will do their part. We must simply..."

"Enough! You are overstepping your bounds. You were tasked with watching and reporting. Not forming plans on your own. We cannot hope to go against the Hydrals, what could an Acutian hope to..."

Suddenly, the drone shoots out an image of 3D0M.

"You know, it ain't nice to talk behind someone's back like that. Especially when you're badmouthing my engineering degree."

"Vigil... you... let an alien have access to the Elder Council?"

"Hey, I'm talking to you. Vigil's got the alloys to actually do something. He's just a scrap negotiator. Anyway, I'm uploading part of the plans I've got now. What you see there, is something that's built. And it's something that I'm going to launch... today. Now either you try something, or you don't, and I'll just die. And then you can spend the next thousand years watch as the Hydrals become even more advanced than you, so not even your fancy drones are gonna be more than tinkertoys to them, while you sit on your ball of dirt and watch your resources run out, and while you watch, you'll think of this moment. And think that you just wasted the one chance you've had."

One engineer Elder inspects the plans. "These... these plans could work. But the fuel for this, how exactly would you."

"Hey, that's proprietary technology, Elder. I'm going up against the Hydral Empire, not messing around with Lawyerbots. I'm not that crazy. Anyway, I've got a space mission to undertake. 3D0M out. Don't tell me what you'll do. It'll be a surprise. I love surprises."

The Council goes silent, doubt on their faces. Vigil speaks.

"I will not lie, honoured Elders. We may very well die. I cannot offer any guarantees. The simulations have not enough information to even give a guess. But I think it's worth it. We say we want to live without being meddled with? We're being held prisoner in our own planet. We are so afraid of the Hydral warden, we haven't even pushed the door. Other races have been put on chains, we put them on ourselves, in the hope to escape their notice. I posit before you, that we are not free. That in tolerating this, each of us is harming ourselves. And I say you, I believe in this. I believe in 3D0m's idea, and I believe in 3D0m. And I ask you, to believe in my idea."

Voting Happens, the council is deadlocked when the Eldest speaks.

"Long have I watched the Hydrals, in great admiration. Their society is mighty, advanced and stable. Their technology is exquisite, and often, beyond my ken. I have past decades upon decades studying them. And I think I could live centuries studying them further. To strike against them seems like the purest folly. An insect fighting a raging Farlax. Our society, proud as I am of it, stands like a sapling next to a magnificent tree... but...

A great tree can cast a shadow over a sapling. Its roots prevent it from growing. And in life, one grows, or one dies. We study, and watch, sending our drones out for shreds of sunlight, but that magnificent tree's branches grow ever thicker. Would that we could simply... cut some branches, simply conquer our place in the sun next to it. But such tools we do not have. So be it. I will always be an admirer of the Hydral, and I will mourn what we do to them. But my tree is the sapling, and if for it to grow, that mighty tree must fall, then let it fall."


3D0m is getting his spaceship, containing the materials for the Planetcracker up towards orbit, while Vigil is slowly and stealthily setting up the probes to do their work.

"All right, 3D0M, we're setting things up. Just about a minute left, and we'll start this. Their attention should be pretty much away from you then. Only automated systems fighting you."

"All right, this is it. So... you ready for it. We're going to... to kill billions then?"

"I will kill billions, along with the others here. Your role is just to finish off a few thousands. Don't think too much about it. Land on the moon, do your thing, get back planet side. Maybe we'll get to meet in person later and discuss the ethics of it."

"Hah, your kind really is heartless isn't it? Do Hydrals have brothers?"

"Yes they do. Don't get soft, 3D0M. If you're going to back out, tell me now damn it! Before I put my race's existance on the line!"

"No... it's fine. I guess at least the brothers will go together eh? Let's do this."

"All right, all Probes in position. Thermal arrays ready. Underwater heat dispensers online. Energize on three two one.... go..."


*here goes some action scenes, with some nice musical score. Depicting the Evuck Drone control central point, looking at casualty lists and effects, altered with 3D0M's weaving his ship through automated drones. Eventually, the results aren't great, as a great flagship manages to escape the planet, filled with enraged Hydrals, and Hydral ships from all over the solar system gather, harassed by combat drones that desperately try to stall them. 3D0M's ship gets damaged, and his ship lands hard, damaging both the ship and his arm.

However, 3D0M finds an old wreckage, the crash landed wreck from his brother. He gets his brother from the wreckage, and embraces him.

"We won brother. I flew in space. I flew in space and I survived."

He takes the arm from his brother and installs it instead of his own. A quick inspection shows that he could easily repair his ship to get back home. But only if he cannibalizes the tools needed for the Planetcracker.

"What was it he said. We always pay our debts."

3D0M installs the Planetcrackers. he then moves towards the other end of the planet, hoping to get a better view.


Soon the situation is desperate, as the fleet is ready to take off towards the Evuck planet, more and more of Vigil's drones getting shot down, the Evuck clearly getting distraught. He has been unable to communicate with 3D0M and fears he may have failed. Then, the moon shows up, just in time, flying at a pace much too quick to evade, its gravity already causing the Hydral ships to be in disarray. A single drone flies to the moon, finding 3D0M there.

"3D0M! You... you were not supposed to be on the moon."

"Really, scrap, I guess I should have actually paid attention to the plan."

"I... I am sad that it has to end like this. I... truly wanted to meet you. You are... remarkable."

"I'll miss you too, meatbag. You know... I wanted to become a traveling merchant. It's why my brother and I went into the space business. We never wanted to build weapons or... doomsday devices. We just wanted to go from planet to planet and sell and buy stuff. See the solar system. Maybe even the galaxy. I guess it wouldn't be the same without my brother beside me."

"After this, I'm probably gonna get fired. Broke a few too many rules. Maybe I'll try to become a merchant."

"You shouldn't, Virgil. I told you. You're a scrap negotiator."

"... I got you to do this, didn't I?"

"I guess. Hey, Virgil. Shouldn't you get this drone away. It's gonna... blow up soon. You're not going to get this drone away. Who's going soft now?"

"I'm amoral, 3D0M. I don't value life for its own sake. That doesn't mean I can't care about any life. I cared about all those pilots. I lived through them. I wish there was something I could do for you."

"There is, Vigil. I always wanted to see the solar system, and you've seen so much of it. While we...wait... could you... could you tell me stories of what you've seen."

"Anything, 3D0M. As long as you want."


Distant shot of the moon destroying the Hydral fleet and their planet. shots of the Acutian Planet cheering, with the mysterious L0RD looking with satisfaction as his space-technology stocks suddenly boom. Several races are shown to be shocked. The Evuck elder stands beside Vigil, looking at a screen saying 'Signal Lost'

"There will be a price for this. The Hydrals were much feared. Now that we struck such a blow against them, that fear will be aimed at us. Along with hatred and judgement."

"No. That is not the price. They'll hand it to us, Elder. I don't doubt that. But it's the price of their consciences. The price for our freedom has already been paid. I wouldn't want to say an Acutian died with debts left open. He paid it... in full."

*roll credits*