So I just got the game yesterday. I saw some videos on it (TotalBiscuit and Quill18) and I thought that game looked awesome!
So, I'm in my first "real" game. Started at the Acutians, elected to kill their two flagships in the very first mission. I decided on a tentative gameplan: Stay enemies with the Acutians (they hate me anyway, so why not) and try to make everyone else like me. I want to try to get the Andors+Peltians+Skylaxians into the initial federation. Has not happened yet, though.
In some ways, it's going well. Everyone except the Acutians (they're at like -700 or so) really likes me. My influence ranges from 66 with the Thoraxians to 176 with the Skylaxians. I have mostly done this through quests (terraforming ones), helping the races to get spacefaring, and letting them use my outposts. Yes, I captured several Acutian outposts and lent them out. I gave up on that because I cannot hope to defend them against the Acutians with my paltry security goons.
I spent most of my time researching stuff, because I was not sure what else to do. I am trying to get trade going between the races, but the Andor don't seem to have any resources to trade (even after colonising two moons). I got the Peltians trading with both the Thoraxians and the Skylaxians, so relations there are good. Also I give most of my research to the Peltians, and make them gift the techs to all other races except the Acutians. I figure this make them stronger and like the Peltians more, who I hope will be in my initial federation. Also I have tons of voting proxys with them (like 8000) so it does not cost me anything really.
Relatively soon the Acutians attacked the Skylaxians. Not sure what caused this - was it my doing because the Skylaxians love me? Or is that random? Anyway those two have been blowing up their outposts, with the Acutians usually getting the better of the Skylaxians. Recently, the Acutians also attacked the Peltians - why? Because of good relations between the two?
Also, what is the best way to get credits? I have mostly used up my starting 15000 (from helping races get to spacefaring), and researching seems to generate relatively few credits.
That is all well and good, I mainly just need a way to get the Andor and Peltians to like each other.
BUT. I recently discovered that the Andors and Skylaxians are at war! Why was there no major pop up or something? I don't even know who started the war. Can I see that somewhere? And what can I do to stop this? I cannot tell to Skylaxians to stop attacking the Andors, and the Andors don't even have that option.
Also is there a quick way to see who is attacking a planet/outpost?
EDIT: I played a few minutes further, and the situation is getting complicated. The Burlusts have decided to attack the Peltians. So, I dueled their primary warlord, hoping that his death would stop the war - it did not. Then I spent my newly acquired influence with the new warlord to get them to stop attack the Peltians (they were bombarding and invading the Peltian planet). I could do the action - only they did not stop attacking! I even did t twice (waited several months in between), no effect? What am I doing wrong...
Also the Andor are attacking the Skylaxian homeworld. They already beat their defenses. Not sure how it progresses from here. I finally found the option to broker peace in their ruling party. Thought for some reason that you could only broker peace between two other races. However, the peace action would cost me 22k credits. I have less than 1k... so no luck there
The funny thing is, the Andor even like the Skylaxians (+20 relations).
Haha this is kind of funny. Everything spiraled out of control. The Peltians were conquered by the Burlusts, who immediately lost the Peltian planet to the Acutians. Also everyone except the Thoraxians is in some kind of war, most planets are under siege.
Another question: does is matter if I join attacks/defenses? I joined an attack on a planet (killed like 30 flagships, successfully completing the mission), but it did not seem to have an effect.