*Unaligned races that have an average influence with all federation races (including the Hydral) over 200/300 join the federation automatically.
*Unaligned races that have an average influence with all federation races (including the Hydral) under -200/-300 join the Union of independent states.
*Being in the Union of independent stats does not prevent a race from joining the federation, but they must first have an average influence with all federation races (including the Hydral) of 0 or higher and the credit cost to get them in is doubled.
*The Union of independent states does not disband on its own.
*Federation races that have an average influence score with the other federation races of under -200/-300 will start to go through tension with the federation. If this goes on for too long, they will leave the federation and join the Union of Independent states instead.
*Having the Skylaxians in the federation adds a -50 modifier to the average influence requirement for races to join the federation or to join the Union of independent states.
*Having the Burlusts in the federation adds a +50 modifier to the average influence requirement for races to join the federation or to join the Union of independent states.
*Having the Andors/Boarines in the federation provides a passive influence boost between all federation races.
(Bug tracker post)