The Burlust? Really? Not a single game I have seen has showed them to build ships faster than one like every three months, even though I always help them, gift them all tech and all. If I dont assist armada building, they generally act as my battlefront. The enemy races siege their world to hell and back, the burlust hold them off in the ground combat, and meanwhile I use nukes over the enemy worlds as I screw them over with the other races.
Let alone observer games, which are very amusing. Once the Acutians took control of 7/8 planets, and then the Skylaxians suddenly started pushing back, and I only left when there were two acutian worlds left because the Skylaxians simply refused to invade.
In another, the Peltians took out the Thoraxians early on. I fully agreed with the ship's comment. LOL.
Also, is there ANY use to holding control of the Hydral world remains? I see races religiously battling for it when there are enemy planets just ripe for conquest with minuscule populations.