Author Topic: No more 'Kill AFA' money?  (Read 1531 times)

Offline runetrantor

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No more 'Kill AFA' money?
« on: May 01, 2014, 04:24:21 am »
So I started a new playthrough, and I suddenly notice, once I get the federation going, that the AFA killing mission is tweaked to be a mere 'destroy their bases' thing with only two-five ships there.

Am I the only one sad? I found those very fun (Specially if I opened up with a nuke and blasted like 6 of them at once), not to mention they were my money mine late game, giving like 50000 credits at once.

How am I supposed to gain money here? All the other options seem so... low on the income side, like harvesting space junk or helping someone, which give like 100 credits/months at best...

As an unrelated side question, how the hell do I push an IRC meter to -1000?! I saw the maggot disease do it for med and environment, but aside from that, I am VERY unsure how to even try and use those methods of pressuring.

Thanks in advance for any answers. :D
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Offline lifehole

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Re: No more 'Kill AFA' money?
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2014, 05:58:36 am »
This is an ongoing problem. The devs are trying to lengthen how long the game lasts (30-50 yrs) by removing all the short-term rewards and increasing requirements, but then they give no clear way to get to those requirements besides a bunch of sitting-and-waiting; and sometimes not even that will work e.g the RCI values. It's kindof unfun, and I hope they add stuff to make it funner.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 06:03:01 am by lifehole »

Offline Histidine

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Re: No more 'Kill AFA' money?
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2014, 07:07:23 am »
The new AFA mission still gives pretty good credit (I just did one where I did absolutely nothing except blow up one barracks and got 1600 for it).

Offline runetrantor

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Re: No more 'Kill AFA' money?
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2014, 02:34:05 pm »
1600 is about what I get from any 'kill/destroy these guys' while the previous AFA mission netted me over 40.000 credits because of the amount of ships and the multiplier of the mission, and to me was THE money maker for late game spending, as without it, getting 50.000 is a task of monumental patience and long dispatches that could have the solar system collapse while I look away.

I kind of wish we could use credits to bribe races to like me more. The options to get influence are very limited in amount, I either help them in a fight, or am stuck for years helping them with some RCI stat for 0.1 per month or something.
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Offline Rujasu

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Re: No more 'Kill AFA' money?
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2014, 03:35:53 pm »
The "Attacked by AFA" thing when you attack AFA was broken and terrible. You should still be able to trigger it simply by letting the insurgents pile up and actually letting them attack you.

Offline Conductorbosh

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Re: No more 'Kill AFA' money?
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2014, 03:44:04 pm »
It's okay for the cooler abilities and political moves in the game to be very expensive, but ATM there are no ways of getting the necessary credit that aren't boring/repetitive/huge timewasters.

As I said in another thread, there's nothing to be gained by increasing the average game length by 20 years or so if most of those 20 years are spent grinding credit and waiting until you actually have the ability to do something. I've spent entire years where I basically feel like I'm playing observer mode.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 04:21:25 pm by Conductorbosh »

Offline lifehole

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Re: No more 'Kill AFA' money?
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2014, 04:11:32 pm »
^ exactly.

Offline runetrantor

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Re: No more 'Kill AFA' money?
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2014, 08:46:45 pm »
They can attack me? Huh. I always farm them for profit the moment I form a federation. And since I play in lower difficulties and essentially push everyone into the federation in one fell swoop, I get the Union of Planets ten seconds later, so I get a designated punching bag to gain influence from. (Acutians work wonders, with their super production so there's always some ships to kill, and outposts to take over)
Democracy works under the premise that the general populace has common sense and long-term thinking, that alone dooms it to failure. -Me.

Offline Drak

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Re: No more 'Kill AFA' money?
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2014, 05:34:31 am »
I also farmed them for money, and quite frankly they were some of the most fun missions in the game. Now not so much.

Offline Misery

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Re: No more 'Kill AFA' money?
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2014, 05:38:36 am »
It sounds like they need to balance out some of the more expensive things in the game.

Though I'm not sure just what those are... typically "expensive" to me usually seems to be 15000-20000, which I dont find THAT hard to get, and I aint the grinding type.  Are there particular options that are totally overboard at the moment?

Offline Histidine

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Re: No more 'Kill AFA' money?
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2014, 09:57:36 am »
1600 is about what I get from any 'kill/destroy these guys' while the previous AFA mission netted me over 40.000 credits because of the amount of ships and the multiplier of the mission, and to me was THE money maker for late game spending, as without it, getting 50.000 is a task of monumental patience and long dispatches that could have the solar system collapse while I look away.
I did say "do absolutely nothing except destroy one barracks." Do more, get more; I tried it with a larger mission and got 22544 credits in just 41 turns of blowing stuff up.

It's probably OP if anything. Although it's OP without being a grindfest any more, I'll give it that much.

Offline lifehole

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Re: No more 'Kill AFA' money?
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2014, 10:01:47 am »
1600 is about what I get from any 'kill/destroy these guys' while the previous AFA mission netted me over 40.000 credits because of the amount of ships and the multiplier of the mission, and to me was THE money maker for late game spending, as without it, getting 50.000 is a task of monumental patience and long dispatches that could have the solar system collapse while I look away.
I did say "do absolutely nothing except destroy one barracks." Do more, get more; I tried it with a larger mission and got 22544 credits in just 41 turns of blowing stuff up.

It's probably OP if anything. Although it's OP without being a grindfest any more, I'll give it that much.

I dunno if it's OP considering the costs to invite people into the federation are so crazy now.

Offline runetrantor

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Re: No more 'Kill AFA' money?
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2014, 03:38:27 pm »
I think having a dispatch mission that gains some better credits would help ease the problem, right now the best I have noticed was the space junk, and that is like a 100 per month, while even the standard attack missions take even half of the that time and give you like >1000 credits.

I get getting 20k means only 10-20 mission, but its like... I wish we could push all those tiny missions into a single one.

Like... I had the Burlust being completely sieged by Acutian ships (As in, cant see the planet below in the map) and defending them meant killing 2-3 ships out of like... 200, I get its so we dont get overwhelmed, but I kind of wish we could, in the mission selection, say how many we want to take on, the more we take on, the better rewards and influence (We are being brave and high risk = high reward), not only I would find them much more fun, and less tedious than to repeat +30 times in a row, but actually lets me make a dent in their forces.
Democracy works under the premise that the general populace has common sense and long-term thinking, that alone dooms it to failure. -Me.