Author Topic: New version .857 (RCI Dispatches, Combat Balance, Tutorials)  (Read 2026 times)

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Re: New version .857 (RCI Dispatches, Combat Balance, Tutorials)
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2014, 11:33:19 pm »
Just wanted to say that I am really enjoying the game so far. Keep up the good work!

I filed a bunch of Mantis reports, but they are mostly small issues and minor suggestions.

I agree that the biggest thing that is needed is direction once you get past the first little bit of the game. I am a few years in, most of the races are spacefaring and like me quite a bit, but I am nowhere near figuring out how to make a federation that will be more than two races, unless I want to grind credits like crazy. I am mostly just running around, waiting for a better option to (hopefully) pop up.

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Re: New version .857 (RCI Dispatches, Combat Balance, Tutorials)
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2014, 11:54:41 pm »
I think one thing that's a bit confusing is the RCI tutorial.

All the tutorials pretty much halt the game and focus your attention on a new thing, but then it immediately tells you "don't worry about these". That's a little schizophrenic to me because the fact that it's focusing my attention on it tells me "hey, this is important stuff!", but then it tells me "no, not really".

But in addition to that, you get this tutorial at pretty much a point in the game where like 80+% of the actions you can do are about directly affecting RCI values for the planets. It seems you are telling me about these things, then telling me they aren't important, and then I run around the system looking for things to do and I can do is tweak around some numbers that I'm not supposed to care about, and have kinda hidden, non-obvious effects on everything.

It kinda makes me feel like most of the actions you can do are useless.

That tutorial needs a rewrite, thanks for the reminder -- I meant to do that earlier today.  The RCI values actually are pretty important, but not to the level people were obsessing about them over.  And they are becoming more important in upcoming versions, because quests will key off of these (and some already do).

Could pausing just be removed from the battle sequences entirely? I don't really see a reason for having it anymore. Same with the slow motion option too. If any time related options are needed, it might be a "replay last turn outcome" but even that isn't really needed.

Have you seen the new way that the speed slider works?  But anyway, we have a number of people who wanted actually a very fine-tuned way of slowing down time (ala paradox), because the default is too fast and slow mo was too slow.  And a lot of people like to pause during combat and take a look at something real quick (I do that from time to time, too).  Replay last turn would be incredibly difficult to code.

I guess one question I have is to clarify when to get goons. Is it a good idea to have a few around at all times in case you need them? Should you only buy them if you already have a use in mind? Does the price change ever, or does it stay the same? Is there another way to get them so I should wait in buying (or alternatively, should I just go ahead and buy?)

Awesome, that I can work with.  I will put changes in the next update, and we'll see if that helps you.

One question I have are resources. I know what they do, what I don't know is when I should use them to do X.

Got it, yeah -- lots of people are confused there.  I need to work on that.

Also, if I right click on the black market i get a black screen. Pressing esc gets me out of it.

Yeah, I noticed that and fixed it the next version, too.  Thanks!

Just wanted to say that I am really enjoying the game so far. Keep up the good work!

I filed a bunch of Mantis reports, but they are mostly small issues and minor suggestions.

I agree that the biggest thing that is needed is direction once you get past the first little bit of the game. I am a few years in, most of the races are spacefaring and like me quite a bit, but I am nowhere near figuring out how to make a federation that will be more than two races, unless I want to grind credits like crazy. I am mostly just running around, waiting for a better option to (hopefully) pop up.

Awesome, thank you!  Tomorrow I plan to get more quests in place (for real this time), and that should help some.  Because those are "you must deal with these or else something happens (which you may WANT to happen, but either way it's something to react to).  But I also am feeling increasingly like the older idea I'd had about Advisers is going to be needed here.  That's tricky to design for sure, though, so we'll see.  I've been mulling that a lot tonight, and trying to figure out algorithms that I could design that would lead you to anything interesting and succinct.  Pages and pages of reports are not going to be helpful, and something that is so specific that it is often wrong is also not going to be helpful.  It needs to be just the right amount of specificity. 
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