Release notes: steam to force a quicker update if you like.
Good golly this one is huge, once again. The effect on the combat side of the game obviously can't be understated. It is freaking tense, I have to say.
The overall net effect of the balance changes so far is that, on Normal difficulty, a battle that previously I would just skate through with no real mental energy now requires precision moves over about 45 turns, and I escape with about 15% of my hull intact. Yow. This may have swung too far in the difficult direction, we shall see. If so, it will be a matter of tuning player flagship health up most likely, as enemy attack powers seem like they are roughly in a good place when we're talking about the damage they can do to one another. The deployment rates are also scary enough that you see lots of enemy ships even with such a short number of turns, too, so that feels right to me. We shall see.
For information on the WeGo combat model, mainly why we decided to go in that direction, please see this thread:
Seeecrit combat stuff coming!The TLDR in general on this release:1. The last of the currently-planned dispatch missions are now in place.
2. Keith has thus begun working on a ton of polish stuff, and we're going to be focusing on mantis a lot this week after ignoring it for the past week.
3. Combat is basically the same as before, with the exception that it is now turn-based. That may sound utterly ludicrous, but if you have played the old version and play the new version, I think you'll see what I mean.
4. That said, the change to a turn-based model changes EVERYTHING from a tactical standpoint. Opportunity costs are higher, you have more chances to either pull off clever things or screw up bigger, etc. Paired with the revised balance, this leads to quite a bit of required strategizing. And your allies are no longer hobbled old men, either.
5. Battlefields are now more compact, but overall have the same amount of stuff in them except a bit fewer flagships (2 per flotilla instead of 3). This makes the danger a lot more focused actually, and makes it so there is less "flying around in empty space a lot" time, which would be particularly annoying in a turn-based game. You start in the thick of things, now, but you have time to react since it is turn-based.
Caveats:I thought about delaying this until tomorrow so that I could do more testing, but decided it was better to get this into your hands sooner than later. So There Will Be Bugs. Specifically:
1. Cloaking probably works, but it's been revised and I didn't have a chance to test it.
2. Afterburner has been revised, but I
know that doesn't work right yet.
3. All of the Operational abilities are still having their ships slaved to your attacks, and I don't intend for that to remain the case.
Quick Advice On Playing Combat:1. Autofire is NOT for pansies, and it's not a cheat. It's a very valuable tool when using the minigun on swarms of smaller enemy craft. You waste valuable turns if you don't use this in those cases.
2. Turn OFF autofire when trying to make precision shots against lines of enemies. You don't know that autofire will choose the precise right angle for you, and so you want to use your own judgement instead.
3. Note that your shots now destroy all enemy shots they touch, including missiles. This is a huge change in your favor, but it's also super needed. It's still really hard to stay alive. Autofire is once again your enemy here. Autofire only targets ships, not incoming shots. So unless you can predict the autofire firing arc against enemy ships really well, and the shots that you also want to destroy are in that same firing line, it's really hard for them to get missles in particular. It can be done, but it's like lining up a tricky pool shot. It doens't take any execution skill, but it does take a sharp mind to know where to direct your ship to make that work. So usually you tend to want to take out missles directly, as that is easier to mentally calculate (and sometimes there is literally no other line of fire on things like missiles).
4. If you want to sit still and attack, just hit Q to skip the movement order part. If you're in autofire mode, though, that just makes you go straight into autofire while sitting still, so be careful.
5. If you want to cancel a movement order that you chose (when you have not yet confirmed your attack order), then just hit escape.