Author Topic: need subtitles for voice  (Read 2306 times)

Offline eastwind

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need subtitles for voice
« on: March 10, 2015, 02:51:34 am »
I can't understand a third to a half of what the female voice actor says. She talks too fast and runs words together, and there's no way to find out what she says because the dialog isn't included in the corresponding notification log entries.

Is it just my hearing getting bad or are young American people, especially women, talking faster these days on average, as a group?

Offline steelwing

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Re: need subtitles for voice
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2015, 09:44:14 am »
I can't understand a third to a half of what the female voice actor says. She talks too fast and runs words together, and there's no way to find out what she says because the dialog isn't included in the corresponding notification log entries.

Is it just my hearing getting bad or are young American people, especially women, talking faster these days on average, as a group?
It's mostly your hearing (I think :P).  The female of our species (regardless of nationality) generally talks faster than the male, in my experience. :P  "Generally" is the operative word here, of course, given the number of exceptions to this "rule" I personally have encountered.  Heh. :P

Offline steelwing

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Re: need subtitles for voice
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2015, 09:57:24 am »
Most of what the computer has to say is logged in some fashion, just not precisely the way the computer says it.  Like when one race captures a planet from another.  That certainly gets logged, but the computer's pithy remarks about it aren't recorded in the logs exactly the way she words them.  I've put in a Mantis feature request to have that added.