Author Topic: My late night first impression  (Read 1389 times)

Offline Nubbify

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My late night first impression
« on: April 12, 2014, 03:43:16 am »
These are the notes I wrote while playing the game. I kind of got distracted (in the getting into the game) sort of way, so the feedback dwindles down a lot.

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Open -> Windowed mode -> Music. Man. It feels like I'm getting ready for a AI War game here. I get to press a quick start button and not have to worry about settings for my first game, so that's nice.

COMBAT MUSIC. I hope this isn't the only song or it'll get repetitive but we'll see. Actually, the song changes everytime I come and type into this notepad. I guess it wouldn't be a problem in regular play.2

First combat, and I already see a building I can use to make an impact in the world (survey platform). I'm not entirely sure how valuable a tech is at this point so I think I'm just going to avoid it.

I like the damage indicators/hints that let me know how effective my weapons are being (and what's hindering their effectiveness). I honestly could've possibly gone the whole game without knowing these things.

It took me a while to figure out how to exit the contract complete screen. Maybe a confirm button or OKAY button might be nice?

WHOO I GAVE SOMEONE SPACEFARING TECHNO- oh there's a mission. brb playing.

There's a sensor range on the flagship? Also, you can see further when you're zoomed out, but when you zoom back in, you can't see the same limit. Uh. Kind of like if you're zoomed out you can see OOOOO, but if you zoom in you can only see XXXOX (if that makes sense).

Well uh. There are taser turrets. I guess I can't just go flying through the holes in the turrets trying to bypass fire. WELL I ALMOST DIED DURING FIRST THING I DO YEAAAAAAAH.

I feel like the quick start tutorial going to slowly introduce new things to me one at a time. Which is nice and non-overwhelming. Kind of. The sections each have a lot of information, but that's just because your games are complex.

Still instinctively looking at the bottom of the contract complete screen for a confirm button >.<

I like how the information screen for Peltians tells me getting them into the federation early is an easy way to get started, but that warlike races will think they're weak. Today I learned!

I was starting to think combat was really simple. I guess you guys were just holding out on me. HELLO SPECIAL ABILITIES.

While docking with the hydral technology lab in the asteroid field for new abilities, it was telling me 1.4, 2.9 seconds to go per turn. It's really weird to use real time in a turn based system.

Really, I'm just jumping from planet to planet experimenting with the different things I can do. It's kinda fun in its own way but I haven't figured out how to do anything impactful yet.

Been playing for 1.5 hours. Everything's A-ok here. I'm really loving the bit by bit introduction to new systems.

Do scientists only stay for one research session? Because if so, I probably should've picked a long one. Whoops.

Still playing after 3 hours. Been having fun.

Some other things:
- Sometimes I'm capturing manufacturing station and on the combat screen it shows up as a research station (and vice versa). I find it a bit weird.
- I still haven't really linked the colors to the races yet, so it'd be nice if we could enable race names somewhere.
- Combat has also been getting kind of repetitive. Probably because I'm doing the same missions but I don't know how else to get credits.
- The use of real time is still kind of weird. Is it hard to change the real time counters to turns?
- Did you guys mention that scientists and manufacturers were one use only during the black market tutorials, because I think I missed that. >.<

I wanna keep going at it tomorrow. I'm tired, but I've been having fun with it (enough to forget I was supposed to go to sleep 2 hours ago hehehe).

Offline nas1m

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Re: My late night first impression
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2014, 01:40:44 pm »
Mantised (i.e. collected feedback for the devs, 6 items added)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 04:42:21 pm by nas1m »
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Offline nas1m

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Re: My late night first impression
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2014, 04:42:28 pm »
Combat has also been getting kind of repetitive. Probably because I'm doing the same missions but I don't know how else to get credits.
Dispatches :D!
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