Author Topic: Is it intentional that the Boarines can't or won't trade tech, and lack options?  (Read 2518 times)

Offline PokerChen

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In my game, the Boarines are all for Solar Unity, but they don't actually have an option to join the federation. There is no clear reason why.

Now how did you get that to happen? ;) EDIT: that is, for the Boarines to be in that mood.

Offline Smithgift

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In my game, the Boarines are all for Solar Unity, but they don't actually have an option to join the federation. There is no clear reason why.
If you have a save of that, please post it on mantis :)

They do indeed have a vote-to-join-fed political deal, that is supposed to be available in that situation.

It's on Mantis. I kept an old save just for this purpose.

Now, they've gotten mixed in with the Burlusts and formed some kind of Solar Axis pact... with their three thousand ships. Yeah.