I think there's a tutorial that pops up when you're far enough in for the tech tree to unlock. Did that show up?
Yes, but I missed it the first time.
I think you might want to reorder the tutorial.
Currently it's:
What are techs?
Here's the tech tree.
Some benefit me.
A lot of them have no direct benefit.
Science is powerful.
Here's how you get them peacefully.
Here's how you get them quickly.
So the most relevant info is the last thing you see.
How about:
What are techs?
Here's how you get them quickly.
Here's how you get them without upsetting anyone.
The tech tree.
Direct benefits near the top.
Tech's without direct benefit to you can be gifted for 6 influence.
Don't underestimate science.
Could you add a button to the tech tree menu that calls up the basic science tutorial again?
Did the game point you towards the Adviser button?
Not that I recall. Sorry.
I note that it's the
Computer Advisor.
Aka the AI Advisor. So it could have just been instinctive avoidance.