Author Topic: If anyone wants to learn the game/help me as well I'll start streaming tonight..  (Read 1034 times)

Offline UnfriendlyBG

  • Newbie Mark III
  • *
  • Posts: 29
If someone wants to watch... "The Last Federation" Isn't in the twitch database of games yet (i submitted it earlier tonight though), so it would be hard for anyone to find me.  If you leave a reply here though I will give you my twitch info and we can get going.  I just dont wanna stream for no one though.  I'm playing tropico 5 so ill try to check back every 15 minutes or so.  Thanks

Edit: Lotta views no replies, if you cant reply for some reason here (i know they were having problems) send me a friend request/ msg on steam at BearDownChicagoBearsHo