
Please vote on your top 3 interests for The Last Federation in v1.026 and later versions.

Really consider changing multiplicative formulas to Additive or Combination formulas
2 (3.6%)
Focus on low level mechanisms to improve game depth
8 (14.3%)
Federation Development
0 (0%)
Unique Race development
3 (5.4%)
Racial War AI
1 (1.8%)
Racial Strategic Level Mechanisms and AI
4 (7.1%)
Different Political Alliances
0 (0%)
Planetary Trade
4 (7.1%)
Pirate Enhancement
1 (1.8%)
Player Power
0 (0%)
Quest Development: More and More Complex
2 (3.6%)
RCI Rebalancing
6 (10.7%)
Ground Combat Rebalancing
1 (1.8%)
Defeated Race Mechanics
1 (1.8%)
Federation Formation Costs
0 (0%)
Player Credit Income Options
2 (3.6%)
Burlust Duels
1 (1.8%)
Player Weapon Variety
2 (3.6%)
Enemy Ship Variety
0 (0%)
Combat Mission Balance, Gameplay, and Variety
3 (5.4%)
0 (0%)
Additional Information Screens
1 (1.8%)
Increase Information Content and Mechanism Clarity
5 (8.9%)
Modding Support
0 (0%)
Bug Fixing
2 (3.6%)
Automatic Event-driven Modifiable Pausing System
1 (1.8%)
Font Adjustments
2 (3.6%)
Steam Achievements
0 (0%)
Space to Ground Combat with Giant Hydra Robots
1 (1.8%)
Typos and Grammar
0 (0%)
Enable the console or other debug tools
0 (0%)
New Features
3 (5.4%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Author Topic: Highest Priority Development Interest Poll [Updated for 1.026]  (Read 3802 times)

Offline ptarth

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Please vote on your top 3 interests for The Last Federation in v1.026 and later versions.

  • Updated Poll to reflect current game state.
  • Please note that previous poll results are available later in this post as well as a link to the previous poll.
  • If someone wants to write up a history of each of the options and how Arcen has previously deal with it, I can add it to this thread or provide a link to the summary.

Everyone has an opinion. Everyone has crazy ideas that jump around in our heads. Sometimes those ideas are crazy, sometimes they are okay, and sometimes they are good. The problem is that you can't always evaluate your own ideas, because you are too close to them. This applies to games as well. We all have ideas about the best way to change tLF. This poll is a way for us to try to organize ourselves, to try to provide to the devs a way to see the consensus among the players. If 1 person has a particular idea (e.g., using a combination of multiplicative and additive bonuses in game calculations) it might be something that would help the game, or perhaps not. However, if 50 people are consistently agreeing (e.g., saying that the game interface is clunky and we need more information about what's going on), that's a sign that the devs can use to improve tLF.

That's what this poll is about. To try to distill our thoughts into a simple structure that the devs can use to reduce their own biases and blind spots when it comes to tLF. If you have an idea, something you think is causing problems, list them (and then write them up on the mantis). The key is to try to distill your ideas to their fundamentals, to reduce all the extra language, and make your idea simple. It's a hard task to do that, it takes time, effort, and you really have to think about things. However, it's hard to read walls of text and the devs have to deal with a huge amount of information. Just think if you had to deal with only the mantis bugtracker? You'd need to organize it, structure it, summarize it, rate it, sort it, and the prioritize it. That's just the simple version of the feedback the devs have to deal with. So if you want to help out with making tLF a better game, please take a minute, and contribute here.

Current Poll for version 1.0026

Strategy Game
  • Really consider changing multiplicative formulas to Additive or Combination formulas
    • Many of the mechanic formula all multiplicative, resulting exponential growth patterns. This rate of growth makes it impossible for less gifted or lucky races to compete, unless the mechanic is bogged down and doesn't do very much. Efforts have been made to curtain the culmulative effects of some bonuses (e.g., each successive Science Stations provides less of a bonus than the one preceding), however the solution is inelegant and leads to too many special edge cases. As a compromise to a pure additive system, a combination multiplicative-additive system might also work. In such a system each unique class of bonuses are additive (e.g., you would have a science bonus which would increase by 1 per science technology, so 4 techs would give you a x5 bonus) and then class bonuses are multiplied (e.g., science bonus of 2, race bonus of 3, research station of 2, in a combination system, your total bonus would be 2*3*2 = 12, in an additive system 7).
    • Here is a link to a mantis entry showing the differences between additive, multiplicative, and a combination system.
    • http://www.arcengames.com/mantisbt/view.php?id=14851#c37828

  • Focus on low level mechanisms to improve game depth
    • The majority of recent racial AI improvement has been focused on specific actions (e.g., Burlust Hatred or Andorian Love) which are high level mechanisms. These cause major impacts in the game. However, it is arguably the lower level actions and options that the races have that make the solar system more living, organic, interesting, ultimately effecting game depth. An example would be GDP and population. The planets differ in habitable size by a huge range, yet the Burlust who are on the world with a 2 billion population cap doesn't vary much from the Burulust on the 100m population cap world (only in effective combat strength?). If the player had to be more concerned with the high population races (because they are more productive), than the low population races, that would provide more depth to the game. The player could then attempt to keep the higher population race in check or use it as the bludgeon to form their alliance.

    • http://www.arcengames.com/forums/index.php/topic,15559.msg171883.html#msg171883
    • http://www.arcengames.com/forums/index.php/topic,15525.0.html

  • Federation Development
    • Currently the Federation doesn't really impact the game. You just need X races in it to win the game. Membership in the Federation does cause some minor behavioral changes and bonuses, but doesn't majorly impact the game. If we could create more varying Federations that would extend gameplay depth. One example would be to make the Federation exist just like the races do. Give them a leader, a government style, the ability to go to war, develop trade, etc, etc. Additionally, the Type of Federation you have could be determined in initial Federation creation, wherein the races you Federate and the Hydra negotiate as to the characteristics of the Federation. Later political actions could be performed, by the races or player to shift the type and policies of the Federation.

  • Unique Race development
    • The Races have been gradually gaining more unique characteristics (e.g., Burlust Tormoil, Andorian Eden, Skylaxian Honorbased Warfare). Keep it up.

  • Racial War AI
    • Further develop the AIs ability to gauge and implement a successful war. Also, to retreat and seek peace if things start looking bad.

  • Racial Strategic Level Mechanisms and AI
    • Further develop a "mental state" for each race. Allowing them to measure and evaluate the past, present, and future of the system (other races strengths and weaknesses). Then give them the ability to use that information to their own ends.
    • Currently the races are not active participants in the game. They don't have a goal they are seeking towards. They have sometimes end the game by military dominance of the system, but they aren't making choices designed to get them there. It just happens. This could be changed. Designs goals for the races and the mechanisms to obtain that goal. This would characterize their behaviors in game and then the player has to decide how they are going to deal with the race as it reaches toward that goal. For example, the Thoraxian Queen (in a particular mood) might be dedicated to the idea of a conquest victory of the solar system. Currently she can be warlike, but she doesn't do anything except make her attack more often. Deeper goals she would evaluate her goal, determine her strengths and weaknesses, and then compare it against the strengths and weaknesses of the other races. She then might end up plotting a way to get the Skylaxians to suicide their great armada into the Acutians thus enabling her lesser fleet to take over both of their empires. Or she might decide to bide her time and continue to build up armadas. Or she might think to ally herself to the Skylaxians and to get them to share technologies increasing her own strengths, get the Skylaxians into wars and steal the planets taken from the enemies and gradually build up her own strength at the cost of the Skylaxians. Then once she is big enough, she betrays them and takes all their stuff.

  • Different Political Alliances
    • Allow races to develop pacts of various sorts (trade, defensive, offensive, etc) to influence Racial AI and provide an intermediate step between cohabiting the same system and Federation (or war to the death).

  • Planetary Trade
    • Increase the role and influence of Planetary trade

  • Pirate Enhancement
    • Increase the role and influence of Pirates.

  • Player Power
    • Increase the benefits and the kinds of actions a player can do.

  • Quest Development: More and More Complex
    • Add more quests.
    • Add events that later cause other events. Example: You receive reports of Pirates attacking a convoy. You can accept a bribe from the pirates, save the convoy, or kill everyone. If you save the convoy you earn the thanks of a Peltian Scientist. 5 years later he rewards you with a free tech (or nothing, or a sandwich). Each of the actions you choose can start its own chain and the event outcomes are probabilistic and branching as well. Similar to the quest/events in FTL.

  • RCI Rebalancing
    • RCI balance still needs to be adjusted, event fluctuations are too higher and player/building effects are too low.

  • Ground Combat Rebalancing

  • Defeated Race Mechanics
    • Currently once a race loses its last planet, it is pretty much history. Develop more options than the somewhat weak insurgent route. Suggestions include: Rebel Fleets, Hydra Game Preserves, Skylaxian Refugee Centers.

  • Federation Formation Costs
    • The difficulty in forming a Federation is still off.

  • Player Credit Income Options
    • Players need more ways of making credits that are fun.

Action Game
  • Burlust Duels
    • Burlust Duels are still too dull and systematic.

  • Player Weapon Variety
    • Add more Hydra ship weapons

  • Enemy Ship Variety
    • We need more things to shoot at.

  • Combat Mission Balance, Gameplay, and Variety
    • Combat has some rough edges where your predictions and the outcomes don't match up. The number of spy sats in missions. The arrangement of defenses. Passive unlisted hull bonuses.

  • Autoresolve
    • Outcomes of autoresolve still isn't quite right.

Information Access

Other Features
  • Modding Support
    • Push things out from the executable into accessible and modifiable data files along with the documentation to use it.

  • Bug Fixing
    • Issues are being added to the Mantis tracker faster than they are removed. Focus on knocking this back down.

  • Automatic Event-driven Modifiable Pausing System

  • Font Adjustments
    • The font is a little small on higher resolutions, can give us some font options?

  • Steam Achievements
    • Add more achievements to Steam.

  • Space to Ground Combat with Giant Hydra Robots
    • Do a major renovation to the battle engine with tons of new art to add more combat dispatch actions.

  • Typos and Grammar
    • Work on cleaning up the text.

  • Enable the console or other debug tools
    • Enable the console option or allow us access to the debugging tools, and tell us how to use them, so we can look into the game state just like you can.

  • New Features
    • No real aims, just add new features.

Previous Poll Summary
1.016 Summary
Highest Rated Issues: Basic Mechanisms, Strategic Race AI, and Increasing information availability and mechanism clarity
Major work was performed on: 10 versions since this poll, tons of things including: Planetary Action Fixes, Federation Formation Cost Adjustments, New Mechanisms for AntiFederation Effects, Ground Combat Fixes, Technology Balancing, Pirates, Flotillas, Events, Lifespans, Unique Starting Buildings and Artifacts, Autoresolve, etc.

1.012 Summary
Highest Rated Issues: More AI, RCI Tweaking, and Increasing information availability and mechanism clarity.
Major work was performed on: RCI balancing, Planetary Information Screens, Autoresolve, and Action Announcements.
Link to Previous Polls
1.012: http://www.arcengames.com/forums/index.php/topic=15507
1.016: http://www.arcengames.com/forums/index.php/topic=15607
« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 03:19:54 pm by ptarth »
Note: This post contains content that is meant to be whimsical. Any belittlement or trivialization of complex issues is only intended to lighten the mood and does not reflect upon the merit of those positions.

Offline Poulpe

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Re: Highest Priority Development Interest Poll [Updated for 1.026]
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2014, 06:19:47 am »
Thanks for this thread.
One of my vote was for Planetary Trade.
I would like to see a way to easily see the existing trades routes, The ore that a planet can offer and the ore asked by a planet.

Offline Silverfire

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Re: Highest Priority Development Interest Poll [Updated for 1.026]
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2014, 07:03:55 pm »
I'd definitely like to see that ground combat rebalance. ATM I don't feel it scales well into the mid-late game, or rather, it scales asymmetrically on offense and on defense which was exacerbated by the orbital bombardment nerf. It means combat seems to fall to random factors and the AI's rather sketchy decision making.

At the least, I'd like to see the AI hold off on any invasion forces until they at least /think/ they have a fighting shot, instead of dropping down plinky little 1B forces against a 5-20T defensive rating.

Offline ptarth

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Re: Highest Priority Development Interest Poll [Updated for 1.026]
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2014, 08:25:39 pm »
My running theme is to distill information into a easily processed form. As such, if you have a moment, would mind answering the following to clarify, isolate, and define your issues of interest.

  • Would you like more information about trading status and further opportunities? (A gui issue)
  • Would you like a separate economic system screens, showing planetary incomes and trading information? (Requiring a new gui screen set)
  • Would you like to make trading more in depth (more items, more types of items, costs, and benefits) (Requiring revamping Trade)
  • Can you prioritize and then your list of issues in a sequentially numbered list (from most important to least important)?

re: Silverfire
  • Do you feel that the information available portrays combat accurately?
  • If the information is correct, then you feel that combat balance is off?
  • Do you think that fleet combat balance in off?
  • Combat may be balanced asymmetrically, taking into account fleet and ground combat simultaneously, do feel that is off?
  • Do you feel that the AI weaknesses are in declaring war or combat strategies once war is declared (or both)?
  • Can you prioritize and then your list of issues in a sequentially numbered list (from most important to least important)?
Note: This post contains content that is meant to be whimsical. Any belittlement or trivialization of complex issues is only intended to lighten the mood and does not reflect upon the merit of those positions.

Offline Misery

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Re: Highest Priority Development Interest Poll [Updated for 1.026]
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2014, 08:40:53 pm »
My main thing is still the RCI stuff.  Far as I'm concerned, the RCI bits in general are all a mess.   Dont like dealing with it or with related mechanics.

As for other things, theres.... er..... I cant remember what I just selected in the poll 2 minutes ago.   Ahhh, I hate when that one happens.

Considering though that the main complaint from players seems to be "every game ends up being the same set of strategies/events" it sounds like the thing most needed is, well, anything to shake that up, so that certain strategies just outright dont work absolutely every time, and so that unique situations dictated by the RNG can pop up to challenge the player.   I can agree with these things, though I'm no strategic genius so I aint mastered that aspect of it.  Better at tactical stuff.

I could probably ramble off a few points about the combat though, but I dunno how necessary much of that is.  I'm thinking it'd be very low priority and likely tied only to my own playstyle.  The solar map stuff seems a good bit more important right now.

Offline ptarth

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Re: Highest Priority Development Interest Poll [Updated for 1.026]
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2014, 09:00:20 pm »
"As for other things, theres.... er..... I cant remember what I just selected in the poll 2 minutes ago.   Ahhh, I hate when that one happens."
If you scroll up to the poll, your choices are the bolded white ones.

The large effect of the RNG means that all games (regardless of starting status) trend towards the same states, or are generally unpredictable. This makes every game feel the same. Race X has event Y leading them to ultimate domination over everyone. I can do Z & K to slow them down and that's about it.
Note: This post contains content that is meant to be whimsical. Any belittlement or trivialization of complex issues is only intended to lighten the mood and does not reflect upon the merit of those positions.

Offline Silverfire

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Re: Highest Priority Development Interest Poll [Updated for 1.026]
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2014, 10:48:50 pm »
re: Silverfire
  • Do you feel that the information available portrays combat accurately?
  • If the information is correct, then you feel that combat balance is off?
  • Do you think that fleet combat balance in off?
  • Combat may be balanced asymmetrically, taking into account fleet and ground combat simultaneously, do feel that is off?
  • Do you feel that the AI weaknesses are in declaring war or combat strategies once war is declared (or both)?
  • Can you prioritize and then your list of issues in a sequentially numbered list (from most important to least important)?

The information you get is usually accurate, but at times not enough. Two biggest things that annoy me are how many ships are carrying troops? And why are these NON-skirmisher fleets attacking someone they aren't at war with?

Fleet to fleet seems relatively fair. Higher power wins. I feel the defender being able to continually produce one trickling armada slows down the offence, particularly orbital bombardment, but that might just be my perception. It's ground vs ground in the late game that is just an absolute slog (I've actually seen soldier effectiveness roll over). Hit 2x speed, redeclare war every 5 years until the stars align.

With the orbital bombardment tweaks, it might as well not be there. Especially with 10 bomb shelters. I've seen 46 armada outside a planet and it not even move the needle by .1B. At least for the slower bombarders. I've never measured how effective acutians or peltians bomb.

Combat strategy is a bit wonky, but that's not necessarily a big issue. They prioritize the Hydral planet too much, and weaker enemy planets too little. They also refuse to withdraw already committed forces after a peace treaty, which is weird.

I don't have a priority list. It's just my thoughts. Highest priority I suppose for me would be having the invader be a little smarter with where and when to deploy troops for maximum punch.

Offline Poulpe

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Re: Highest Priority Development Interest Poll [Updated for 1.026]
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2014, 02:22:30 am »
  • Would you like more information about trading status and further opportunities? (A gui issue)
  • Would you like a separate economic system screens, showing planetary incomes and trading information? (Requiring a new gui screen set)
  • Would you like to make trading more in depth (more items, more types of items, costs, and benefits) (Requiring revamping Trade)
  • Can you prioritize and then your list of issues in a sequentially numbered list (from most important to least important)?

In that order :
1 - A new GUI screen showing the Trades routes already existing (something like the attitudes screen but for trade).
2 - More informations like the excedent ore that a planet accept to trade, and the needed ore that a planet ask for (maybe showed on the new GUI screen).
3 - New trade "items" related to RCI, with a level of attitude required. A race could send specialist like Economist, Doctors, Biologist and Cops. The planet who recive specialist will see his RCI gos up and the planet who send specialist will see his RCI goes down (because it has less specialist to work)

Offline NichG

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Re: Highest Priority Development Interest Poll [Updated for 1.026]
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2014, 02:23:20 pm »
Amping up the RNG is generally not an answer to sameness because completely unpredictable things just encourage the formation of strategies that are insensitive to randomness, not strategies that are completely adaptive. E.g. if at any time a planet I've spent 20 years cultivating can have its RCI trashed by a powerful random event, that just encourages me to come up with ways to win that ignore RCI and only use planets for the short-term, essentially cutting out that part of the game.

I sort of feel the best way to deal with 'sameness' is actually to put it in the hands of the player and give the player lots of ways to force the gameplay to not feel the same. Essentially, make there be enough things you can learn about how the game works that a newbie player will do one thing, but will realize as they play that there are other ways they could have won that are very different, and will then be motivated to try those ways. E.g. the game should seduce the player into different styles of play rather than trying to force it on the player.

Offline ptarth

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Re: Highest Priority Development Interest Poll [Updated for 1.026]
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2014, 01:58:30 pm »

RNG events are fine in giving the player variation. However, they can't be too large, which is the current problem. Especially if there is no way for the player to do anything about it. For example (in the previous patch) a flood wipes out all soldiers and 80% of the population over X years. IIF the race has jetpacks they are completely immune. That's a bad event. On the other hand, you have diseases which are more fully developed (although in some cases still too powerful). They have a recurring effect, but the player can help with eliminating them. Having a play experience like the following I think would be good.

Solar Day 213 - Today I begin my year long plan to corrupt the Skylaxians by introducing them to chocolate. Computer estimates place their efficiency at 85% after 1 year of chocolate pushing. After that, addiction should be stable and require no further direct guidance.
Solar Day 214 - Skylaxian Chocolate Addiction Plan work continues.
Solar Day 215 - Peltian Emergency Disaster - The Peltians are having their annual Wiffle Ball Tournament, but ran out of Wiffles. Only the Thoraxians have Wiffles and they are not interested in selling to the Peltians. Peltian production is down 10% and will continue to lose 1% of production per Solar day until they obtain wiffles. They have also shifted all production towards warship production to "acquire" Thoraxian Wiffles. I can establish a trade treaty to obtain the Wiffles from the Thoraxians, but it will take time and credits. I would also have to interrupt my Skylaxian Chocolate Addiction Plan. Projections indicate that if I interrupt the SCAP, I will have to start over from scratch.
Note: This post contains content that is meant to be whimsical. Any belittlement or trivialization of complex issues is only intended to lighten the mood and does not reflect upon the merit of those positions.

Offline NichG

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Re: Highest Priority Development Interest Poll [Updated for 1.026]
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2014, 07:52:20 pm »
This does bring up an interesting point, which is that 'causal relationships'  are what really make up the core of player experience when interacting with a system like TLF. If the engine itself had a way to map out chains of causation explicitly for the player then that might help a lot.

For example, a simple way to do this is what you mentioned in terms of 'projections'. Have something where the player can ask the engine 'what will the Peltian armada look like in 5 years if I do nothing?' 'How about if I intervene?'. The projections don't have to account for every random event, but having a sharp contrast between 'this is business as usual' and 'this is what this event has caused' might help make the game feel deeper.

I don't know if it will actually help with the sameness though. At some point its 'ugh, yet another productivity malus event' and whether its wiffleballs or chocolate won't matter too much because the player can see the pattern and see through the fluff.

Offline GC13

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Re: Highest Priority Development Interest Poll [Updated for 1.026]
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2014, 08:24:05 pm »
I don't think projections are necessary, but I think that more information is. If the player could see how much a given fleet size would require out of the budget to maintain, they could see for themselves who the ones who had the greatest potential should they gear up for war.

Of course, this would require that fleets cost maintenance, otherwise you would need a projection to see what the race's fleet cap would be (since there would be nothing else holding them back from building forever).
Furthermore, it is my opinion that Hari must be destroyed.

Offline ptarth

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Re: Highest Priority Development Interest Poll [Updated for 1.026]
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2014, 01:22:48 am »
With budgeting as it is, there isn't any good way to figure out how much any race is going to allocate to fleet building or for how long.
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Offline Teal_Blue

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Re: Highest Priority Development Interest Poll [Updated for 1.026]
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2014, 04:17:35 pm »
Is there a budget for each race? I haven't seen any planetary income, or research costs, or ship costs, so i was wondering. Also, what keeps the races balanced on ships or research?

Offline ptarth

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Re: Highest Priority Development Interest Poll [Updated for 1.026]
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2014, 04:48:20 pm »
If you open and expand the planetary information screen, you can see budget contributions for production. It allocates it to buildings, fleets, fleet improvement, dropships, and terraforming. There is no "science" or "economic" budgeting to my knowledge.
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