If instead of widespread and deep changes to the game, what if we increase what we have on an effort to address some perceived shortcomings?
1. Increase the number of races? To 16? 24? 32? It certainly would increase the difficulty level.
2. Increase the number of planets. To 20? 50? 80?
Even of we keep the same number of races, increasing the number of planets could increase the struggle for resources, or expand military might. If randomized between the number of inhabited worlds,available worlds and open worlds, we could find the races holding different numbers from game to game, and changing the strategy accordingly.
3. Increase number of techs.
4. Increase the type of agents and numbers of agents, political, financial, technical, information and military to use in positive and negative ways.
5. Make agents upgrade able. It doesn't have to be elaborate, just increase their efficiency and balance against random chance of success. In that way each agent is individual and the results will vary with each encounter.
That's it for now. Comments and suggestions welcome.