Author Topic: Half-races  (Read 2510 times)

Offline Rogan12345

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« on: July 15, 2014, 07:44:27 pm »
So this is going to sound... odd.
But, I had a thought about "mix breeding" a race. Now probably you won't be able to mix breed a machine race nor can you mix breed the Thoraxians. But, should it not be cool if other races could mix breed to create a new race?
For an example when the Skylaxians and Burlust mix breed a race called the Skylust could form
This is just one of my ideas and if no one likes it it's fine, it's probably crazy anyway

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Re: Half-races
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2014, 07:52:07 pm »
That's quite a cool idea!  That's something that I think would need to be developed out in an expansion to really be done justice, but I could see that as being a big part of such an expansion.

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Offline Rogan12345

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Re: Half-races
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2014, 10:51:00 pm »
I've decided to mix-match all viable races for the Skylaxians just for the heck of it. You can change it if you want I just thought of it this way

Skylaxians+Burlust= Skylust
The Skylust are evil yet honorable. Think of them as villains with a guideline that they must always follow. Skylust prefer to do war in most professional way possible. Meaning they won't attack a foe nor imprison one that won't fight back. However they , like the Burlust, are quick to take up arms and go to war as fast as possible and they also are willing to do the most diabolical things to those who DO fight back. they rank between the Acutians and the Burlust in evil.

Skylaxians+Peltians= Pelaxians
The Pelaxians hate war but for some reason can't even live on the same planet as the Skylust without internal conflicts. They are timid ,like the Peltians, but whenever they get into fight they usually talk there way out of it as they inherited it from the Skylaxians. They love all races (except the Skylust for some unknown reason) and are willing to cease fire with war no for a low price no matter how bad they hate the race. Other than that there isn't anything that makes them special.

 Skylaxians+Boarines= Skyrines
Very odd as they seem to inherit nothing from the Boarines except from there appearance and how strong they are. Skyrines love other races and are regarded as the most welcoming race in the solar system. Very ironic but useful in many situations. for some odd reason however, they Skyrines can't stand to be near the Boarines and thus they don't get along but they love the Skylaxians and ,like the Skylaxians, are very good speakers (not as good as the Pelaxians though). They do inherit there military might from the Boarines however.

The Evaxians are the weirdest children ever. Why? well because they hate there parents. Yes, for some odd reason Evaxians hate both Evucks and Skylaxians from their DOB. They are very odd in the fact that they only associate themselves with the Burlust and the Thoraxians. Both of those races are at odd with the Evaxians (they don't hate them nor like them) but the Evaxians LOVE both Thoraxians and Burlust so their relationships are almost always great. Their behavior is to be as far away from their parents as possible and only ally with the Burlust or Thoraxians.

So there is all the possible Skylaxian pairing I will try to get the others out soon.
Thank you for reading this :).

Offline Rogan12345

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Re: Half-races
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2014, 11:46:11 pm »
Now I'm mixing up the Boarines With other races, enjoy!

Boarines+Peltians= Beltrines
The Beltrines are very hard to find. Mainly because they hate other worlder and only accepted themselves in their presence. That said they have bad relations with other races (at least they are angry toward the other race not the races towards them). Beltrine have the ability of getting stronger in war just like the Boarines. However, Beltrines go faster by at least 3x sue to the fact that their weaker than the Boarines. All in all Beltrines just want to be left alone.

Boarines+Burlusts= Burines or Boarlust
The only race where the male and female race look and behave completely different than the other. The Burines are the females and the Boarlust are the males. They both find themselves competing for the most odd things like trinkets or land. Burines Are much more calmer than there Boarlust counterpart but unlike the Boarlust they have the capability of getting stronger in war. Boarlust charge in without thinking but usually survive due to their war ability. Both of them hate each other and are often termed as the more crazier of the races in the solar system. They don't seem to care though.

Skylaxians+Boarines= Skyrines
Very odd as they seem to inherit nothing from the Boarines except from there appearance and how strong they are. Skyrines love other races and are regarded as the most welcoming race in the solar system. Very ironic but useful in many situations. for some odd reason however, they Skyrines can't stand to be near the Boarines and thus they don't get along but they love the Skylaxians and ,like the Skylaxians, are very good speakers (not as good as the Pelaxians though). They do inherit there military might from the Boarines, however.

Boarines+Evucks= Boacks
The Boacks are very docile and very isolated. They prefer to live in piece and harmony instead of going to war with the other races. They have neither good nor bad relations with the other races and so are generally neutral in war issues. They just won't to be left alone but does not mind if a random visitor comes to visit. It's just large groups of people they can't stand. They are strong and on the side of good for the most part. They have many traits from their parents but do have some traits got on their own so there are well to new environments.

Done with the Boarines pair will put up the next one later! Thank you for reading! :)

Offline MaskityMask

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Re: Half-races
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2014, 04:38:58 am »
Umm, do you mean hybrids or cultural mixing?

'cause hybdrids between species born on other planets? Thats impossible. And would probably require a lot of experimenting with chimeras. And kinda unlikely for them to suddenly gain control of planet since that would mean they breed more rapidly than original species.

Heck, hybrid between androns and acutians makes more sense since they are machines and are built, they could just figure out how to combine designs from both of them into one more efficient one.

Anyway, yeah, I do think that cultural mixing where planet has two or more primary races in control does make sense and sounds plausible, but actual hybrids? Yeah thats kinda non sensical

Offline Poulpe

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Re: Half-races
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2014, 05:45:54 am »
It sounds cool !

Some planets or places in space may be too hostile for all the existing races (radiations or other hazardous space things).
Or the entire solar system has been polluted/contamined by a new hostile race.

To survive, all the remaining races have to create a new one with the best parts of each one (with cyber implants, Bioengineering etc.). Or maybe many news species to adapt to differents places.

In the process they may have to fight a too powerfull creation that turns to be hostile :)
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 05:48:19 am by Poulpe »

Offline nas1m

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Re: Half-races
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2014, 06:36:56 am »
Intriguing idea (both, the biologically "unlikely" and the cultural one)!
I would like to see something like this explored in a future expansion.
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Offline Rogan12345

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Re: Half-races
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2014, 09:48:45 am »
Now Evucks mixing FTW

Evucks+Burlust= Evust
The Evust are warlike but also very secretive. They usually approach a situation with war if possible. Their relationships with other races are usually not good at all. They hate everyone, even their own kind. Which then leads then to have a low pop. count for a long time. They take after the Burlust more than the Evucks but they have similar features from the Evucks. Despite all of this they are complete disease resistant and suffer no ill effects from nuclear explosions.

Peltks are more of a tribe of natives than anything else. They don't use good technology nor do they have a urge to use it so they take after the Peltians in that way. But that doesn't mean they don't have a special ability of there own. They have the ability to use  bombs fire from obit and reflect it right back at them. That's right, not only are they immure to bombing but they also can reflect it right back at the user.Which includes you. This is expected due to their magnetic heart that somehow comes with them.

The Evaxians are the weirdest children ever. Why? well because they hate there parents. Yes, for some odd reason Evaxians hate both Evucks and Skylaxians from their DOB. They are very odd in the fact that they only associate themselves with the Burlust and the Thoraxians. Both of those races are at odd with the Evaxians (they don't hate them nor like them) but the Evaxians LOVE both Thoraxians and Burlust so their relationships are almost always great. Their behavior is to be as far away from their parents as possible and only ally with the Burlust or Thoraxians.

Boarines+Evucks= Boacks
The Boacks are very docile and very isolated. They prefer to live in piece and harmony instead of going to war with the other races. They have neither good nor bad relations with the other races and so are generally neutral in war issues. They just won't to be left alone but does not mind if a random visitor comes to visit. It's just large groups of people they can't stand. They are strong and on the side of good for the most part. They have many traits from their parents but do have some traits got on their own so there are well to new environments.

That's all for the Evucks I will have the next one up soon! Thank you fore reading this! :)
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 09:51:34 am by Rogan12345 »

Offline Rogan12345

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Re: Half-races
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2014, 10:03:19 am »
And now for some Burlust mixing.

Boarines+Burlusts= Burines or Boarlust
The only race where the male and female race look and behave completely different than the other. The Burines are the females and the Boarlust are the males. They both find themselves competing for the most odd things like trinkets or land. Burines Are much more calmer than there Boarlust counterpart but unlike the Boarlust they have the capability of getting stronger in war. Boarlust charge in without thinking but usually survive due to their war ability. Both of them hate each other and are often termed as the more crazier of the races in the solar system. They don't seem to care though.

Skylaxians+Burlust= Skylust
The Skylust are evil yet honorable. Think of them as villains with a guideline that they must always follow. Skylust prefer to do war in most professional way possible. Meaning they won't attack a foe nor imprison one that won't fight back. However they , like the Burlust, are quick to take up arms and go to war as fast as possible and they also are willing to do the most diabolical things to those who DO fight back. they rank between the Acutians and the Burlust in evil.

Evucks+Burlust= Evust
The Evust are warlike but also very secretive. They usually approach a situation with war if possible. Their relationships with other races are usually not good at all. They hate everyone, even their own kind. Which then leads then to have a low pop. count for a long time. They take after the Burlust more than the Evucks but they have similar features from the Evucks. Despite all of this they are complete disease resistant and suffer no ill effects from nuclear explosions.

Burlust+Peltian= Burtian
The Burtians are regarded as one of the weirdest races in the solar system. Not from there culture or appearance but by there parents (I don't really need to explain do I?). The Burtian are timid but incredibly strong. Stronger than the Burlust in fact. But , unlike the Burlust, they don't like getting into wars nor do they like fighting. They are considered a evil race from all the good factions and considered good from all the evil factions. Their outcasts. However the neutral races ( Evucks and the Boarines) welcome them with open arms. The have good relations with the Evucks and Boarines but bad relations with everyone else. They are one of the oddest races in the solar system.

There the Burlust all have the next one soon! thank you for reading! :)

Offline Rogan12345

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Re: Half-races
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2014, 10:05:56 am »
Now for the Peltians mixing (note: this will just contain all the possible Peltian mixes from the other post).

Peltks are more of a tribe of natives than anything else. They don't use good technology nor do they have a urge to use it so they take after the Peltians in that way. But that doesn't mean they don't have a special ability of there own. They have the ability to use  bombs fire from obit and reflect it right back at them. That's right, not only are they immure to bombing but they also can reflect it right back at the user.Which includes you. This is expected due to their magnetic heart that somehow comes with them.

Burlust+Peltian= Burtian
The Burtians are regarded as one of the weirdest races in the solar system. Not from there culture or appearance but by there parents (I don't really need to explain do I?). The Burtian are timid but incredibly strong. Stronger than the Burlust in fact. But , unlike the Burlust, they don't like getting into wars nor do they like fighting. They are considered a evil race from all the good factions and considered good from all the evil factions. Their outcasts. However the neutral races ( Evucks and the Boarines) welcome them with open arms. The have good relations with the Evucks and Boarines but bad relations with everyone else. They are one of the oddest races in the solar system.

Boarines+Peltians= Beltrines
The Beltrines are very hard to find. Mainly because they hate other worlder and only accepted themselves in their presence. That said they have bad relations with other races (at least they are angry toward the other race not the races towards them). Beltrine have the ability of getting stronger in war just like the Boarines. However, Beltrines go faster by at least 3x sue to the fact that their weaker than the Boarines. All in all Beltrines just want to be left alone.

Skylaxians+Peltians= Pelaxians
The Pelaxians hate war but for some reason can't even live on the same planet as the Skylust without internal conflicts. They are timid ,like the Peltians, but whenever they get into fight they usually talk there way out of it as they inherited it from the Skylaxians. They love all races (except the Skylust for some unknown reason) and are willing to cease fire with war no for a low price no matter how bad they hate the race. Other than that there isn't anything that makes them special.

Now there is one more race mix up I missed so I finish that one and then I'm done! thank you for reading! :)

Offline Rogan12345

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Re: Half-races
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2014, 10:20:23 am »
Now before you guys say it impossible think about it. They can switch around body parts while in the process of building to make a new race entirely.

Andors+Acutians= Antians
The Antians are the more "religious" sort of race. They ,like there mechanical creators, are very intelligent. they also are amazing in war. Their special ability is to "convert" ships of an opposing race onto their side using their priest. They are the only race ( At least from what the game tells me) that has a common religion. their religion is known as "Paraium" which mean to bring every race in the solar system under one rule. The thing that makes this race interesting is that when in the Federation they can prove an enormous help with there priests. But when not in a Federation they can prove... trouble some as they at first believe that their rule is true and no one else. Other than that their incredibly helpful and are good with money as well (their economy has higher growth than others).

Well that's it for all the mixing I can think of feel free to add or modify some races mixing if you have a better idea. I would love to see were this goes in the future.

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Re: Half-races
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2014, 10:32:05 pm »
:)  way cool!   I would ask if you could re-consider the Robot races, which i think you did with the last robotic 'Antitians' race. But also re-consider the Thoraxians as well.  :) 
Or even robotic thoraxians?
or Roboaxians?

Big bad metal bugs!  :)  Now that could be scary!!  :)

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Re: Half-races
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2014, 06:08:13 am »
I'm only interested if the Bollaxians become a thing.
Just saying.  ;)
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Offline MaskityMask

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Re: Half-races
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2014, 08:04:14 am »
Now before you guys say it impossible think about it. They can switch around body parts while in the process of building to make a new race entirely.

Isn't that what I said? <_<

Offline Rogan12345

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Re: Half-races
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2014, 08:26:28 am »
If you guys have a better idea for a half-race then go for it and post it on this post. :)