Today I wrote some gameplay idea made into two mantis tickets. I figure it'd be nice to share my thoughts with the forum so that we can discuss and figure out whether it's good idea or not. Here's the
link to the ticket and copypasta:
AIs should be able to blackmail or bribe the player. Quest pop-ups right now is limited to pre-spacefaring, so after everyone's in space then you won't receive any more quests. I argue it could be used for other purposes which should have impact on the state of the game, for example:
1. Acutians offering credit for you to raid tech or armada of Andors (bribe)
2. Burlusts offering leverage with primary warlord if you sabotage the space elevator of Skylaxians (bribe)
3. Evucks threatening to reveal your informant/spy in Peltian's planet and give considerable influence hit (like -20), unless if you pay credits (blackmail)
4. Thoraxian demanding your outpost or tech, or they'll give themselves negative (like -30) opinion on all races, which may trigger war or hamper your Federation effort (blackmail)
5. An rogue Acutians under one of the CEOs has run away with a planetcracker or toxic waste dump, its location is unknown but to one of the CEO, who will arrest the wannabe-terrorist but for a price... (blackmail)