So, the trifecta can only happen if those are the only three races within the federation OR if all three are outside the federation. In other words, if there is any other race in the federation, they can't run off and form the trifecta. If they were not in the federation, though, then there are a couple of cases where they could.
Even with them being the only guys in the federation, there's not an immediate cause for them to form the trifecta. That only happens when they are the only three guys in there, AND "Desire To Form Own Version Of Federation" for one of those races is >= 100. That's an influence type with you.
"Desire To Form Own Version Of Federation" is increased by 1 every month, so it's 100 months from when they start the federation to when they leave it. If you get someone else in the federation before then, OR get one of those three guys killed prior to the hundred months filling up, then they won't defect. You can check your influence with each of them (should be the same) and see the number for "Desire To Form Own Version Of Federation" to see how long you have to work that out.