General Category > The Last Federation

For those who use AVAST or similar, and had it killing TLF, how did you fix it?

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as a PSA, please put your Steam library in any place but c:\Program Files (x86) if at all possible.  I have a separate drive (logical, not physical) for games, and my steam library is there.  Avast never complains...

Program Files and Program Files (x86) has a higher security level because Windows trusts it more...

Avast actually detected an installation I had of the original System Shock game as a virus, I kid you not. After that and Avast's shields suddenly turning off for no good reason, I uninstalled it and am now in the process of experimenting with other programs like Bitdefender right now. Which is a real pity because Avast used to be so good but now I'm running into a lot of problems with them. To say nothing of the amount of adverts they have popping up now. Getting really tired of companies with too big a head deciding to make crap products...

I point this out to let you know that it's definitely an Avast issue. Why their detection engines have been freaking out, I haven't figured out.

When I made my new build in February I installed avast. However last month it got bad, interrupting basic internet functions to the point steam didn't work. So I had to ditch it.

I just use Windows Defender.

Potential solution: move your install folder.

In my Win8.1 boot, I install all games (inc. the Steam application) to c:\games (as opposed to Program Files), and have never had a conflict with Avast (free).

In Linux, of course, I don't have to use Avast  :)


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