Author Topic: First Expansion, Betrayed Hope - Summer 2014  (Read 31712 times)

Offline madcow

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Re: First Expansion, Betrayed Hope - Summer 2014
« Reply #45 on: May 22, 2014, 09:06:20 am »
You've got around four heads - maybe one of them turns evil, trying to destroy your work, so whenever you try to help someone it tries to screw you over. Although I guess you could always just have the evil head amputated then.

Even that isn't always good enough

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Offline Krysle Quinsen

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Re: First Expansion, Betrayed Hope - Summer 2014
« Reply #46 on: May 28, 2014, 05:00:49 pm »
You've got around four heads - maybe one of them turns evil, trying to destroy your work, so whenever you try to help someone it tries to screw you over. Although I guess you could always just have the evil head amputated then.

Well, I think Hydral have hive mind for their multiple heads.

Offline TheDarkMaster

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Re: First Expansion, Betrayed Hope - Summer 2014
« Reply #47 on: June 12, 2014, 08:45:32 am »
New races with the power to have some be present or absent is indeed something I expect as an expansion to this game.

One other thing I'd like to see down the line is a pair of uncolonized planets that are up for grabs as soon as 4-5 races are space-faring.  Major sources of tension between the races there.

Offline x4000

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Re: First Expansion, Betrayed Hope - Summer 2014
« Reply #48 on: June 12, 2014, 09:31:00 am »
New races with the power to have some be present or absent is indeed something I expect as an expansion to this game.

One other thing I'd like to see down the line is a pair of uncolonized planets that are up for grabs as soon as 4-5 races are space-faring.  Major sources of tension between the races there.

There is a new race, but it doesn't work at all like the existing ones.  In terms of what is expected from a (in particular a first) expansion, I think that we're really going sideways on that.  Some of the obvious things are there in force: new ships, abilities, weapons, etc.  Naturally.  But then for the new race it is just an extraordinarily different mechanic rather than giving you something that is just a variant of something you've already seen.  And there are two new game modes as well, which shake things up... well, to an extreme degree, let's say.  Betrayal Mode is particularly exciting to me, as it's practically an entirely different game.
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Offline nas1m

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Re: First Expansion, Betrayed Hope - Summer 2014
« Reply #49 on: June 12, 2014, 03:28:17 pm »
New races with the power to have some be present or absent is indeed something I expect as an expansion to this game.

One other thing I'd like to see down the line is a pair of uncolonized planets that are up for grabs as soon as 4-5 races are space-faring.  Major sources of tension between the races there.

There is a new race, but it doesn't work at all like the existing ones.  In terms of what is expected from a (in particular a first) expansion, I think that we're really going sideways on that.  Some of the obvious things are there in force: new ships, abilities, weapons, etc.  Naturally.  But then for the new race it is just an extraordinarily different mechanic rather than giving you something that is just a variant of something you've already seen.  And there are two new game modes as well, which shake things up... well, to an extreme degree, let's say.  Betrayal Mode is particularly exciting to me, as it's practically an entirely different game.
Sounds awesome! So when do we get to know more :)?
Especially those game modes sound intriguing...
Some more bits perhaps ;D?
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Offline x4000

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Re: First Expansion, Betrayed Hope - Summer 2014
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2014, 03:57:25 pm »
All right, try this on for size:

In betrayal mode, the race that you select at the start of the game (which is normally the one that is first to be spacefaring) is instead killed by you, completely.  This game mode has a completely different agenda -- all that stuff with the federation doesn't even exist.  You are able to have a population of robot-citizens under your control (like any other race), and you capture planets and so forth just like any other race would.

For the most part, a lot of your robots' attributes (racial compatibility, manufacturing rates, combat strength, etc) carry over from the race you exterminated.  Your job is to then exterminate the other 7 races and take over the entire solar system for just you and your mindless robot servitors.

Instead of the Federation Progress window, there is an Armada Management window that lets you pay credits or resources for armadas (either building them or upgrading them), and assign them to various duties (guarding planets or outposts, or attacking enemy planets or outposts).

In essence, the entire premise of the game (story-wise) is abandoned.  This is your evil twin, so to speak. ;)  It's cool, because so much of the game is the same between both, but your goals and how you utilize all the mechanics really differs because of the different endgame, etc.  I'm pretty excited about it. :)

Invasion Mode is much less drastic of a difference, being a closer variant off the base game mechanics.  But it also provides a pretty different flow, because you have to deal with the Obscura, a race that has obliterated one of the other races in that mode, and which is not a faction you can negotiate with.  They're coming for everybody, essentially, and so that complicates matters because now you have the usual wars and whatnot, plus this whole other outside threat that is creeping in.
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Offline nas1m

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Re: First Expansion, Betrayed Hope - Summer 2014
« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2014, 04:19:13 pm »
Its a perfect fit, thanks ;).
Do you have something special in mind for the (free) "2.0" version of the base game as well?
Or will "2.0" mainly consist of what you have already added during post-release?

I will be off on vacation for three weeks starting on Saturday and won't be able to play during that time (the south coast of France will surely compensate for that ;)).
Can't wait to see what is waiting for me once I come back :D.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 04:24:44 pm by nas1m »
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Offline topper

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Re: First Expansion, Betrayed Hope - Summer 2014
« Reply #52 on: June 12, 2014, 04:39:38 pm »
Sweet! spoilers!

I second being curious if there are other planned upcoming 2.0 base game features.

Also, any info on a starting date for the paid open alpha?

Offline MaskityMask

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Re: First Expansion, Betrayed Hope - Summer 2014
« Reply #53 on: June 12, 2014, 04:40:09 pm »
Aww, does that mean its impossible to have all 8 races and obscura at same time? Would have been fun even to prevent their invasion from capturing planets in first place, but still sounds cool :)

Offline x4000

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Re: First Expansion, Betrayed Hope - Summer 2014
« Reply #54 on: June 12, 2014, 04:47:39 pm »
The major features for 2.0 honestly have already been put in, although there are more tweaks and whatnot planned.  There has already been a TON of stuff, of course.  That said, there are some things like the Burlust duels that will get some love, particularly in the area of having more boss-like SHMUP-style patterns and some other things like that.  For the most part, we concentrated all our efforts on the free 2.0 stuff first, and then have come around to the expansion after that.  Just seemed to make the most sense timing-wise.

Regarding having all 8 races and the Obscura at once, that is indeed possible, but not in invasion mode.  Invasion mode specifically has them as a much more central presence.  But there will also be an option for you to turn them on in other game modes as a more minor-style faction (kind of like pirates).  Where they are still present, but not dominating the attention of the solar system like they are in the invasion mode.

The starting data for the paid open alpha is... sometime in the next two weeks.  I had been hoping to be faster with this, but I've had some personal slowdowns that I've had to work through lately.  I'm coming out of that now, but it's cost me a good week and a half and productivity, I'd say.  Combination of factors there, really.  Anyway, all is well, but just a bit slower than I had wanted in an ideal world.
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Offline GC13

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Re: First Expansion, Betrayed Hope - Summer 2014
« Reply #55 on: June 12, 2014, 06:31:52 pm »
Do you have a blog post for the 2.0 features scheduled for paid alpha day? :)
Furthermore, it is my opinion that Hari must be destroyed.

Offline x4000

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Re: First Expansion, Betrayed Hope - Summer 2014
« Reply #56 on: June 12, 2014, 07:47:04 pm »
In terms of describing the cumulative of what has been added up to that point?  That's a good idea, I'll have to work that in.
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Offline Teal_Blue

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Re: First Expansion, Betrayed Hope - Summer 2014
« Reply #57 on: June 12, 2014, 10:11:36 pm »
All right, try this on for size:

In betrayal mode, the race that you select at the start of the game (which is normally the one that is first to be spacefaring) is instead killed by you, completely.  This game mode has a completely different agenda -- all that stuff with the federation doesn't even exist.  You are able to have a population of robot-citizens under your control (like any other race), and you capture planets and so forth just like any other race would.

For the most part, a lot of your robots' attributes (racial compatibility, manufacturing rates, combat strength, etc) carry over from the race you exterminated.  Your job is to then exterminate the other 7 races and take over the entire solar system for just you and your mindless robot servitors.

Instead of the Federation Progress window, there is an Armada Management window that lets you pay credits or resources for armadas (either building them or upgrading them), and assign them to various duties (guarding planets or outposts, or attacking enemy planets or outposts).

In essence, the entire premise of the game (story-wise) is abandoned.  This is your evil twin, so to speak. ;)  It's cool, because so much of the game is the same between both, but your goals and how you utilize all the mechanics really differs because of the different endgame, etc.  I'm pretty excited about it. :)

Invasion Mode is much less drastic of a difference, being a closer variant off the base game mechanics.  But it also provides a pretty different flow, because you have to deal with the Obscura, a race that has obliterated one of the other races in that mode, and which is not a faction you can negotiate with.  They're coming for everybody, essentially, and so that complicates matters because now you have the usual wars and whatnot, plus this whole other outside threat that is creeping in.

This is sooooo awesome it isn't even funny!!!!  Very, very cool to hear, can't wait to see how it works.  :)  Pretty cool i would think!


Offline MaskityMask

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Re: First Expansion, Betrayed Hope - Summer 2014
« Reply #58 on: June 13, 2014, 01:57:25 am »
Regarding having all 8 races and the Obscura at once, that is indeed possible, but not in invasion mode.  Invasion mode specifically has them as a much more central presence.  But there will also be an option for you to turn them on in other game modes as a more minor-style faction (kind of like pirates).  Where they are still present, but not dominating the attention of the solar system like they are in the invasion mode.

Cool, glad to hear that :D

Offline DrFranknfurter

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Re: First Expansion, Betrayed Hope - Summer 2014
« Reply #59 on: June 13, 2014, 10:27:46 am »
Betrayal mode sounds like a fun change of pace going on a killing spree capturing planets instead of protecting them. Invasion sounds interesting and probably much harder even for experts with the current game (not having as many tools to deal with/manipulate them especially if they've taken inspiration from Antarans attack in MOO2).

I'm very glad to hear it isn't too far away now. (Looking forward to AI war's expansion just as much, it'd be nice to know how to sign up for the betas)