Thanks for the reply,
not sure what could stop the games from loading textures; I've tried running as admin, taking ownership of the folder, and disabling AV - no difference.
Tried moving both Steam and games to default folders - no difference. Didn't expect it though; I understand these games don't load resources from any directories outside the one they're installed in?
Did a little research; Hearthstone, MechWarrior Tactics, War for the Overworld and Badlands 2 works fine, all using the unity engine. Probably different versions, but still.
Found lots of instances of an error messages in the file ArcenDebugLog.txt, see below. Replace "Logo" with whatever file it can't find.
Error loading Logo Couldn't open file /games/
at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
at ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog(System.String Message, DebugLogDestination Destination, Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Verbosity Verbosity)
at ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog(System.String Message, DebugLogDestination Destination, Verbosity Verbosity)
at ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog(System.String Message, Verbosity Verbosity)
at GameImage+<LoadTextureFromFileAsyncInner>d__0.MoveNext()
No file or folder with that name as far as I can see - maybe in some sort of .bin or compressed file?
Seems all the game art is in there, but under RuntimeData\Images. I'm confused ^^
And yes, I've tried re-downloading/installing a few times.