Now that I can finally play without too many errors I thought I'd post a quick update on the situation in my current game.
I started using the quickstart option and right from the start the Acutians detested me so I thought who cares they can't hate me more so I'll take their outposts and cause trouble whilst trying to get the other races on my side.
The second spacefaring race was the Thoraxians and I managed to get to about 70+ influence with them. I decided to give the spacefaring tech to the Skylaxians as I've found them to be good allies in most of my previous games.
I had to retreat from giving the Andors space tech it was just too difficult at the time so for a long while I just had three races in my game. I spent most of my time taking Acutian outposts and gifting them to the other races which really upset the Acutians for some reason
The fourth race to enter the mix was the Boarines and I managed to get them on side too although I couldn't get enough influence as yet to start forming the federation.
Five years in the first war broke out between the Skylaxians and the Thoraxians who were pretty evenly matched I decided to side with the Skylaxians and help them in the attack. Consequently my influence with the Thoraxians dropped and is now -96.
Around about the same time the Thoraxians attacked the Boarine and I sided with the boarine which upset the Thoraxians even more. A year later the Boarines returned the favour and attacked the Thoraxians. By this time the Evucks and the Burlust had entered the action and I tried to get them onside by sharing tech.
Two years after entering the fray the Burlust decided to attack the Boarine who I again defended which reduced my influence with the Burlust. The Evucks stayed out of things and I had a reasonable level of influence with them.
I've now reached year 8 and something very scary is happening. Whilst the other races have been squabbling the Acutians have quietly been amassing a huge fleet which now totals 39 armadas with a space power of 307, as a comparison the next highest is the Evucks with 8 armadas and a space power of 163.
Relations wise the Acutians are friendly to everyone except me who they detest, most other races are neutral to the Acutians. I could really do with the Acutians power reducing but I'm not sure how to do it.
The Andor and Peltians are entering the fray soon so who knows how that will affect the mix.
Due to my earlier tactics I currently have an influence of -936 with the Acutians so I don't think we can ever be friends. I'm idolized by the Skylaxians and the Boarine but hated and detested my the Burlust and the Thoraxian.
I'm really intrigued how this will turn out and I really hope I can get the Andors and Peltians on my side.
I will post if anything major happens.
loving the game and can't wait for the quests to add some hard choices to an already very deep and engrossing experience.
I just noticed that the Acutians have science of 243.2 the next highest is the Skylaxians with 39.5. Also the Acutians manufacturing is high at 9 next highest is the Andors at 3 and their not even in space yet.