Author Topic: Can we get more information added to the game wiki, and a link in the game?  (Read 4263 times)

Offline topper

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AI War has a really nice wiki, I think The Last Federation would benefit from some community/dev effort on the wiki.

There is some game information for The Last Federation on the wiki already

Can we get some more information added to it? Specifically, I was looking for the information about each of the different races, and found this thread:,14251.msg161808.html#msg161808

I think that info, and a bunch of other details would be really useful to have all in one place on the wiki, and a link to the wiki could be included in the game. It is not quite a manual, but at least it explains some details more than what is in the game.

Here is the category page for TLF pages
« Last Edit: May 06, 2014, 11:21:59 am by topper »

Offline GC13

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Yeah, I think some of us need to be given write access to the wiki and allowed to get to work.
Furthermore, it is my opinion that Hari must be destroyed.

Offline Histidine

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Josh used to be the one setting up wiki accounts, but he left the company and I dunno if Chris/Keith have time to take over. Perhaps wiki registration should be opened to the public?

Alternatively, I could just give people my wiki account details, but something tells me that's a bad idea even in this seemingly super-nice forum.

Offline GC13

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Yeah, that would be bad practice.
Furthermore, it is my opinion that Hari must be destroyed.

Offline ptarth

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Get some to setup a free wiki using the same engine and then occasionally copy and paste pages in?
Note: This post contains content that is meant to be whimsical. Any belittlement or trivialization of complex issues is only intended to lighten the mood and does not reflect upon the merit of those positions.

Offline topper

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Get some to setup a free wiki using the same engine and then occasionally copy and paste pages in?

That would be fine, but still more open to abuse/spam.

I would agree that giving access to a few people is probably best, then the rest of community can just help collate information in a forum thread.

Offline PokerChen

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Not interested at the moment in working on wiki things.

However, if someone works the data into a copy-pastable format I'd be open to updating it and making the final adjustments.

Offline Riabi

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Josh used to be the one setting up wiki accounts, but he left the company and I dunno if Chris/Keith have time to take over. Perhaps wiki registration should be opened to the public?

Yeah, I can't do that any more, sorry. But, I know Chris well enough that I feel comfortable in saying that you can PM him and he'll get you edit access.

Opening registration to the public is actually more work for Chris/Keith, because inevitably, that will lead to spammers and then staff having to go in and edit all that garbage out.

Offline Histidine

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Well, I decided to get the ball rolling with this WIP article on NPC combat.

Tell me if I missed anything important (well, aside from one of the most important parts that happens to have a big, fat "TBD" stamped on it).

Offline topper

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Well, I decided to get the ball rolling with this WIP article on NPC combat.

Tell me if I missed anything important (well, aside from one of the most important parts that happens to have a big, fat "TBD" stamped on it).

Looks pretty good! Can you add links to the main page for the game?
If you  can, maybe add a "Player maintained" category and just list the pages under that until a better organization is needed?

I think some key pages to get up would be:
Race comparison - a summary of all of the races with key details comparing and contrasting them
Race pages - one for each race with more details.
Hydral flagship - description of the differences you get from the race you start with, tech, and abilities

Offline waylon531

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It looks really good, but you misspelled Burlust in the ground combat section.

Offline Histidine

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Filled in the mechanics section and fixed a couple of typos, including the Burlust one. Thanks!

Offline topper

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Ok, I have wiki access now too.  :)

Here is the category page for TLF pages

Here is the main game page

And here is the WIP race page, with links setup for each individual race already.

Anyone can feel free to get in there and post new information or edit pages. If you post stuff here, we can also work to get it on the wiki.

Histidine, I also added a link to the main page on the bottom of your NPC battles page.

Offline MaskityMask

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Huh, I see you have been working on this :) Very nice

You can find more stuff to add from the resources where we found info on alliances and ultimate buildings since that single file containts all text in the game.

Though, I'm not going to check it all through. I mean, I've now discovered everything I wanna know. Well, okay, I still don't know what pirate empires do. I had it form once and there was some text about legendary pirate named Murdoch(Yeaaaah, for some reason alien pirate is named Murdock) uniting pirates or something, but I never dealt with them so I don't know if pirate empire has special mechanics or special mechanics or what they do besides giving you achievement for ignoring them.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2014, 11:06:05 am by MaskityMask »

Offline topper

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Huh, I see you have been working on this :) Very nice

You can find more stuff to add from the resources where we found info on alliances and ultimate buildings since that single file containts all text in the game.

Thanks. I hope to get most of the information in that file up here on the forums so that people can help me parse and format it for the wiki. Most of the pages I added are stubs right now and need a lot more details, but I am happy to add things as I notice them or if people point them out to me.