Kinda' cross-posted from the steam discussion (remembered my password for arcen shortly thereafter, heh), and not sure if this should go here or in the modding section, but considering it'll hopefully just take fiddling with some keybinding file or another, this is possibly the right spot.
What I want to do is make it so when the mech moves, it fires its main gun.* Somewhat ideally, it would be to assign four keyboard buttons (the same ones assigned to movement) to firing instead of at-most two, so as to be easier to turn it off if for some reason I wanted to disable the effect for a room or two. I've tried messing with the inputbindings.dat/bak thing, but can't seem to get it to stick (it reverts on loading the game), and can't puzzle out anything else to try. The best I've managed is using the keyboard/alt keyboard to tie two directions to the main gun, but, well. There's four directions.
Is there a way to do this? Without turning to third party programs, at least. It did just hit me something could probably be managed with a program like autohotkey or somethin'.
*If anyone's curious why, it's because it would make playing redshift a lot easier for me. It's possible-ish by just holding the fire button when (and only when) you move, but that's both distracting and rather easy to overshoot, so to speak. I don't want to have to think about it while I'm threading a glowing needle of bullets, and I both don't want to stop shooting and don't want to keep shooting while I'm stopping for a second to figure out which direction to go.