episode: Set to Stun
This is an interesting episode as there is a point in it where I was thinking that the run was becoming a little OP, as runs would usually do in the old version, but in this version Dark Abberration still provided some challenge at least, especially considering that the double damage consumable was used. However, FTL module was swapped out for Corrosive module on that floor which may have made a difference, although I'm not that familiar with the relative strengths of each module.
The Rapid Pelt Pistol makes a brief appearance early on, although the Phase Gun is preferred. Other notes, Invader first form can be mostly cheesed with the Phase Gun....which is...yeah, okay, we can maybe let the player enjoy that sneaky tactic.
For the next video I'm most interested in seeing whether the next bosses get stomped, or put up a fight. Phase Gun is pretty strong on normal enemies, but the power is pretty low, I think, so the bosses should still provide a challenge.